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Everything posted by Jasc

  1. Jasc

    Skill.c error

    Use a fresh copy of the svn
  2. Jasc

    [Rank] MvP

    Instead of using variables to keep track of it, I would switch to SQL based script
  3. Make sure your account id is not listed in clientinfo.xml
  4. I use harmony, its great, patcher friendly, and has all features a private ro server needs
  5. In your thor configuration, it should allow you to set the path of where it calls for .thor files, and thats where you put the myroservername.com/patch as the directory
  6. Interesting idea wonder how it would work out
  7. Jasc


    Are you using linux centos 5 ?
  8. Jasc

    problem "WOE"

    Can you warp to those castles manually?
  9. +1 its a good idea and devs/scripters/coders are able to preview the what work needs to be done and plan the process before starting the work.
  10. Jasc


    Same as you do with other items, it still has an item id, you can set restrictions in .txt files in the /db folder
  11. Make sure that the email you set in applications.php is case sensitive, for some reason that fixed the same problem I had on a past server
  12. Edit this line with if (getgmlevel())
  13. in conf files do you have it set to accomodate stat points over 99?
  14. https://rathena.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/rathena/trunk/npc/custom/quests/quest_shop.txt
  15. Check console, in the char.sql, there is probably a missing field when you ported over to rathena that needs to be added to the table
  16. On eathena, only way I know of is source coding it, or using nocommand mapflag on the maps you don't want it available. If you do switch to rathena, you are able to use bindatcmd function to limit certain maps only.
  17. Show your files atcommand.c and map.h
  18. Simple google search: http://rathena.org/board/topic/57377-toastys-woe-controller/ - Toasty's woe Controller
  19. I used it on a previous rathena svn, I liked it. It didn't have the lag problem you were experiencing, it still had the woe countdown timer, and the woe times are all stored and can be edited right from he NPC. Something to consider if you can't find anything else
  20. Yep then change root password to match it
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