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Everything posted by Mootie

  1. http://rathena.org/board/topic/72213-long-inventory/
  2. https://rathena.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/rathena/trunk/conf/battle/monster.conf this part // Display some mob info next to their name? (add as needed) // (does not works on guardian or emperium) // 1: Display mob HP (Hp/MaxHp format) // 2: Display mob HP (Percent of full life format) // 4: Display mob's level show_mob_info: 0
  3. As long as same with linux thats not a problem. just dont compile it using windows then you will transfer it into linux
  4. To see the real error go to config > error.php set false into true
  5. Yes Loc: Equipment's placement. Values are: 2^12 4096 = Costume Low Headgear 2^11 2048 = Costume Mid Headgear 2^10 1024 = Costume Top Headgear
  6. http://trac.rathena.org/changeset/17223/rathena
  7. Then you have to update the harmony also for the specific rev. of your svn If you are using svn update im sure your console will say the complicated files/lines while updating in short if there is a conflict files probably you cant update your svn all you have to do is to get a clean svn attach the harmony there then modify it again.Thats what i know
  8. Are you trying to install harmony? is your svn clean? try manual patch it
  9. this is your error [jobtbl.JT_4_M_FAIRYFREAK] = "4_m_fairyfreak", according to your [string "buf"]:2029:Table index nil
  10. something like this? prontera,110,56,3 script Freebies Coin 962,{ function get_MAC_variable; function set_MAC_variable; query_sql "SELECT last_mac FROM login WHERE account_id="+ getcharid(3), @my_MAC$; if (get_MAC_variable("$#lockout") > 0) { mes "I already gave a prize to someone from your MAC address."; } else { if (!checkweight(909,1)) { mes "You are overweight or carrying too many items."; } else { getitem 677,5; // Jellopy, put how many as you want set_MAC_variable "$#lockout", 1; mes "Here is your coin!!"; } } close; function get_MAC_variable { // $#variable = MAC variable set .@varname$, strtolower(getarg(0, "null")); set .@is_string, (charat(.@varname$, getstrlen(.@varname$)-1) == "$"); if (query_sql("SELECT `value` FROM `mac2_reg_value` WHERE `mac`='"+ @my_MAC$ +"' AND `str`='"+ escape_sql(.@varname$) +"'", .@value$)) { return (.@is_string ? .@value$ : atoi(.@value$)); } else { return (.@is_string ? "" : 0); } } function set_MAC_variable { set .@varname$, strtolower(getarg(0, "null")); set .@is_string, (charat(.@varname$, getstrlen(.@varname$)-1) == "$"); set .@value$, getarg(1, (.@is_string ? "" : 0)); // trim the trailing "$" so name validation is easier if (.@is_string) set .@varname$, substr(.@varname$, 0,getstrlen(.@varname$) -1); // validate variable name if (.@varname$ == "null") { debugmes "set_MAC_variable - missing variable name"; end; } else if (getstrlen(.@varname$) < 3 || substr(.@varname$,0,1) != "$#" ) { debugmes "set_MAC_variable - MAC variables must start with $#"; end; } for (set .@i,2; .@i < getstrlen(.@varname$); set .@i,.@i+1) { if (compare("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_", substr(.@varname$, .@i,.@i)) == 0) { debugmes "set_MAC_variable - variable names can only contain '_' and alphanumeric characters"; end; } } // re-add the trailing "$" if (.@is_string) set .@varname$, .@varname$ + "$"; // check max lengths if (getstrlen(.@varname$) > 255) { debugmes "set_MAC_variable - variable name longer than 255 characters"; end; } if (.@is_string && getstrlen(.@value$) > 255) { debugmes "set_MAC_variable - string value longer than 255 characters"; end; } else if (!.@is_string && getstrlen(.@value$) > 9) { query_sql "SELECT ('"+ escape_sql(.@value$) +"' BETWEEN -2147483648 AND 2147483647)", .@valid_int; if (!.@valid_int) { debugmes "set_MAC_variable - integer overflow detected"; end; } } if ((.@is_string && .@value$=="") || (!.@is_string && .@value$=="0")) { // value of "" or 0 --> delete variable query_sql "DELETE FROM `mac2_reg_value` WHERE `mac`='"+ @my_MAC$ +"' AND `str`='"+ escape_sql(.@varname$) +"'"; } else { // store the variable!! query_sql "REPLACE INTO `mac2_reg_value` (`mac`,`str`,`value`) VALUES ('"+@my_MAC$+"', '"+ escape_sql(.@varname$) +"', '"+ (.@is_string ? escape_sql(.@value$) : atoi(.@value$)) +"')"; } return; } OnInit: waitingroom "Free Coin",0; end; } brian made this script long time ago
  11. It seems you have outdated data folder http://www.gamefront.com/files/23357992/data_v4.0.rar use that alt+g viewing guildsmen crash your meaning the head sprite are missing or something
  12. You are seeking for devotion fix? Judas = http://rathena.org/board/topic/78539-judas-services-full-serverclient-setup-addons/ 10$ for devotion fix or if you dont want to pay for it. http://vylow.net/board/index.php?/topic/70-devotionreflect-fixed-rathena/ good luck
  13. you can just simply add some mapuser checking or party member checking before they enter .... refer getmapusers or the trick i show in previous post. nope...i think you closed the npc dialog using the "esc" button ...and not close the npc dialog through the script. Yeah already did that thank.
  14. Owh...actually i didnt limit the amount of player can enter the map ... since in the normal woe...group of people will hit the emperium..not only one member ... so in the script they can enter the "instance" as long as their are in party ... and of course you can limit these by checking the party member count ... getpartymember gecharid(1); if( $@partymembercount > 1 ){ mes "Only 1 player can enter.."; close; } My bad i didn't notice that you already update the script to 3.1 i was using the old emperium breaker.
  15. Hi Emistry, About your emperium breaker i found a bug 2 player can entire at the same time it its possible to put limit on that map? oh and warpto,warp mapflag are dissabled from that map so they are entiring via npc they will just talk the npc and will hit enter and pop they can entire both or depends how many are they. ( sorry for bad explaination just woke up )
  16. http://rathena.org/board/topic/78539-judas-services-full-serverclient-setup-addons/ Ø Devotion Fix ($10) so i guess no one will help you for free.
  17. Check your data > texture > À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º > collection
  18. Yes thats possible.but you have to make sure tht tou are going to close them if you are making new line
  19. Update your svn rev. party chat http://trac.rathena.org/changeset/17264/rathena
  20. Vice versa works here's some sample INSERT INTO `item_db` ( `id` , `name_english` , `name_japanese` , `type` , `price_buy` , `price_sell` , `weight` , `atk:matk` , `defence` , `range` , `slots` , `equip_jobs` , `equip_upper` , `equip_genders` , `equip_locations` , `weapon_level` , `equip_level` , `refineable` , `view` , `script` , `equip_script` , `unequip_script` ) VALUES ('22001', 'Custom', 'Custom', '5', '20', NULL , '10', NULL , NULL , NULL , '1', '4294967295', '7', '2', '512', NULL , NULL , '1', '1', '', '', ''), if you want to use item_db2 just change the INSERT INTO `item_db` ( into INSERT INTO `item_db2` ( and how to add custom item guide on my signiture Good Luck
  21. Fix your customer item effect. according to your error on map server it saying that you coded an item effect incorrect format the best way to fix that is find you custom item that you made recently and wait till the error pop up then once you found it fix the item effect.
  22. http://rathena.org/wiki/Diff If the @afk is not updated for the latest svn you need to add it manually.
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