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Everything posted by utofaery

  1. Info: http://browedit.borf.nl/release/ the links to all revisions of browedit was there in the links...
  2. Thanks for 1 and 3. but for 2 .. I meant normal attack and skill attack for job gunslinger can't target any kind of trap at all while archer class can easily poke them out of existence aka kill all the trap they can target on by skill or normal attack. 4. I was thinking of getitem but instead of player getting the item, cart / storage would get the item and not the player. so I was wondering if existance of such command is anywhere... hence the auto storage of item with scripts if exist that kind of command... btw getitembound is almost like getitem with little difference but not what I wanted. 5. I mean like on a case of normal attack when player equipped certain bow which has the command script to detect the monster element. say a mob is neutral when attacked and it trigger attribute change and then it change element to say ghost then player arrow will auto switch to counter element arrow if exist depending on monster element. will this be source edit or item script only??
  3. Not the hercules one but this one.. sorry for posting different code
  4. 1. Does cecil always change element? 2. How to make gunslinger can target traps and stuff? because archer can normal attack / arrow shower to hit traps on grounds so it may be do able with gunslinger? 3. how to massive clone object in browedit (in Group edit mode)? 4. Is there a command to auto store item to storage apart from doing atcommand "@storeall"; would be great to use that kind of command to auto store item type and non-equiped item into storage... would there also be any command to move item of types into cart too?? 5. How to check monster's element which player attacked? Like auto detect in item script ?
  5. 1 So my only option in rathena would have to code in "@reloadnpc npc/zzz.txt" inside an npc??? instead of easily @reloadscript? 2 Hercules is fluid to test source compiling and restarting server add with @reloadscript makes @reloadnpc not much of a matter if running on test server.
  6. n0tttt has given a little mistakes i think: ~ << this should be >> ! Try the below one : (and remember to recompile after you change anything in source) /*========================================== * Does cast-time reductions based on dex, item bonuses and config setting *------------------------------------------*/ int skill_castfix(struct block_list *bl, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv) { double time = skill_get_cast(skill_id, skill_lv);  nullpo_ret(bl); struct map_session_data *sd = BL_CAST(BL_PC, bl); struct status_change *sc = status_get_sc(bl); int reduce_cast_rate = 0; uint8 flag = skill_get_castnodex(skill_id); if(sd) { if(sd->class_ & !MAPID_THIRDMASK) { // Calculate base cast time (reduced by dex) if (!(flag&1)) {  int scale = battle_config.castrate_dex_scale - status_get_dex(bl); if (scale > 0) // not instant cast time = time * (float)scale / battle_config.castrate_dex_scale; else return 0; // instant cast } if (!(flag&4) && sd->castrate != 100) reduce_cast_rate += 100 - sd->castrate; // Skill-specific reductions work regardless of flag for (const auto &it : sd->skillcastrate) { if (it.id == skill_id) { time += time * it.val / 100; break; } } // These cast time reductions are processed even if the skill fails if (sc && sc->count) { // Magic Strings stacks additively with item bonuses if (!(flag&2) && sc->data[SC_POEMBRAGI]) reduce_cast_rate += sc->data[SC_POEMBRAGI]->val2; // Foresight halves the cast time, it does not stack additively if (sc->data[SC_MEMORIZE]) { if(!(flag&2)) time -= time * 50 / 100; // Foresight counter gets reduced even if the skill is not affected by it if ((--sc->data[SC_MEMORIZE]->val2) <= 0) status_change_end(bl, SC_MEMORIZE, INVALID_TIMER); } } time = time * (1 - (float)reduce_cast_rate / 100); } } // config cast time multiplier if (battle_config.cast_rate != 100) time = time * battle_config.cast_rate / 100; // return final cast time time = max(time, 0); //ShowInfo("Castime castfix = %f\n",time); return (int)time; } This was tested working in hercules:
  7. @X-EcutiOnner why was it logged as minus in the amount??
  8. checkcell("<map name>", <x>, <y>, <type>)
  9. 1 to 3 need source 1. Is this for server wide? 2. or is it specific for pvp map / gvg map only? 3. not for 3rd job the insta cast?? if dex 150? this one is easier. 4. Alternatively you could create a custom item with the command to check for Thirdjob and give that custom item these two item script bonus bVariableCastrate,-100; bonus bFixedCastrate,-100; and only give this custom item to non third job
  10. I mean "Map Cell" not "Map" Map Cell eg.. prontera,150,180 Map eg.. Prontera 2 different things it's like the vending script to limit which map cell can be vend upon and which cell are restricted from able to do so.
  11. I don't think the minimum amount can be changed in conf folder it should be somewhere in source ...
  12. 1 Why not make menu only show card that is applicable for roll only?? thus hiding all those not reach the amount required for a roll. then only able to choose one option (card) then next; then select to continue or not
  13. To answer this question: have a look in rudra bow...since you are making rudra bow and compare the view id in iteminfo.lua / iteminfo.lub the only different between bow is ClassNum which is the view id! the item db is not in the business of view id ( which shows the weapon in game ) !!!
  14. Are you trying to create achievement by doing so? eg. player used 500 ygg berry in 20 minutes? and get achievement "super weak tofu"??? because the way you ask the question I simply thought that is what you meant the quotes below explain all info you may need to achieve in doing that. Unless you are planing on doing something else?
  15. 1. Did you patch with disable packet encrytion AKA disable obfuscation (Green) in nemo ? or did you miss that out? packets.hpp 2. //#define PACKET_OBFUSCATION << Line 32: like this or without //
  16. Why don't you put that entry into all item_trade.txt including import folder ones also>? then you don't have to care if it's pre-re or renewal and import folder override them all so double insurance and test it again?
  17. 1. Check your item name 2. Check if item directory and path is correct 3. Pack them up as "Custom.grf" 4. Make an entry of "Custom.grf" in your data.ini within your ragnarok folder 5. Load your client test out 6. if all fails go to https://github.com/rathena/rathena/wiki/Custom-Items and check the part says: allocating items on client side 7. If all fails horribly go through the whole page again https://github.com/rathena/rathena/wiki/Custom-Items
  18. Rathena\db\re\achievement_db.yml sql only record what achievement you have completed
  19. 1. Into the Unknown ep (13.2) Note:might be wrong! 2. You gonna have a tons of work to do if you want renewal mob item npc in pre-Renewal server. 3. asking and learning that's why this forum existed. Manually learn to do things, just like developing stuff... no automation apart from the tools mentions from post above. since I don't think rathena has a switch coded for moving renewal stuff (quest etc) directly into pre-renewal 4. Just clone from renewal database into prerenewal database that's all except for itemscript and monster skill and npc script Notepad plus ( mass replace or search) , Sublime 3 ( text editing programming ) , Beyond Compare(file and folder diff'ing) Visual studio 2017 community for compiling tortoise git for pulling git of rathena Grf Editor to view content of grf while packing up with gf.exe (ancient grf tool) On a side note: Enjoy your stay here while tossing all your questions into support section or request section... bright and kind person might be helping...
  20. I don't understand source but only npc script.. And a side question: atcommand "@reloadscript"; this line of code if put in itemscript / npcscript won't run or execute in rathena script, why? in hercules or eathena ( the ancient emulator ) works fine and correctly..
  21. Mind if I ask how to convert this *pow(<number>,<power>) to hercules script way??
  22. on which date of client? didn't seen that on 20180620/20180621 client though.
  23. I don't understand source but only npc script.. Questions: How to convert these lines to hercules script..since mainly played scripting in hercules rathena database is a mess. mes "map -> "+ mapid2name(.@unitdata[UMOB_MAPID]); mes "X -> "+ .@unitdata[UMOB_X]; mes "Y -> "+ .@unitdata[UMOB_Y];
  24. Refined and can easily configured. - script Ragnarok#2 -1,{ OnClock0135: OnClock0235: OnClock0335: OnClock0435: OnClock0535: OnClock0635: OnClock0735: OnClock0835: OnClock0935: OnClock1035: OnClock1135: OnClock1235: OnClock1335: OnClock1435: OnClock1535: OnClock1644: OnClock1735: OnClock1835: OnClock1935: OnClock2035: OnClock2135: OnClock2235: OnClock2335: OnClock0035: OnTest: setarray .@MobName$[0],"Amon Ra","Atroce","White Lady","Baphomet","Dark Lord","Detardeurus","Doppelganger","Dracula","Drake","Eddga","Evil Snake Lord","Garm","Turtle General","Golden Thief Bug","Gopinich",",Incantation Samurai","Stormy Knight","Amon Ra","Lady Tanee","Lord of Death","Maya","Mistress","Moonlight Flower","Orc Hero","Orc Lord","Osiris","Pharaoh","Phreeoni","RSX-0806","Tao Gunka","Turtle General","Vesper"; setarray .@MobID[0],1511,1785,1630,1039,1272,1719,1046,1389,1112,1115,1418,1252,1312,1086,1885,1492,1251,1511,1688,1373,1147,1059,1150,1087,1190,1038,1157,1159,1623,1583,1312,1685; .@mapName$ = "jawaii"; .@x = 0; .@y = 0; $Monsters_2 = getarraysize(.@mobName$); announce (" .@mapName$ :: " + .@mapName$ + " .@x " + .@x + " .@y " + .@y ),bc_all; announce (" mobname size :: " + getarraysize(.@MobName$) + " MobID size " + getarraysize(.@MobID) ),bc_all; announce "Se ha iniciado una Invasion en la Ciudad de Jawaii !!!!",bc_all; for ( .@i = 0 ; .@i < getarraysize(.@mobName$); ++.@i) { monster .@mapName$,.@x,.@y,.@mobName$[.@i],.@mobID[.@i],1,"Ragnarok#2::OnMyMobDead"; } end; OnMyMobDead: announce strcharinfo(0) + " has 1 RPs gained ",bc_all; #RPs += 1; $Monsters_2 -= 1; if ($Monsters_2 > 0) { announce "Felicidades " + strcharinfo(0) + " que mato al ultimo invasor que quedaba",bc_all,"008800"; } else { announce "Queda " + $Monsters_2 + " monstruo en jawaii.",bc_all; } end; } jawaii,247,190,1 script Hefesto#Jea1 813,{ mes "Bem Vindo"; mes "Hoje estamos vendendo diversos Conjuntos de Itens Especiais."; next; mes "Como você prefere pagar?"; if ( getgmlevel() >= 90 ) { switch(select("RPs Point","RPs Shop","Test Event","Bye~")) { case 1: #RPs = #RPs + 1000; dispbottom ( " #RPs :: " + #RPs ) ; close2; end; case 2: callshop "shop3#xJea",1; end; case 4: close; case 3: close2; donpcevent "Ragnarok#2::OnTest"; end; } } if ( getgmlevel() < 90 ) { switch(select("RPs Shop","Bye~")) { case 1: callshop "shop3#xJea",1; end; case 2: close; } } } - pointshop shop3#xJea -1,#RPs,4001:1
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