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Everything posted by Jasc

  1. When you have -def, thanatos does less and regular damage without it does more. With +def, thanatos does more and regular damage does less
  2. I think its in either mob.c or clif.c, start looking there for the mob_health_bar line
  3. I believe one of the map/server/char servers are still open. try ./athena-start stop or else do this: ps -e then kill the process
  4. re diff the client, i can open multi windows
  5. Jasc

    SQL and phpMyAdmin

    You can use mysql dump, or an auto backup script, I personally would go with the backup script
  6. Its possible it was diffed incorrectly as well
  7. You have to make sure thor patcher is configured properly. Your web config should point to the correct URLs to pull the patch files from
  8. I am guessing you added some custom source coding in your SVN?
  9. The only thing you can do really is export the latest SVN and then just change the source to pre-renewal and recompile. Then you can begin manually editing some stuff out to your liking for pre-re purposes
  10. I would say it is fairly easy to do a script command on this as it becomes more of a custom feature rather than a mandatory feature. Just my recommendation that it can be done script command easily
  11. I am sure someone on the forums have uploaded the latest lua files
  12. You must add permissions to your user if you are not using root. This can be done on the VPS itself
  13. This is an automatic selling of an item upon finding it. Sort of like @autoloot, instead it auto sells an item which is great for zeny farming purposes. autosell.txt
  14. I used this for my Pokedex search feature, basically typing in the name of a mob and it pulls information such as Hp, SP, ATK, Race, etc. This is great for custom mobs you have on your servers and you can modify it for that. pokesearch.txt
  15. Have you tried a different packet just to test it. You could try packet_db_ver: default
  16. myqladmin -u root password "your password"
  17. Those mounts come default in the updated data.grf
  18. Also double check your map.h
  19. using hercules. probably not possible like this with hercules, right? I got it working with SQL but I had to alter the map server.conf auto save time. I'm a bit scared that with many players, my server will be overload. Hercules should actually have a better way of doing it, I will look into it for you
  20. It doesn't work with thor patcher, what you COULD do is encrypt a new separate grf from your main files first and use the single file option. Then add another grf to your data.ini file.
  21. Of course its possible, I would start looking in Status.C
  22. Wouldn't it be better just to configure this in the server files in the item_noequip.txt
  23. Means it could not find the download link, could be a broken link to the file etc.
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