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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/23/12 in all areas

  1. File Name: GRF Sharper [update Jan 26, 2012] File Submitter: Mercurial File Submitted: 23 Jan 2012 File Updated: 26 Jan 2012 File Category: Client Tools Video: http://youtu.be/3KUHADaKYt4 Hello everyone this is my GRF Explorer tool, So why another GRF Tool you ask? well here are the reasons The current ones are old The current ones are un-maintained (not all of them) The current ones are written in C X_X; I want to make my own So what are the features gonna be? GRF Merge Fast GRF Filter and Search Open Multiple GRFs in another tab Transfer files between tabs Live preview of files in the grf ( even sprite , map , acts ) On the spot editing of grf files (no need to extract, edit , put it back, just double click edit and save ) Open sourced Well documented Its C#! So faster development speed( I made the UI 2 hours ago ) It works on Linux , Mac and Windows Notes: It only supports 0x200 GRF version and the DES Decryption algorithm is still broken ( that means its not able to extract some files in data.grf yet , coming soon) Ok let me tell you the truth! This is a part of an effort called "Managed Athena Project or mAthena" the goal is to port the existing eAthena software and the Open-Ragnarok https://gitorious.org/open-ragnarok/ into managed C#/.NET/Mono Code This is just the beginning , I am not expecting to do this by myself. That is the reason I am posting this. To let everyone know about the project. And if your a skilled but totally bored programmer and want to build your own stuff for RO. then this is our chance I honestly dont think it will replace our beloved eAthena project, but this will be an alternative and hopefully a competition for eA in the future Credits: ROInt Project - https://gitorious.or...bs/master/grf.c(GRF Engine) KeyWorld for explaining to me the GRF File structure, DES Encryption and everything else scriptor has forked it on git hub and added the support for the following file formats. (SPR, PAL, TGA) https://github.com/s...45...a8317caba4 @GreenBox for adding "file save support" don't forget to rate it 5 starts if you like it Git Hub: https://github.com/Mercurial/mAthena What are you waiting for? fork it now! Click here to download this file
    2 points
  2. the .gat file that's already in the mapcache belongs to the destroyed morocc which doesn't allow you to walk in the center. you'll have to select your old morocc's map .gat and input that in the mapcache, that is, if you're replacing the destroyed morocc with the old morocc.
    2 points
  3. Hellow everyone, How are you today? This is a kinda different project, a education project. I've been interested in making guideline videos for others, and myself. If you don't know me, hi. I'm new to this scene, and I'm activist. I want to make some sort of visual bible for the handicaps. So strap your self in, and feel the G's. Well this all started when I landed on Judas's site. He helped me out tremendously, and takes time out to help others. Which is really freaking cool might I add. I have multiple friends that make tutorials too. I thought why not give it a shot. So far this is what I came up with. First Video: Adding Custom Items RagRE (Long Way) Walkthrough Second Video: Adding Custom Maps .GRF w/ MapCache *Advance Third Video: Adding Custom Maps .GRF w/ WeeMapCache I understand some may feel this might cause to may noobs posting for help. This is no worse then having a PDF or some Wiki document with the written information. Noobs are noobs, and they seem to seek out the professionals. There are some precautions I do look out for. My videos are set to unlisted for YouTube search functions. You have to find eA, or other popular sites for my videos. Basically what I ask back from the community. Is if someone could take the time to grade me, give pointers, any way of contributing to make things better for the next person. I'm a volunteer, and I like to help others. There is always room from improvement. --- //Future projects in the works Adding Custom Monsters Adding Custom Pets Adding Custom NPC's Adding Custom Auras Adding Custom Items *Advance Editing Custom Items *Advance Creating a .Spr from .Bmp Blah brain fart -will add more later Like most projects, they change! I end up getting in contact with one of my new friends. Witch kinda change things for the better. So be patient, and stay tuned! Note: PLEASE DO NOT ASK FOR HELP ON THIS THREAD, lols! Peace, Love, and Understanding~
    1 point
  4. Taken From: http://www.eathena.w...howtopic=200223
    1 point
  5. Hello everyone. Im here today to release a batch of decompiled Lua files made from the latest Lub's in the client's official grf's. The files you see here were decompiled and adjusted to work with the latest RO clients while in a decompiled form. This allow's private server dev's to add many different types of custom content to their clients without the need of hexing a client. These files are completely brand new and dont use any data from any past decompiled files (Except emotionlist.lub). Reason is because as old as the last release is (March 2011) it was hard to find a starting point. Not only that, past releases are missing some needed data like job checks for skill requirements, types, missing other data....etc. It was best to start from scratch so I could make some fully up-to-date and reliable files. The files here were made with the latest lub's from around December of 2011. However, due to issues with December clients I made and tested them while using a 2011-11-22aRagexeRE client. No function changes were made during the month of December. With the release of these files I hope to help the community move a big step forward to getting full support for the latest clients possiable. Rytech's Decompiled Lua's Release For 2011-11-22 client. = How To Use = Place the "lua files" folder in your RO/data/ directory. They will work in data folders and GRF's. Be sure to have the "Load Lua Before Lub" diff diffed into your client. = Notes = Skill names in the skillinfolist.lua are still in Korean as I didnt bother taking the time to replace the names with english ones....yet. All 3rd job skill descripts in the skilldescript.lua are copied from the sakray iRO client and are mostly up-to-date with the info for the 2011 balances from kRO. The stateiconinfo.lua is from iRO's sakray client and is up-to-date with skill info. However, iRO skill names are used in here and will need to be replaced with kRO skill names in the future. Finally, I will not bother decompileing any function files since its pointless. Their's no possiable ways in customize with editing them and is best to keep true to the original coding in them for the client date. If for some reason one does need to be decompiled then I will do it. Other then that, have fun and enjoy the release. =Final Notes The development and release of these files is a big step in my plan for getting full support completed for newer clients. So many users out there are still using clients from around Feb....March....around there due to lack of newer lua support. Its time to start moving up to the newer stuff. So much has changed since then and now their's many new custom things that can be added. Im really looking forward to the future. =D ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Below are 2 downloads. The 1st one is the original release and is mainly for development purposes. The 2nd one (V2) is a re-release that includes a few updated files and makes installing a lot easier, as well as allowing the use of the "Load Lua Before Lub" diff. Rytech's Decompiled Lua Release 2011-11-22.rar Rytech's Decompiled Lua Release 2011-11-22 V2.rar
    1 point
  6. My Engagement Photos, with my beautiful Fiance
    1 point
  7. You have to use the label On<weekday><hour><minute>: and the command enablenpc().
    1 point
  8. service mysqld start then run that script. If it can't connect to the mysql.sock it is because there is no running MySQL socket.
    1 point
  9. Just rename the import-tmpl to import. Go to your rAthena/conf and that should fix those errors.
    1 point
  10. yes, but i dont have official dialog for them yet :<
    1 point
  11. yeah but i dont know how to do it im not use to source editing T_T
    1 point
  12. Yes it is fine. Notepad++ is far better then normal text editors. I also use it.
    1 point
  13. Script: Malangdo Island Octopus Event (kRO New Year Event 2012) Ver: 1.0 Idioma: Castellano (Spanish "Spain") Scripter: Ziu 1ª Parte del evento aún disponible en los servidores oficiales kRO. (Traducción real desde los textos oficiales del kRO) No hace falta decir nada más...disfrutarlo.... octopusevent2012.txt
    1 point
  14. Files Needed: Rathena SVN SQL Files(can be found at sql-files folder): logs.sql main.sql item_db.sql item_db2.sql mob_db.sql mob_db2.sql mob_skill_db.sql mob_skill_db2.sql [*]FluxCP @ http://code.google.c.../downloads/list [*]Webserver: can be WAMP or XAMPP, just google them, but i prefer WAMP if your using Windows OS Steps: Install your webserver(WAMP or XAMPP) After you install the webserver, open a browser and type: http://localhost and look for the phpmyadmin link if you cannot find it just type in your address bar: http://localhost/phpmyadmin In your phpmyadmin create a database of your desired name. After creating the database, import the tables list in the Rathena SVN SQL Files(above) After importing the tables, now locate your webserver folder and extract your fluxCP for XAMP: mostly it is installed in C: ex: C:xamp, you will extract fluxCP in this folder example: C:xamphtdocs for WAMP:mostly it is installed in C: ex: C:wamp, you will extract fluxCP in this folder example: C:wampwww [*]After you extract your fluxCP, go to your fluxCP folder and edit the following exampleFluxCP/config/application.php - for control panel basic settings 'ServerAddress' => 'localhost', // This value is the hostname:port under which Flux runs. (e.g., example.com or example.com:80) 'BaseURI' => '', // The base URI is the base web root on which your application lies. exampleFluxCP/config/servers.php - for database configuration 7. After you edit the required files, now open your browser and type: http://localhost/myFluxCPFolder 8. This will ask you a password for the installation of the CP, the password can be found at your myfluxcpfolder/config/application.php in which the default password is secretpassword 9. After the installation, you have now fluxCP installed. Note: secretpassword is not your database password. Note: if you havent made any changes in your mysql root account such as password change. Probably your mysql username password can be: root and root or root and blankpassword(it means you will not enter anything in the password field)
    1 point
  15. Be careful with your language, we are not all here for money; I never gained one dollar from all my work and contribution on RO, it was for free each time; and I hope some persons here share this feeling. So now, why I don't code a fix right now ? 1) I don't have the time (and don't want to get the time). 2) Hackers will know this issue and will hack all old revisions (95% of actuals pservers ?). 3) It's not so easy to perform and required some parameters (that's why I don't think a lot of person know this hack). 4) I don't love fluxCP mentality (donation module). Now if fluxCP devs pm me, I will say them how to fix this problem. But I don't want to take my time to talk to them to secure noobs-donations servers that have no knowledge about coding/administrate a server.
    1 point
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