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Everything posted by Gepard

  1. Move clif_status_load_notick(...SC_SIT...) to pc_setsit/pc_setstand, so it's invoked every time PC is forced to stand/sit, not only if requested by player.
  2. Take a look at mob_db and check what is the last used monster ID. Remember that monsters are being added as new episodes are released. Start with number high enough to avoid being forced to change it (in some foreseeable future) because of conflicts with new official monsters.
  3. If you want to disable Perfect Dodge entirely, set enable_perfect_flee: 0
  4. Short answer: no. Long answer: These are upgrade files, which update you database tables to make them compatible with newer server versions. main.sql and logs.sql are base database schemas, always up to date. When you do a fresh installation, import just main.sql and logs.sql. In future, when updating to newer revision, you'll have to apply upgrades.
  5. I think the problem is not plugin authors making money (they actually do something), but server owners leeching off of them. If client was GPL'ed, everyone would have to release source code for their modifications. With closed source, unless there is some weird license, everyone will be free to write client extensions and sell them if they want (I guess?)
  6. Usually, mob_db2 is used to add new custom monsters or modify existing ones (as entries in mob_db2 override these from mob_db).
  7. Well that is obviously not working as intended. And the solution proposed by Brain sounds good enough.
  8. /effect is CLIENTSIDE command. If you want to modify how /effect works, you have to modify game client itself.
  9. Install zlib libraries package for your system. For example, in Debian and other apt-based distros of Linux [root]# apt-get install zlib1g-dev
  10. job_thief1,0,0,0 script mobspawn -1,{ onstart: enablenpc "mobspawn::OnEnable"; end; enablenpc -> donpcevent
  11. Sounds good and fair enough. Thank you for detailed explanation. That's reassuring Do you have any estimates when various parts of client will be finished?
  12. Few more thoughts on closed source: There are multiple parts of client that server owners would certainly like to improve, extend or customize: additional settings, preferences GUI changes and new windows new packets to support GUI changes security This is just a very abstract list; a full list of ideas and improvements that I would do would be really long, and I'm sure there are much more creative people with great client ideas. I'm afraid that closed source (even with plugins) will prevent at least some of these possibly great ideas to be implemented in your client. It would be lost potential. Another things is reliability. Gravity client will be there forever, as long as RO is not dead. New features, packets will be added to it. Your client, being closed source and developed by - how many? 1? person, will not be a good choice due to high risk of project not keeping up with updates or even abandonded (not a disaster yet) and not being picked up by other people because no source is available (unacceptable for a server that needs to switch back to Gravity client all of the sudden, possibly being unable to use all additional features that players already got used to). Not everyone would take risk of being dependant on you, when it comes to such a crucial thing - game client. I wouldn't, if it was a production server. It might be a great client - with best performance, improved graphics, multiple OSes supported etc... like I said in previous post: "state of the art". Just make sure that piece of art has practical application. And now, do you mind explaining why do you want to keep source closed? Open source would be really a natural choice here. Honestly, I'm a bit disappointed and suprised (I've heard it would be opensource, did you change your mind?).
  13. Make sure you only use allowed characters in guild name (see char_athena.conf). Check server console for any errors/warnings.
  14. Effects are displayed client side. Server only sends info about skill being used, and client decides what visual effect will be shown.
  15. Do you want it to be better documented or do you want to change how it works?
  16. This feature has been added to rAthena in r15520.
  17. Modification added in r15520. Some originally requested features are not included as they would unnecessarily increase complexity and duplicate other features. Please note that the new db file does not define absolute drop rates (like 0.1% or 50%), but rather a drop rate multiplier (eg 1x) which is applied to base drop rates found in mob_db.
  18. int common_drop1[MAX_MOB_DB][0x8000]; 4000 * 32768 * 4 bytes = 500 MB of memory
  19. <id here>,Bloody_Dead_Branch_Card,Bloody Branch Card,11,10000,,200,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ if(BBC_next_time <= gettimetick(2)) { set BBC_next_time, gettimetick(2)+3600; monster "this",-1,-1,"--ja--",-3,1,""; } },{},{} Make sure it's untradeable, because it's one use per hour per character, so if it gets traded to another character, it could be used again within hour from last use.
  20. create a container (box) with script: rentitem 12103,<duration in seconds>; When box is opened, player will get a Rental Bloody Branch, that can be used infinitely (not consumed) and disappear after set time. For permanent, make a copy of Bloody Branch in your item_db, and change item type to 11.
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