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Everything posted by utofaery

  1. 1. Rathena forum do make use of search function and question is did you know it's located at top right of the forum page ??? 2. Search first before you even do the asking. 3. you request might go unanswered if it's already answer. or it's everywhere already.
  2. First off did you read the first line of the script you posted?? It says it's for hercules???? second this is rathena script support section... unless you got the wrong section of course ( should post at script request instead) third : rathena has it's own warper why not use that one??? which is located at Rathena\npc\custom\warper.txt lastly: since this is support and you wanted specific episode , you are on you own on that...( which means you need to do that DIY )
  3. Buy it from somebody who script really well or wait for it...!!!
  4. Why do you need this "unlimited" any way??? in official people use MVP card or somekind of valuable ( like refined + 20 of some god like equip or weapon) as base to use in trade to replace zeny ... in private server people tend to use coin trader ( or event stuff ) to convert zeny to gold silver platinum or mitril coin as a replacer for zeny.... just curiously why would you choose to have that "UNlimitED" need of zeny??? any how???
  5. Attendance system. Script ONLY! 1. bindatcmd 2. query_sql required?? 3. afk or idle checker (script command only???) unless you crack the client and recompile it!
  6. Nah 30 seconds to start a computer or SSD 5 seconds at most to start a computer??? SSD is the trend for main Hard Drive (system drive) lol...unless you are stocking up movie music and games then HDD...
  7. In msgstringtable.txt on line 3458, replace that line with # Side Note + Edit: Well you may need google translate this back to portuguese
  8. Sad thing is you can't use anything lower than window 7 on SSD Drive which is shitty.
  9. change in (yes to no) ?? rathena\conf\battle.conf // Should ammo be unequipped when unequipping a weapon? // Official behavior is "yes". ammo_unequip: yes
  10. A few things you need : 1. OnPCLoadMapEvent: 2. *checkhomcall() Check if homun exist 3. atcommand @useskill + homun rest (AM_REST)
  11. A few things you will need: -%TAB%itemshop%TAB%<NPC Name>%TAB%<sprite id>,<costitemid>{:<discount>},<itemid>:<price>{,<itemid>:<price>...} *callshop "<name>",<option>; check >> Rathena/doc/script_commands.txt for explaination
  12. Another alternatives will be ask somebody who has played on that server to rewrite those script for you and pay them handsomely...
  13. utofaery


    Actually searching the forum yields this results...
  14. if ( (.@eaj & EAJL_THIRD) && ( BaseLevel > 174 ) ) { mes ( "you are third and 175 level" ) ; } if ( !(.@eaj & EAJL_THIRD) && !(BaseLevel > 174 ) ) { mes ( "you are not third and not 175 level" ) ; }
  15. that script is only in part and you need npc header and closing for that script to work..
  16. Hijack this for a moment. what if excluding mvp miniboss from the list???
  17. change source ...renewal cast .... on ... and then limit it for the expanded jobs...
  18. https://rathena.org/board/search/?q=dress room dress pack in download section... super stylist...??? <<< NPC dress room <<< Map
  19. prt_in,64,140,3 script Summoner 860,{ setarray .@rmid[getarraysize(.@rmid)], //Mob ID start 1002, 1113, 1031; //Mob ID End .@r = rand (getarraysize (.@rmid) ); .@mid = .@rmid[.@r]; .@time = 1; // Mob Exist Duration 1 one minute? atcommand "@summon "+ .@mid +" "+.@time; end; }
  20. 1. Do not copy paste from the forum if you don't know how to clean the forum messy code up 2. Do type in word for word into your npc file. rathena forum has the tendency to add in scrap into scripts. 3. *disablenpc is a script command so if need be refer to rathena/doc/script_commands.txt or something named similar to the filename. and search within the file for *disablenpc 4. *disablenpc "<NPC object name>"; <NPC object name> is the whole name of a specific npc! if you want to block castle warps you need to mention which one or you gonna have to DIY (DO IT YOURSELF)! 5. Since this is script request, be specific which castle, furthermore which edition castle. 6. From the screenshot you have provided there is second error. which links to the first error which is random scrap rathena forum loves to slip into script whenever it feels love to. steps to remove those scrap copy paste those code in notepad plus and search for any >> ? << and see if it is related to code then compare the code you have copied. and remove all those unrelated >> ? <<
  21. Thanks for the warning will try to make it work.
  22. Will you be posting that script on nopaste or somewhere?? google translate is not friendly against that brathena site.
  23. prt_in,64,140,3 script Summoner 860,{ .@mid = 1002 //Mob ID .@time = 3; // Mob Exist Duration // dispbottom .@mid + " " + .@time; atcommand "@summon "+.@mid+" "+.@time; end; }
  24. Shouldn't you place anything english only here?? google translate says content is in italian but I doubt it..
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