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Scripts that are set up to help players and GMs alike should be posted in this category
Examples: Buffers, Refining Systems, GM Tools, Shops

197 files

  1. Free

    Shop-based refiner

    This script lets your players refine multiple items of the same category at once. Each item's refining process is independent to each other.
    This means they can have some items successfully refined and some fail at the same time.
    This script is also configurable to suit your likings.
    By downloading this script, you agree to these terms:
    You are not allowed to redistribute this script in any way, shape, or form. Chargeback scams are not tolerated and will get you punished on rAthena. I still retain all rights to this script. You will not get any support if you are using an old build of rAthena from 6 months ago or earlier. Your rights to receive free supports may be revoked on my discretion if you are being abusive. Terms above may be changed or adjusted without prior notification. Copyright © - Secrets 2016-2017 - All Rights Reserved



  2. Free

    sader's Hourly Rewards

    //===== rAthena Script =======================================
    //= saders Hourly Rewards
    //===== By: ==================================================
    //= Sader1992
    //===== Current Version: =====================================
    //= 1.0
    //===== Compatible With: ===================================== 
    //= rAthena Project
    //https://rathena.org/board/files/file/ (this the first version there is no url yet)
    //===== Description: =========================================
    //==== all the configuration are in the last
    //==== support gepard / ip / or without them
    //==== if you use ip/gepard sql will be used for that
    //==== can add minimem level to get the rewards
    //==== can change the time
    //==== can ban the vending from the rewards (it will reset after relogin)
    //==== can add rewards else then variable
    //==== there is a shop npc for the variable
    //==== you can make it only for vip
    //==== can ban idle players for X time from the Hourly Rewards
    //==== player can ban his char from getting the reward by @HourlyBan (it will reset after relogin)
    //==== please send me a message if you find error
    //==== if you like my work maybe consider support me at paypal
    //==== [email protected]
    after loading the script you will need to re login to the game
    configuration In the last of the script
    OnInit: .s_idle = 0; // ban hourly rewards from idle players ? 0 no / 1 yes {if player didn't move for x time he wont get hourly reward} , DEFAULT = 0 .s_idle_time = 1800; // this the time for idle in secend , DEFAULT = 1800 (30 min) .s_vip = 0; // 1 = only for VIP / 0 = for everyone , DEFAULT = 0 .s_time = 3600000; // 1000 = 1 secend | 60000 = 1 min | 3600000 = 1 houre , DEFAULT = 3600000 (1 hr) .s_hourly_level = 0; // Minimam level to get the Houerly rewards / 0 = no minimem level , DEFAULT 0 .s_GePard_ip = 0; // 0 = no Gepard / 1 = Gepard / 2 = IP , DEFAULT 0 .s_vinding = 7; // DEFAULT 7 / 0 = will give the reward even if vending / 1 = no normal vending / 2 = no @autotrade / 4 = no buyingstore | Example: if you want to ban normal vend and buying store you add the numbers 1+4=5 query_logsql("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `sader_variables_log` (`unique_id` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',`ip` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,`variable` VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, `index` INT NOT NULL, `value` INT NOT NULL,`account_id` INT NOT NULL,`char_id` INT NOT NULL,`char_name` VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL) ENGINE=MyISAM"); bindatcmd("UnHourlyBan",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnUnHourlyBan",99,99); bindatcmd("HourlyBan",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnHourlyBan",0,99); end; Hourly_Rewads: //put the Hourly Rewards here #HourlyRewards += 1; //getitem 905,1; // if you want to add items as reward you can add them here like that //getexp 10000,5000; // if you wanna add exp as reward add them here like that //if(#Hourly_Rewads_Check == 5){getitem 905,1;} // like this you can add reward for Xhr and this reward will be given for that X in this example 5 mean that the player did pass 5hr //if(#Hourly_Rewads_Check >= 5){getitem 905,1;} // like this you can add reward for Xhr and this reward will be given for that X in this example 5 mean that the player did pass 5hr or more return; } prontera,151,171,5 pointshop Hourly Rewards Shop 667,#HourlyRewards,901:1,902:10,903:15,904:1,905:200 //<ITEM_ID>:<PRICE>,<ITEM_ID>:<PRICE>,<ITEM_ID>:<PRICE>,<ITEM_ID>:<PRICE>  
    for any error contact me plz
    for faster update and fixes https://github.com/sader1992/sader_scripts
    //==== if you like my work maybe consider support me at paypal
    //==== [email protected]



  3. Free

    TARTs | Dual Equipment



  4. Free

    sader's Reward Manager

    //===== rAthena Script =======================================
    //= saders Reward
    //===== By: ==================================================
    //= Sader1992
    //===== Current Version: =====================================
    //= 1.3b
    //===== Compatible With: ===================================== 
    //= rAthena Project
    //===== Description: =========================================
    //==== all the configuration from the npc in game
    //==== you can change the GM level in the start of the script
    //==== if(getgroupid() >= 90 ){ change the 90 to what you want
    //==== support gepard / ip / or without them
    //==== support rewards for vip only
    //==== support max players can get the reward
    //==== support up to 10 items per 1 variable
    //==== reward name will be seen from the normal players when they get the reward
    //==== please send me a message if you find error
    //==== if you like my work maybe consider support me at paypal
    //==== [email protected]
    //==== 1.1 Fix IP Check , add check for if the item id wrong , you can now edit the reward options from the npc(Name , Abuse Protection , Max Playrs , VIP) .
    //==== 1.2 Adding Weight check (you have to be less then 80% Weight to get the rewards) , Fix looping massege , Remove Adding more items option when the item count is 10 .
    //==== 1.3a Improve Gepard and IP Protection (i recommend removeing all the rewords before updating if you use it) , adding command @MyReward to access to the npc (any player can use this command) .
    //==== 1.3b Adding log database 'sader_variables_log' you can check who did get his reward from the npc , Changing some text .
    for any error contact me plz
    for faster update and fixes https://github.com/sader1992/sader_scripts
    //==== if you like my work maybe consider support me at paypal
    //==== [email protected]



  5. Free

    Utilities: @alootid2 Command

    File Name: @alootid2 Command
    File Submitter: mrdominic
    File Submitted: 31 August 2017
    File Category: Utilities
    Content Author: mrdominic

    You can input multiple item ID for alootid with just 1 command. You can add the input list as much as you want (but remember. There is a Max alootid item.) You can change the alootid max item at src/config/core.h in your server database.
    Find this:
    /// Max number of items on @autolootid list
    #define AUTOLOOTITEM_SIZE 10     <<<<< change the number to what you want. And don't forget to recompile your server if you change something in src folder.
    How To Use
    Just add this script to your server and enable it.



  6. Free

    sader's Enchantment NPC

    Note: it's recommended to not use All-In-One scripts like this one , it's better if you create a npc that does only what you want from it!
    with this script you can add any item and any ore to enchant in exchange of zeny/items.
    read the configuration carefully 
    the configuration start at line 238
    to remove example: Armor you need to delete Armor and EQI_ARMOR
    if you want to remove the weapon tab you may want to remove the shield tab too
    I did plan to rewrite this script , however I backed out of it
    the script work the way it is
    I have no plan to rewrite it, and I am impressed by my self writing this script with too many config
    If I rewrite this now i would spend 99% of the time just preparing the new config , so i don't see any point of rewriting it
    yes the script could be written better , but it's not worth it.
    for any error contact me plz
    for faster update https://github.com/sader1992/sader_scripts



  7. Free

    My Functions Collection

    Hello. I made these functions a lot time ago. I have a couple more but I think there are enough variations of them already.
    Well, here we go. The functions are:
    For a list of examples and proper documentation please read the script! These things would look very ugly here.
    And, thanks to KingdomMT for the cute image I used.



  8. Free

    VIP Central + VIP Seller

    Tested and working with: 6748ff7
    Comments: You need to activate the VIP system in your emulator source.
    In src/config/core.h /// Uncomment to enable VIP system. #define VIP_ENABLE PURPOISE:
    It provides the user with the possibility of buying VIP access, in addition to being able to access the VIP Room of the server. CHANGELOGS:
    V 1.0.0: Created the script and distributed in the rAthena forum. Preview of Configuration in Script

    End User License and Terms of Services:
    1. I will retain all the rights in all the scripts that I create
    2. Client cannot redistribute nor resell the scripts that I provide
    3. I assume that the client will accept all the terms of services
    Where the script author is Emperium Games. And the owner of the script
    It is the one who took advantage of and downloaded the script.



  9. Free

    Player Questing Board

    [NOTE] For now on I will keep release all of my work for free , I hope most people can enjoy my script without paid. But if you still want to support my work, please consider donate or become my patron. Thank you.
    It just a questing board which everyone can post request on it and let other to complete it for reward.

    Set a title for the request Set a requested Item or Zeny on the board (Or Both) Set a reward Item or Zeny on the request This script need my release of:
    Suggestion are welcome.
    Pending Script Upload:
    Todo list:
    //= 1. Change log from status to actual log and delete expired or completed request
    //= 2. Make it compatible with newest RANDOM OPTIONS Item
    //= 3. Add blacklist check
    //= 4. Add weight check By downloading this script, you agree to these terms:
    You are not allowed to redistribute this script in any way, shape, or form. Chargeback scams are not tolerated and will get you punished on rAthena. I still retain all rights to this script. Terms above may be changed or adjusted without prior notification. Copyright © - Yuchinin 2017 - All Rights Reserved



  10. Free

    Doram Item Shop

    Hello everyone!
    I want to share here my small and easy script for Doram Items in Zeny Shop. The prices can be changed for every Server, like you want. It's nothing special at this point, but as long as there is no offical kRO system for Doram fully working, it is the way on my server.
    Use it if you want and how you want!



  11. Free

    Outfit Stylist ver 1.0 [palettes & sprites not included]

    An outfit stylist that allows you the player to switch from different outfits trans, first jobs or alternate sprites
    It costs 5k cash but you can modify it.
        //list of restricted classes.
        // As of now restricted classes are.
        //    Rune Knight
        //    Sorcerer
        //    Shura
    purchased outfits are Character bound .



  12. Free

    Crimson Eater

    Just a simple script for a NPC that gets Crimson Weapons at defined refine level and gives items for it. (Any level above the defined rate, the NPC won't accept).



  13. Free

    Mad Hatter - Headgear Rental + Randomizer

    About This File
    Tested and working with: 264af55
    No Source Modifications needed.
    Provides a nice set of hats which resets after x amount of days. It can give the possibility to try the headgear on. This is primarily targeted for Headgears but other items can also be sold and automatically takes off "View Item" in the menu if it is the item being bought is not a headgear. Has the ability to randomize or use a pre-defined set of items.
    The Mad Hatter
    V 1.1.1:
        Fixed problem about checking rentals items in inventory when Randomize Hats option is enabled
    V 1.1.0:
        Public Release
        Swapped Yes/No sequence when a GM talks to the NPC to avoid accidental reroll.
        Added Randomization option of hats
    V 1.0.1:
        Fixed missing semi-colon in config part.
    V 1.0.0:
        Player can rent 1 headgear per day.
        Cannot rent another headgear, if the rented item is still present on their inventory.
        Configurable length of rental time
        Choose between Zeny or Coin payment
        Able to try headgear via "View Item" menu
        Weekly change of items. GMs can manually reroll the item set per week.
        Configurable amount of Headgears to be displayed per week
        *please see configuration part by searching "Configuration part"
    Preview of Configuration in Script

    End User License and Terms of Services:
    1. I will retain all the rights in all the scripts that I create
    2. Client cannot redistribute nor resell the scripts that I provide
    3. No refunds
    4. Maintenance of scripts does not include modification of the original intended behavior. If the script has been broken due to prior modification of the original behavior then it would mean a new service request
    5. Modification of the original intended behavior would mean a new service request and would go through the process mentioned above
    2. This can be redistributed anywhere in any form.
    3. This shall not be in any way be branded for sale anywhere in any form.
    4. Maintenance will not be provided. Feel free to use the support section.
    5. See #3.
    6. Ninja has the right to post all my free services to the release section and make it available for everybody to use
    7. Maintenance of scripts will be provide free of charge
    8. I will not keep any sensitive information from your server nor any credentials that you lend me
    9. I will backup all my server files before I use this.
    10. Ninja will not be liable in any way at any time.
    11. The moment I use anything from here, I accept all the terms of services stated above.
    Where the script author is Ninja (https://rathena.org/board/profile/7005-ninja/).
    Credits to Radian for the initial request.



  14. Free


    This script allows players to purchase and carry up to 3 ancilla from the chruch.



  15. 5.00 USD

    Anvil Refiner

    I created an item refiner that allows a player to refine any non-broken, identified, unequipped, refinable, and non-rental item in their INVENTORY up to +20. Player uses an anvil to start script and must have a Mini-Furnace and Hammer. Allows any class to refine without the use of the refiner script. The better the anvil, hammer, and certain blacksmith skills the better the chance of success.

    0 purchases   1 download


  16. 15.00 USD

    Ultimate Refiner

    I created a new refiner script from scratch to replace the default refiner scripts. It allows a player to refine any non-broken, identified, unequipped, refinable, and non-rental item in their INVENTORY up to +20 with full crimson weapon support. Script allows player to purchase refining insurance which replaces the item if it is broken. Also added a lot of player interface comforts such as telling what the current refine rate is in the main menu, showing the percent chance for a successful upgrade, allows you to select between refine_db.txt or custom refine tables in the document, allows you to specify what type of items each npc can refine, and more... Every feature is completely configurable and able to be disabled. This is an entire package including upgrades for the material converter and material salesman. The script has been written to make it seem more realistic! It won't take very long for any player to see that there is something special here! There is no better refiner on any emulator!

    7 purchases   15 downloads


  17. Free

    VIP System

    This is for get VIP status with cash point
    can edit at this point
    don't forget to enable VIP system at
    to add bonus for VIP edit this file



  18. Free

    Login Scanner

    Just another OnPCLoginEvent script simple scan.
    Expected to prevent intruder and  stat hack.
    Shared as it belong to community, not mine.
    3 way scan: checking GM name, check max base stat, check total stat point.
    modified original script by Brian - check statpoint



  19. Free

    Yuchinin Common Library

    //===== rAthena Script =======================================
    //= Yuchinin Common Library
    //===== By: ==================================================
    //= Yuchinin
    //===== Current Version: =====================================
    //= 2.2
    //===== Compatible With: =====================================
    //= rAthena Project
    //===== Description: =========================================
    //= A common useful function I wrote to make my life easier.
    //= Most of my release script will need this to work
    //=====******** Note ********=================================
    //= This will be the core of my other script.
    //= Better let it load first before adding my other script.
    //===== Additional Comments: =================================
    //= 1.0 Initial script.
    //= 1.1 Change function arrdel from using 'value' to 'index'
    //= 1.2 Fixed sql query bug
    //= 1.3 Added Url, npcmes
    //= 1.4 Added strcharinfo2 to avoid offline player return empty
    //=  String
    //= 1.4a Fixed arrdel
    //= 1.4b Fixed arrfind
    //= 1.4c Add arrdel, arrfind notsensitive bool
    //= 1.5 Add answer_chk to check input value from define value
    //= 1.5a Optimize npcindistance
    //= 1.5b Try to fix npcindistance
    //= 1.6 Added marketshopcountitem, marketshopdelitem
    //= 1.7 Added itemcheck, varcheck
    //= 1.8 Added itemname
    //= 1.9 Revamped itemcheck and varcheck
    //= 1.9a Comment out the debugmes of function arradd
    //= 2.0 Added running Marquee
    //= 2.1 Added function itemtype to return item type in string
    //= 2.2 Added getcharid2 to counter getcharid which need attached



  20. Free

    Dynamic WoE Reward Distributor

    This script let guild leaders receive WoE rewards after the end of each WoE by talking to the NPC. Rewards can be configured to be given to every online members automatically instead.
    There is a menu for the GMs to configure reward for each castle individually.
    Use Case
    As a reward giver for WoE participation.
    Although this script has been tested on an old build of Hercules, it is only guaranteed to support rAthena. If it somehow break on Hercules-based emulator, I could fix it at an additional price 
    By downloading this script, you agree to these terms:
    You are not allowed to redistribute this script in any way, shape, or form. Chargeback scams are not tolerated and will get you punished on rAthena. I still retain all rights to this script. You will not get any support if you are using an old build of rAthena from 6 months ago or earlier. Your rights to receive free supports may be revoked at my discretion if you are being abusive Terms above may be changed or adjusted without prior notification. Copyright  - Secrets 2016-2017 - All Rights Reserved



  21. Free

    Buffet Shop System

    This script allows you to set up an "All You Can Take" style shop.
    You can assign a time window for an account to get everything in that shop. Those items will disappear once the time runs out.
    @addbuffet - Calls GM menu to add time to a certain account.
    Use Case
    You can make your player pay a certain amount of money and get everything in the buffet shop for a limited time!
    You can also update the `buffet_time` SQL table via your site to integrate it to your site
    This script is only guaranteed to support rAthena. If it somehow break on Hercules-based emulator, I could fix it at an additional price
    By downloading this script, you agree to these terms:
    You are not allowed to redistribute this script in any way, shape, or form. Chargeback scams are not tolerated and will get you punished on rAthena. I still retain all rights to this script. You will not get any support if you are using an old build of rAthena from 6 months ago or earlier. Your rights to receive free supports may be revoked at my discretion if you are being abusive. Terms above may be changed or adjusted without prior notification. Copyright © - Secrets 2017 - All Rights Reserved



  22. 10.00 USD

    New @security system for item and zeny protection [no src mod required]

    The new @security system does all those old and clunky security systems did (not so well) in the past and much more, without source modifications!
    Protects the player items and zeny with a password (that can be as long and complex as the player wants), if hacked or they share their account Allows the player to temporary disable the system and play as usual, so when the player logs out, the system reactivates When an intruder fails to enter the password X times (configurable), the system resets the player's account password and kicks the intruder out Available in English and Spanish PS.: If you have any idea or suggestion for new features or improvements, feel free to tell me and I'll add them to the system!
    By buying this script, you agree to these terms:
    You are not allowed to redistribute this script in any way, shape, or form. Chargeback scams are not tolerated and will get you punished on rAthena. I (Daegaladh) still retain all rights to this script. Terms above may be changed or adjusted without prior notification. © Daegaladh 2017

    20 purchases   65 downloads


  23. Free

    Dress changer ~ Change your appearance between classes.

    This NPC let your players change their appearance to other classes in their class line plus their jRO costume at a price.
    For example, a sniper can change his/her appearance to hunter and ranger (plus jRO ranger costume).



  24. Free

    Super Stylist (Dress Room Required)

    This' my very first work if any bug contact me and i'll try to fix



  25. Free

    Plagiarize a Skill [Script Command]

    { plagiarize <skill>,<lv>; Sets the invoking player's plagiarised skill and the desired lv. } by rootKid  
    [in src/map/script.c]
    // declarations that were supposed to be exported from npc_chat.c #ifdef PCRE_SUPPORT BUILDIN(defpattern); BUILDIN(activatepset); BUILDIN(deactivatepset); BUILDIN(deletepset); Add above:
    /*=========================================== * Plagiarize a Skill * plagiarize <skill>,<lv>; * Sets the invoking player's plagiarised skill and the desired lv. * by rootKid *-------------------------------------------*/ BUILDIN_FUNC(plagiarize) { int skillid, lv; struct map_session_data * sd = script_rid2sd(st); skillid=( script_isstringtype(st,2) ? skill->name2id(script_getstr(st,2)) : script_getnum(st,2) ); lv=script_getnum(st,3); if (sd->cloneskill_idx && sd->status.skill[sd->cloneskill_idx].flag == 13){ sd->status.skill[sd->cloneskill_idx].id = 0; sd->status.skill[sd->cloneskill_idx].lv = 0; sd->status.skill[sd->cloneskill_idx].flag = 0; } if (pc_checkskill(sd,RG_PLAGIARISM)) { sd->cloneskill_idx = skillid; sd->status.skill[sd->cloneskill_idx].id = skillid; sd->status.skill[sd->cloneskill_idx].lv = lv; sd->status.skill[sd->cloneskill_idx].flag = 13;//cloneskill flag pc_setglobalreg(sd, add_str(SKILL_VAR_PLAGIARISM), skillid); pc_setglobalreg(sd, add_str(SKILL_VAR_PLAGIARISM_LV), lv); clif_skillinfoblock(sd); } return 0; } Find:
    BUILDIN_DEF(_,"s"), Add above:
    I have attached an unfinished function-based script using this script command as a reference.



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