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Everything posted by utofaery

  1. Update KRO installation Use updated Nemo try patch it again??? http://nemo.herc.ws/downloads/ << Download nemo here and if your current client died or malfunction in anyway redownload a new client which is unpacked there also run new test with newly downloaded client so you can confirm it is the "BUG" you found which "Ignore resource files" unless you did not try what's shown here...
  2. Don't just thank me... Thank everyone been around lol... I leech from everyone too...
  3. Just a question will there be variants of black green orange yellow too??? thinking of multiple types of custom super power'ed item...
  4. Just a question will there be variants of black green orange yellow too??? thinking of multiple types of custom super power'ed item...
  5. make the chest able to attack then it faces player.. but make it attack 0 hit 0 that's it..
  6. .@mobid = .mvplist[rand(getarraysize(.mvplist))]; *monster "<map name>",<x>,<y>,"<name to show>",<mob id>,<amount>{,"<event label>",<size>,<ai>}; monster "map_x",0,0,--ja--,.@mobid,1,"mvpspawn::OnMVPDead"; monster "place",60,100,"Poring",1002,1,"NPCNAME::OnLabel"; monster "map_x",0,0,"~I am King~",.@mobid,1,"mvpspawn::OnMVPDead";
  7. This method is easier comparing to recompiling lolz. comparing to editing database .txt all around and this method is fully changable to event script's need easily..(on the fly changes) Sorry for the broken previous script but this script tested working in current rathena version. Put this part inside your npc files. function script F_RBox { // change Item ID here setarray @i1[0],607,608; // Common Items setarray @i2[0],512,513; // Rare Items setarray @i3[0],514,515; // Super Rare Items set @i1rand,rand( getarraysize(@i1) ); // Randomize Common Items; just change max amount if you add items set @i2rand,rand( getarraysize(@i2) ); // Randomize Rare Items; just change max amount if you add items set @i3rand,rand( getarraysize(@i3) ); //Randomize Super Rare Items; just change max amount if you add items .chance = rand(100); // Super Rare Item 1% if (.chance == 1) { getitem @i[@i3rand],1; announce "["+strcharinfo(0)+"] won a ["+getitemname(@i3[@i3rand])+"] from the Super Rare Box.",0; end; } // Rare Item 10% else if (.chance <= 11 && .chance >= 1){ getitem @i[@i2rand],1; announce "["+strcharinfo(0)+"] won a ["+getitemname(@i2[@i2rand])+"] from the Rare Item Box.",0; end; } // Common Items else { getitem @i1[@i1rand],1; end; } } Note : above script is to be inside any .txt which are loaded in your npc folder https://www.google.com/search?q=rathena+adding+npc+script&amp;oq=rathena+adding+npc+script&amp;aqs=chrome..69i57j69i60l3.4790j0j1&amp;sourceid=chrome&amp;ie=UTF-8 Put this line in you Item Script. callfunc("F_RBox"); https://github.com/rathena/rathena/wiki/Adding-a-Script example: 617,Old_Violet_Box,Old Purple Box,2,10000,,200,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{ callfunc ( "F_RBox" ) ; },{},{} https://github.com/rathena/rathena/wiki/Custom-Items
  8. Countitem2?? Switching from delitem2 to delitem should solve your problem but doing so does delete random 20717 any of the delitem series of command except *delitem require specific stuff delitem2 <item id>,<amount>,<identify>,<refine>,<attribute>,<card1>,<card2>,<card3>,<card4>{,<account ID>}; like delitem2 if card1 is "1" is going to fail if no carded item in card1 for item 20717 found when command execute the same goes for any other details of <identify>,<refine>,<attribute>,<card1>,<card2>,<card3>,<card4>
  9. This can be done with just itembonus...especially Specific weapons... bCritAtkRate from item_bonus.txt in the item's script section.
  10. Actually about this part, I was thinking if anyone could make homunculus share or inherit or take parts of ai from the "slaveclone" ai to make it auto attack any hostiles enemy. since slaveclone will use any skill and attack any hostile enemy automatically so it should theoretically work but need modification. Dispell remove all positive buff on player according with test against monster 1751 which cast dispell a lot of time but ratemyserver.net says it remove all buff Cancel all magical effects on target. Success chance based on skill level and enemy MDEF with a base chance of (50+10*SkillLV)%. Requires 1 Yellow Gemstone to use.
  11. This is the same cases with map image on the top right corner where it requires 512 x 512 in bmp format. anything else would resulting in not found or not loaded at all
  12. 1. nice npctalk white is messy and bad. now can change it... 2. thanks for that. 3. at the time it was still hot/ popular thing, I can barely get the concept of it ... that's why I am asking though. 4. wait a second what is "isi" ??? as in "Malay" language??? for content??? or it means???
  13. I really believe if you would do a google search on "rathena MAX_ITEM_RDM_OPT" https://www.google.com/search?q=rathena+MAX_ITEM_RDM_OPT&amp;oq=rathena+MAX_ITEM_RDM_OPT&amp;aqs=chrome..69i57.2459j0j1&amp;sourceid=chrome&amp;ie=UTF-8 will turn out many answer which you can collect for your problem I wonder if you did read the links I posted ... it said something about client packet and storage stuff which I guess you would have not read then https://rathena.org/board/topic/118062-update-broke-my-guild-storage/?do=findComment&amp;comment=356781 This is the line I wanted to show you instead of the links! The current design implementation only allow saving/loading of approximately 1600 items per storage due to packet size limits. It is said: " If you don't know anything about it look around or ask someone who really know what it is." and one more thing source edit can have good effect or bad outcome base on how you edit it.
  14. 1. It can be done you need to do it in image editor and sprite editor too. you can check on custom item wing and etc they are done in the same manner. 2. you get the idea unless you need something else if ( BaseLevel >= 99 ) || ( JobLevel > 69 ) { getitem (" ItemID, ItemAmount"); } 3 some general thing. GIYF (aka google is your friend) Search for guide on spriting ragnarok custom item...
  15. 1. Can we change npctalk color when in script ? 2. cases on npc whisper function how do a player activate an npc that has whisper function this thing is a maze to me...
  16. SQL table + source... take a loot at item hotkey ... it's save in sql table and read from ...(i dont know what reads from it thou) may be you can find something there...
  17. Could this apply here...?? https://rathena.org/board/topic/118062-update-broke-my-guild-storage/
  18. Notepad plus auto detect encoding and change it from what it was ( may be ascii western or something ) in to utf-8 (something korean) somehow. then when client load your iteminfo.lua /iteminfo.lub client is expecting the file to be encoded with (ascii western or something) but instead it received utf-8 (something korean) so error on every line of your korean word...pop till you fix the encoding of the korean word use SublimeText 3 (<< this works nicely for lua or c++) or anything that don't auto re-encode your text file's encoding
  19. Hi there Malaysian here ...hahaha case 0: popularly if using pre-renewal most people choose client dated 2015 (mostly) 2014 is somewhat ancient age and outdated with lots of stuff missing... case 1: the Hexed link Unpacked Unchanged client http://nemo.herc.ws/downloads/ << contains updated nemo and unpacked client browse yourself links already provided case 2 : Recommended patch in nemo << most people did this... unless special needs or select a few first then increase more if stable ? ( if you scare to death of crashing ) No thanks.
  20. case 1: is correct only if you have item with the itembonus script equipped with bNoCastCancel << this is correct if you have it as card or equips and "equipped" when casting the skill / spell. case 2: there is already a skill for that Id: 277 Name: "SA_SPELLBREAKER" Description: "Spell Breaker" Id: 89 Name: "WZ_STORMGUST" Description: "Storm Gust" sage / professor has this skill all along test it as player B on player A then you know... Player A : wizard casting WZ_STORMGUST on player B Player B : sage / professor use SA_SPELLBREAKER on player A. bam player A stop casting WZ_STORMGUST this is the same as case 2 of what you said. unless you didn't do the test... which is not of anything anyone could tell inform help or anything for you...
  21. You gonna open text editor ( notepad plus or any text editor ) and use ctrl + F ( or find ) BL_NPC and change it to UNITTYPE_NPC unless you can't do that ... https://pastebin.com/ND9wTJYw copy directly I hate codebox very slow loading on my snail speed internet connection
  22. You do know how to use window file system do you? Create "New Folder"??? do it yourself... which is DIY... if its not there DIY... say if you are hungry and meals aren't prepared you gonna wait till someone do it or DIY?? all we could do here is provide you suggestions and way to deal with what you got. but you gonna DIY... Side Guide: https://github.com/rathena/rathena/wiki/Custom-Items https://github.com/rathena/rathena/wiki/Custom-Mobs not sure which one...google is slow again on my internet connection so GIYF (aka google is your friend) search it your search for which one is right one on the next 2 items https://github.com/rathena/rathena/wiki/Custom-skill ?? https://github.com/rathena/rathena/wiki/Custom-skills ??
  23. Why not combine all? 1. use query_sql to set last_map of char table to new_1-1 to prevent not yet login people from warping anywhere else. 2. then use OnPCLoadMapEvent: to warp all player to new_1-1 and disable all npc on that map and set mapflag to disable item skill atcommand usage warp save teleport 3 then include a check when player tries to warp away or loaded map not new_1-1 and when a player is not on new_1-1 loaded different map pop up a message and say 3 second then @kick the player. not complicated but hard to do with my knowledge of scripting
  24. out of curiousity in here it mentioned gepard , s_GePard_ip and sader_variables_log did you use that ? https://pastebin.com/YvsVirUS and there is even a pointshop inside of it
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