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Scripts that are set up to help players and GMs alike should be posted in this category
Examples: Buffers, Refining Systems, GM Tools, Shops

197 files

  1. Free

    Utility: Dynamic Shop Template

    Script functions help you easy to create and edit dynamic shop.
    Only support Zeny and Item as currency and OnBuy
    1. Load file traderFunctions.txt
    2. Copy template from file sample_templ_shop.txt
    3. Edit shop name, list items and business logic you want
    4. Load shop you edited.



  2. Free

    MakeItemReq, check requirements to make a item

    This functions help you easy to create a Quest NPC use to create a item by bring for NPC items and Zeny
    If bring enough Zeny and Items, a menu confirm to make item will display
    Else will display "Close" Button
    Edit Menu text inside function.
    .@isSuccess = MakeItemReq(PRODUCT_ID,ZENY,ITEM1,ITEM1_QUANTITY,ITEM2,ITEM2_QUANTITY,.....) .@isSuccess = 0, you dont want to create this item .@isSuccess = 1, NPC created item for you // Sample Struct NPC //
    prontera,157,120,4 script MakeItemReq 555,{ mes "[NPC_NAME]"; mes "Bla"; mes "Bla Bla"; mes "Bla Bla Bla"; mes "Bla Bla Bla Bla"; next; mes "[NPC_NAME]"; // MakeItemReq(PRODUCT_ID,ZENY,ITEM1,ITEM1_QUANTITY,ITEM2,ITEM2_QUANTITY,.....) .@isSuccess = MakeItemReq(5353,1000000,501,1,502,2); // Doesn't add next, because next existed in function if(.@isSuccess){ mes "[NPC_NAME]"; mes "You success to create a item"; } else { mes "[NPC_NAME]"; mes "You dont need it"; } close; }



  3. 10.00 USD

    Custom Fallen Angel Wings Enchanter

    What is this?
    A custom NPC to enchant (and reset) Fallen Angel Wings. Since we don't know when, where, who will release the exact same/official/leaked Fallen Angel Wings enchanter
    The enchant possibilities are follow info from https://irowiki.org/wiki/Fallen_Angel_Wing_Enchants
    Enchant possibilities (stone list) are same as you can see on official servers Dialogs and flow are custom Enchant rates are custom, that's why set this as paid file By downloading/purchasing this script you are allowed to ask me if you want another wings/equip enchanter  

    6 purchases   8 downloads


  4. Free

    Exchange NPC Script for FluxCP

    This is a NPC script for FluxCP Credits and Vote points in order for the
    players to exchange them for Cash Points ingame.
    Credits to JayPee Mateo
    But this script was completely changed so that no lines were used from the original
    Make sure to replace "ragnarok_db" with your database name on line 19 and 20



  5. Free

    NPC Exchanger Voteforpoint FluxCP to Cash Point

    This is a NPC script for FluxCP Vote points in order for the
    players to exchange them for Cash Points ingame.
    Credits to JayPee



  6. Free

    @restock - get items from storage with a command

    My take on the @restock command. 
    This script allows you to set a list of item to restock from your storage, for example 100 blue gemstones and 300 white potions.
    When using the command, a ticket item will be consumed to get the specified items from storage.
    This script is so that you'll always have the needed quantity of items in the list. for example, if you have 22 gemstones in your inventory and you use @restock, you'll get the 78 gemstones missing to the full 100
    any feedback is appreciated.



  7. 3.00 USD

    Calendar System

    Every day is a random bonus. A total of 16 days. There is a picture for each day.
    There is an opportunity to display information about the day on the site, as well as change the day through NPC in the game.

    2 purchases   7 downloads


  8. Free


    This well-endowed sage will give your players the selected elemental endows, the same as the sage Endow skills. You may configure the price or whether players are required to have the corresponding elemental stones. The NPC is intended for low-rate servers, where not everyone has access to an endow slave on an alternate account. He will also sell elemental converters at the configured prices.
    Default settings will require players to have corresponding elemental stone, and will cost 20k zeny. Endows will last for 30 minutes on the default configuration. Elemental converters are sold for 10k (discount enabled).
    V1.0 - Released - 5-Jul-2018



  9. Free

    Sader's MvP Rank

    this script need
    or above to work
    this rank system work on the mvp drop log
    if the log not enabled the npc wont work
    the rank update every hour
    you can use @rankupdate to update the rank



  10. Free

    Utility: Job Master Episode 10.4 with Rebirth Item Requirement

    Jobmaster Episode 10.4 Build without Taekwon,Ninja,and Gunslinger
    Needed Heroic Stone to Rebirth like official (IDRO)
    Credit to : Euphy, Mazvi, Braniff, and Jey for who want make this script until Now work in rAthena ?



  11. Free

    @r - Single NPC Reloader

    This Npc reload a single NPC without needing use @reloadscript.
    //===== Description: ========================================= //= This Npc reload a single NPC without needing use @reloadscript //= Use @r <npc_name> //= To reload a single npc //= Sample-1: //= to reload npc/custom/jobmaster.txt //= use @r jobmaster //= Sample-2: //= to reload npc/custom/events/poring_race.txt //= use @r events/poring_race //============================================================  



  12. Free

    sader's Vote Manager (support Gepard or IP)

    //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= saders Vote Manager //===== By: ================================================== //= Sader1992 //https://rathena.org/board/profile/30766-sader1992/ //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.0 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena Project //https://github.com/sader1992/sader_scripts //===== Description: ========================================= //==== GEPARD OR IP (NOT BOTH!) [SEE THE LINES UNDER THE NPC NAME TO ENABLE ONE AND DISABLE ANOTHER!] //==== vote npc , you can add up to 5 options for each vote and you can add multiple votes //==== test it before using it so you know how it work //==== if you use 'false' as an option the option would be empty so you can use less than 5 options //==== [email protected] //============================================================ //==== I DON'T SUPPORT FREE SCRIPTS ON MY PM , IF YOU HAVE QUESTION YOU CAN POST AT THE TOPIC IN RATHENA! //============================================================  



  13. Free

    Lucky Roulette Prize Changer

    I'm not that good at scripting but I want to help the community by making this Lucky Roulette Prize Changer so you won't need to go to your sql just to update the prize.
    To display the guide, you need to upload the rouletteGuide.bmp in your GRF. ( The file is included in the download. )
    Reminder : Lucky Roulette's Prizes will only refresh when the server restarts but the list is updated instantly.



  14. Free

    No double login in one map ip and gepard unique_id

    main code of ConfindecE and improved by Tauro to gepard and remove by account inhibition
    About this file:
    Anti-double login system in a specific map example: pvp, woe, events, etc.
    It has ip system or unique_id by gepard
    Account protection for accounts of the type: Gm, brothers, relatives, couples, etc ...

    By downloading this file, you accept the following terms:
    It is not allowed to remove my written signature within the script.
    You are not allowed to sell, resell or earn any kind of money or incentives to use my work.
    You are not allowed to claim my work as yours.
    The terms mentioned above may change without prior notice.



  15. Free

    mapusers count Functions IP/GePard

    You need at lest rAthena 10e7035bebdbc2ec25a392ee2cf14172ecf169e5 or above! (for old rAthena you should add the pr manually!)
    //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= getgpmapunits command //= getipmapunits command //===== By: ================================================== //= Sader1992 //= Free!! // https://rathena.org/board/profile/30766-sader1992/ //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.0 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena Project // https://github.com/sader1992/sader_scripts //===== Description: ========================================= // getgpmapunits("map"); return the number of players with the same GePard id in the given map. (You must have GePard to work!) // getipmapunits("map"); return the number of players with the same IP in the given map. //============================================================ //==== please report any error you find //============================================================ //============================================================  
    you should add the functions to your rAthena/npc/other/Global_Functions.txt to work (add it in that file where ever you like, no need for guide for that ?!)
    scenario ? >
    you want a Warper NPC (or maybe event NPC) that allow only one player per IP in the map ?
    //============================================== //NPC EXAMPLE FOR IP FUNCTION //============================================== prontera,152,183,5 script Warper IP Test 446,{ if(getipmapunits("prontera") > 0){ mes "you already have a char inside this map"; }else{ warp "prontera",152,183; } end; } //==============================================  
    Same as above but per GePard ID not IP
    //============================================== //NPC EXAMPLE FOR GEPARD FUNCTION //============================================== prontera,155,183,5 script Warper GePard Test 446,{ if(getipmapunits("prontera") > 0){ mes "you already have a char inside this map"; }else{ warp "prontera",155,183; } end; } //==============================================  
    BONUS Test:
    pvp warper
    prontera,158,183,5 script PVP Warper IP Test 446,{ mes "would you like to teleport to the pvp map?"; if(select("yes:no") == 2) close; if(getipmapunits("pvp_n_1-1") > 0){ mes "there is another character with the same ip inside the map!"; mes "only 1 character per IP allowed in this map!"; }else{ warp "pvp_n_1-1",0,0; } end; }  



  16. Free


    Original Topic: http://herc.ws/board/topic/16037-campfire-to-regenerate-hpsp/
    Herc Script Link : https://pastebin.com/fksPdpFQ
    The Idea:
    Camp Fire to restore / regenerate HP & SP.
    When you sit by the Camp fire, you start feeling the warmth and the comfort, so your HP & SP begin to regenerate.
    How to use :
    1. add the source mode provided in the script. (or here)
    2. make a usable item_db with these bonus script.
    callfunc("func_CreateCampFire", <range>, <duration>, <heal_rate>); // create campfire callfunc("func_UpdateCampFire", <range>, <duration>, <heal_rate>); // update the campfire duration/heal rate.  
    Credits : @Dastgir & @Radian for the src mod and @Habilis for the idea



  17. Free

    @restock everywhere from your storage

    One version of @restock. Create a list of items to restock automatically from your storage. Available everywhere
    Usage : 
    @restock <itemid> <itemid> ... : add items to restock list @restock off : disable restocking Config :
    Consume 1 coin if non VIP Player, but you can disable it. You can set maps where restocking isn't allowed.



  18. Free

    Healer - Selective Buff

    A healer that allow player to receive the buffs they want.
    Player could decide the combination of buff they want.

    * Notes: For demo purpose, I only write a simple script to demo the rough idea, imagine the buff system you could do with your own creative imagination. 
    Feel free to share with us if you have any nice idea.



  19. Free

    Guild Storage & Guild Storage log npc

    you need at least 55acdb9863382d8935d9df25e1462d5d1ebd7d54 or above
    this npc let the players check the guild storage log
    to access the guild storage log the player must have guild storage permission



  20. Free

    set and get Variable for Gepard

    with this you can add a "like" variable that hooked to the unique id that Gepard provide
    ofc the script wont work without Gepard Shield
    Faster Explanation:
    all you need to know if you already know how to script: TO SET EXAMPLE: Account Variable in rAthena EX: #VAR = 10; Character Variable in rAthena EX: VAR = 10; Gepard Variable ? > with this functions EX: gepard_int_set("VAR",10); AFTER THE ABOVE THE RESULT WOULD BE> TO GET EXAMPLE: Account Variable in rAthena EX: mes "" + #VAR;// = 10 Character Variable in rAthena EX: mes "" + VAR;// = 10 Gepard Variable ? > with this functions EX: mes "" + gepard_int_get("VAR");// = 10  
    Download the test NPCs for more Explanation:
    Script Header:
    //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= set and get for gepard //===== By: ================================================== //= Sader1992 //https://rathena.org/board/profile/30766-sader1992/ //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.0 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena Project //= https://github.com/sader1992/sader_scripts //===== Description: ========================================= <<<<<<< READ ME! //= YOU MUST RUN THE SQL SCRIPT IN YOUR MAIN SQL FIRST!!!!! //= you should add this to the end of your 'rathena/npc/other/Global_Functions.txt' //= gepard_int_get(<"key">,{<index>{,<"unique id">}}); //= gepard_string_get(<"key">,{<index>{,<"unique id">}}); //= gepard_int_set(<"key">,<value>{,<index>{,<"unique id">}}); //= gepard_string_set(<"key">,<"value">{,<index>{,<"unique id">}}); //============================================================ /* //ADD THIS TO YOUR SQL! CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `gepard_reg_num` ( `unique_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `key` varchar(32) binary NOT NULL default '', `index` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `value` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`unique_id`,`key`,`index`), KEY `unique_id` (`unique_id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `gepard_reg_str` ( `unique_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `key` varchar(32) binary NOT NULL default '', `index` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `value` varchar(254) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`unique_id`,`key`,`index`), KEY `unique_id` (`unique_id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM; */  



  21. Free

    Autoloot Settings

    A rather simple autoloot settings function that I made, It's made to store 10 autoloot ID, there can be more than 10 as long as you adjust it. 
    I made this function to store all ID in one variable rather than multiple ones.



  22. Free

    Infinity Gauntlet - Snap

    Spoiler Alert !!! 
    The following content consists of info for the recent Avengers: Endgame movie. 
    View and download at your own discretion, I am not responsible for anything if you're so weak heart and so easily get spoiled with such contents.
    Real fans never afraid of spoiler contents! 
    Use at your own risk ....
    Mirror Link: https://pastebin.com/6GX0LmW2



  23. Free

    iRO - Ben Recycle NPC

    Ben Recycle  in Prontera allows players to turn certain equipment into Rough Elunium and Rough Oridecon.
    How to use:
    func_AddItem(<equipment_id>, <item1>, <amount1>, <item2>, <amount2>); // WEAPONS func_AddItem(1421, 757, 4, 756, 4); func_AddItem(1822, 757, 2, 756, 2); func_AddItem(1625, 757, 5, 756, 5); func_AddItem(1819, 757, 3, 756, 3); func_AddItem(1269, 757, 4, 756, 4); func_AddItem(1142, 757, 3, 756, 3); func_AddItem(1624, 757, 5, 756, 5); func_AddItem(1626, 757, 5, 756, 5); func_AddItem(13404, 757, 5, 756, 5); func_AddItem(13027, 757, 6, 756, 6); func_AddItem(1821, 757, 1, 756, 1); func_AddItem(1268, 757, 5, 756, 5); // ARMORS func_AddItem(2422, 757, 3, 756, 3); func_AddItem(2104, 757, 1, 756, 1); func_AddItem(5124, 757, 2, 756, 1); func_AddItem(2406, 757, 3, 756, 3); func_AddItem(5122, 757, 2, 756, 1); func_AddItem(5126, 757, 2, 756, 1); func_AddItem(2504, 757, 2, 756, 1); func_AddItem(2353, 757, 15, 756, 15); func_AddItem(2514, 757, 6, 756, 6); func_AddItem(2404, 757, 2, 756, 1); func_AddItem(2315, 757, 2, 756, 1); func_AddItem(2102, 757, 2, 756, 1); func_AddItem(2114, 757, 2, 756, 2); Additional:
    // if enable shop UI (only work if items can sell to npc shop) .shop_npc$ = "ben_recycle_shop#iro";  
    Mirror Link: https://pastebin.com/cCBdevB5



  24. Free

    @giveitem command

    Just a simple command for events or compensation reward to all online players. 
    @giveitem <item id> <amount> <area|map|all>
    Area - ppl around your screen size
    Map - ppl in the map of the invoking character 
    All - self explanatory 



  25. Free

    Illusion Items Enchanter

    Illusion items Enchanter conversion.
    Note that this is converted from multiple servers, so stats and rates can vary. Stats and rates are taken from wikis/devs.
    Credits: kRO, iRO, Shining-moon RO, NovaRO and Divine-Pride.



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