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Everything posted by Gepard

  1. Gepard

    Moving npc

    If you want NPC to stop moving, you have to stopnpctimer when it's clicked, and restart it with startnpctimer somewhere later. You could restart the timer when player has finished talking to NPC, but there are also issues with multiple players clicking the same NPC (do you want it to start walking again as soon as any player finished his dialog with NPC, or only if ALL players have finished?) and with players not finishing talking with NPC properly (eg logging out in the middle of dialog) which make NPC not movable until somebody else talks to it. But with some help of timers and npcvariables everything can be solved It sounds complex, but really isn't.
  2. Gepard

    Moving npc

    Try this script: prontera,160,182,5 script Test NPC 123,{ npctalk "Hi there!"; end; OnInit: startnpctimer; npcspeed 200; end; OnTimer5000: npcwalkto 160,160; end; OnTimer15000: npcwalkto 160,182; end; OnTimer20000: stopnpctimer; initnpctimer; end; } You can have a clickable moving NPC, no problem with that. But if you want it to look like a player (and probably you do, because regular NPC sprites are not animated, so they won't walk, just slide), it can only be clicked with shift pressed. But like I said before, currently it is not possible to assign a player sprite to NPC. You need to modify source code to allow that. Then it looks really cool. I like it Code used to make this screenshot is just for testing purposes, so it's not usable in a real server, sorry.
  3. Gepard

    Moving npc

    It's not currently possible. You need to modify NPC-related source code to allow user-defined view (display) data. That's what I'd do. Then extend setnpcdisplay script function to allow more params than just class id (also headgear, hair, clothes color etc), and do smth like OnInit: setncpdisplay strnpcinfo(0), 4011, ... ; // ... would be additional params Movement can be scripted with commands mentioned by Emistry. EDIT: Unfortunately it's not as cool as it looks, cause you can't really display NPCs with player sprites as NPCs, you have to fake them as players, which means they won't be clickable like normal NPCs, and their name will not be blue. You could probably make a workaround by copying player sprite to npc sprites folder (possibly with some renaming/sprite editing) in grf. OH! They're clickable with shift!
  4. Compilation issues in CentOS should be fixed in r15584.
  5. Please make sure you're using at least r15573 and — already mentioned by Ind — re-run ./configure. If you're still getting this error, please report your OS version, as this is a OS dependent issue.
  6. There is already a topic about it: CMake. I'd maintain CMakeLists but don't know how.
  7. rAthena uses default values found in system lib, but it's above user limit. You have 2 options: change ulimit for rA user change FD_SETSIZE for rAthena ignore the warning The last two should have the same outcome. Socket limit will be set to ulimit -n which is 1024 (you don't need more concurrent connections that that, do you?)
  8. All commands/permissions are disabled (false) as default. So no need to disable them manually. You might want to disable some inherited commands/permissions though, and then setting: false is useful.
  9. $ ulimit -n 1024 // this is limit for the user $ grep FD_SETSIZE /usr/include/linux/posix_types.h #define __FD_SETSIZE 1024 // this is your system default In your case limit is 1024, and #define is 16384, am I right?
  10. Emistry is right. It's the client that is responsible for displaying item names and descriptions. You could also consider allowing players to use @itemlist.
  11. Thank you for your suggestion. Libconfig which is the library used to parse these new, more complex configuration files does not allow to duplicate settings. I'm going to extend it so it would be able to merge default and imported settings. I'm sorry, I don't have OSX to test. I suppose it might be xlocale.h not being detected, so please try with this configure script: http://pastebin.com/VSLLdPv5 If it works, I'll commit it to SVN.
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