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Everything posted by Gepard

  1. Party of 5 = 1 + 4 additional. +15% per additional member of party = +60% 160%/5 party members = 32% of base exp for everyone
  2. This is absolutely awesome. I'm sure it will be a state of the art RO client when you finish it. I'm a bit worried about closed source though. Being open source it would instantly gain enormous advantage over Gravity's clients, by being easy to mod, improve, customize. With closed source, it won't make much difference, unless you provide a really good plugin system. I think the best solution would be to split rendering from networking and GUI. Even if you want to keep rendering part closed, freeing networking and GUI part would be absolutely sufficient. Do you have any plans on securing this client or will this be left up to server owners?
  3. I don't understand. Modyfing the amount of exp gained from monster killing is not possible with script, unless you make some crazy workaround like reuse SC_EXPBOOST for this purpose. Giving additional exp based on party size every time a monster is killed doesn't make sense. Server does a lot of checks when distributing party exp (like if players are on the same map, are they alive etc). Do you intend to do all these checks inside script? It would be inefficient and incredibly complex. If you want to modify exp bonuses and distribution, you should do it by modding map-server's source.
  4. You could probably adapt some other values (account states) and edit msgstringtable.txt. However, it's a workaround only and let's you use a limited predefined number of messages. I suggest that you extend your control panel's functionality to support ban messages, so if banned players try to login to CP, they will see detailed explanation.
  5. char esc_mes[MESSAGE_SIZE*2+1]; // make sure size is 2*original size+1 Sql_EscapeString(sql_handle, esc_mes, message);
  6. https://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/rathena/browser/athena/db?rev=2 7 years old
  7. I learned athena scripting years ago, when I was just a regular RO player on one of private servers. I was learning the game, and at that time, I found the easiest way to learn about RO quests, spawns etc was to look up eAthena npc folder. But I had to understand it first. C-like syntax was easy, cause I had already known C. I've read every letter in doc/script_commands.txt to understand variables and other stuff that was athena specific. After that and learning from few scripts that I was interested in as a player, I find out that I'm able to more-less understand any script. I learned good patterns and practices by reading more and more scripts that were somehow relevant to me, then I applied as Scripter to the server I had been playing. Even with syntax highlighting and some basic autocompletion, I still need to refer to docs. There are just too many script commands to remember them all. TL;DR> read docs, read scripts, practice
  8. Do not create eggs with @item command. Use @makeegg.
  9. What base level are characters when then change to 3rd class? What is your rAthena revision?
  10. This is caused by mmo_charstatus growing too large because of increased MAX_INVENTORY, MAX_STORAGE and so on. There is a limit on how much data can be send between char-server and map-server, and clearly with such settings, you're above that limit. On side note, it doesn't make any sense to have 6000 storage places, because game client has limit on packet sizes too, and it won't be able to handle packet with contents of storage with 6000 places. Upper bound that is still usable is about 500.
  11. For those who use modifications on char-server side: source directory for char-server_sql has been moved from src/char_sql/ to src/char. Keep it in mind when updating & merging your source.
  12. As of r15503 (20 Jan 2011), TXT save engine (aka "rAthena TXT") has been removed from rAthena. The only supported save engine from now on is SQL (aka "rAthena SQL"). For quick and easy setup of local rAthena test environment, there is rAsql available in SVN repository. For details visit Using rAsql article on rA Wiki. Please do not confuse TXT save engine (accounts, characters, inventory etc) with TXT database folder. Support for *.txt based database files (mob_db, item_db, skill_db etc) is still there.
  13. http://rathena.org/board/tracker/issue-5238-error-chrif-authok-data-size-mismatch-34384-34384/
  14. How about I add the reset function to it and finally commit to repo? There is always room for improvements, and every dev would be free to do so. It's been a month already since we started to discuss it.
  15. It's not a bug. @reloadscript causes all scripts to be removed from memory and loaded again as if you had just started the server (and that's the purpose of the command, to reload all scripts without having to shutdown). I suggest you create a *.sql script with the query and add it to your athena start script, something like that mysql -u username -ppassword database_name < truncate_vending.sql
  16. You need to use a client-side extension that is capable of sending MAC/HWID to the server (reliably). I know for sure it can be done with both Elecom Vanguard (but I don't know if it's still developed) and Harmony (constantly updated).
  17. BTW switch(1,3) is not a valid syntax, so it's hard to understand what your code is supposed to do.
  18. I'm totally in favor of improving or even rewriting client interface. But we really need to think it over thoroughly, how we're gonna do this.
  19. Heroes of Might and Magic (turn-based strategy) franchise, especially HoM&M III and latest Might and Magic Heroes VI. Third part was brilliant, I didn't like fourth and fifth. H6 seems to be more like H3, so I liked it so far. Unreal Tournament 99 - evergreen FPS. Mabinogi - nice MMO, unfortunately EU server is crap.
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