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Everything posted by Jasc

  1. Try importing original atcommand and groups conf files and see if that fixes it, if it does, that means there was a problem when you were editing the files somewhere
  2. As a suggestion that takes the concept of ASPD away from the source, depending on what you want to do with it, you can do it using functions like onpcloginevent and sc_itemscript. For instance, If your server wants to promote higher ASPD when players level up, you can set an itemscript that gets applied to players depending on their levels, using the doppelganger card item script, you can adjust a passive aspd bonus using sc_itemscript depending on the variables you want to set out. This moves changing entire formula of ASPD in Rathena and allows you to focus on individual variables that can affect it
  3. ah forgot about coma, time to pull out the source coding lol
  4. You could just edit the script and replace them with status ailment resistances like blind, etc Look at the script of cards like marc, marduk etc
  5. Jasc

    Big Problem

    Why not just disable all the scripts inside?
  6. http://rathena.org/board/topic/56124-package-getitem-map-itemmap/
  7. in a super high rate server? 1k lvl 1k stats what would you recommend? ;o @Latso Yeah, dividing by a larger number decreases the output @warofares90 - Some math and calculations may be required in order to find a good formula. I guess it depends on your servers average max SP achievable by players and then determining whether you "over damage" and completely soar above the limit.
  8. if(BaseLevel>=200) { unequip 4; } if(BaseLevel>=200) { unequip 3; } Set that item script to both script and equip_script The example I used is for weapons, but you can see the equip ID's from this table: http://rathena.org/wiki/Getequipid
  9. You are getting a crash error, I suggest looking up a guide to run stack dumps to find out where the source of the error is
  10. the only thing I can say is try matching your source code and files to the ones in 16921 and see if theres anything missing or that you changed
  11. You can search for already made guides on this stuff, or hire someone to help you
  12. and make sure your privileges are enabled to the sql user
  13. It is the luafiles514 folder that you require, i've had that error before
  14. Jasc

    Best Patch

    I always went with thor patcher, it is awesome. I have an older version probably if you can't download it
  15. Jasc

    @afk source mod

    You could use a bindatcmd that triggers the command and sets a variable when used. Then onpclogin, you can set that variable back to 0
  16. Did you diff your files manually?
  17. Also screenshot/post your entries in the idnum files/lua files so we can see if you did it correctly
  18. nothing is impossible haha it is just not capable in the 2012 client and I doubt anyone will implement that when the 2013 clients are available
  19. My custom npcs are around 590 range, try there
  20. I think there is a certain range for NPC sprites, like the job_id's for you to use
  21. missing files http://rathena.org/board/topic/66962-basic-complete-renewal-data-english-folder/
  22. Updated data folder here http://rathena.org/board/topic/66962-basic-complete-renewal-data-english-folder/
  23. @rosfus Despite the heated debate on your topic, either script you choose will be just fine and serve the purpose you are looking to achieve. I have personally used onnpckillevent, many in fact on all my custom boss monsters, I have experienced ZERO performance issues that could have slowed down my server. About 150+ players online at that time You may also use Xynvaroth's version, both will work, whichever you find easier and more convenient, you go ahead and do that.
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