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NexusXVI last won the day on May 13 2022

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  1. Kudos to you man, did not know I could miss that so easily.. anything that is inside inter_athena.conf should be the connection for communication on MYSQL and for char and map is for their own. I'll attach the screenies here for other people to see. Thanks everything is green and no errors now.. Considered this closed.
  2. Tbh that debug part is just a return text on the cpp files, which tells the bat file what to show during such error. This is both true on the mapserv and charserv
  3. Hi!, it's been a while and I just wanted to make a test server again for exploration of 3rd jobs. Did download the latest pull on git, setup everything properly (schema on utf8) Correct configuration on the conf files with the correct setup on workbench : Still havin an issue on the servers, did cleanly compile it as well. Did try it on both the root and created a new user both having the same issue : So I am just wondering what went wrong regarding the error..
  4. My fault clyd.. Used a different rev, happens when both are in the same folder.. Newest one dsnt have packet_db anymore.. Got confused.
  5. iteminfo_Sak.lua is also in the file. Also diff your client to load LUA before LUB if you only have the lua files.. If you only have the _Sak try finding an updated system folder. Here is mine for reference. And I suggest you make your own iteminfo.. So that updates won't hurt you if they come.
  6. There are 2 ways that I can think of here : 1. Admin should be set to both Yellow and Aid. <yellow> <admin>2000000</admin> </yellow> <aid> <admin>2000000</admin> </aid> 2. Do not check the Remove GM Sprite when you diff your client like so :
  7. As per experience only.. Items will appear as apples if item ID does not match the appropriate view ID Refer to here. Or sprite misalignment, have you checked the iteminfo?.
  8. Client Date : 2015 - 05 - 13 MapServer Error : clif_parse @ packet 0x0a35, disconnection session #3 Client Error : Disconnected from the Server
  9. //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= Sample Random Option Script //===== Description: ========================================= //= Enchant a weapon with a random element option //= to a weapon with no random option. //===== Changelogs: ========================================== //= 1.0 First version. [Secretdataz] //============================================================ //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= Random Option NPC dealer //===== By: ================================================== //= Keitenai //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.0 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena Project //===== Description: ========================================= //= Deals with a player to apply random item option //= for the price of zeny/cashpoint //============================================================ quiz_00,16,107,6 script Keitenai 856,{ goto NPC; end; OnInit: //============================== // CURRENCY SETTING // 1 = Zeny // 0 = Cashpoints //============================== set .Currency,1; // Currency to buy random option set .Price,1000000; // Prize of random option //============================== // RANDOM OPTION SETTING //============================== set .OverWrite,1; // Allows overwriting the already existing option enchantment ( 0 to disable ) set .FailRate,10; // Sets fail chance set .MaxOpt,192; // Maximum item option a player can enchant ( reference: https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/db/const.txt#L1645-L1836 ) set .MinOpt,1; // Minimum item option a player can enchant set .MinValue,1; // Minimum option effect value set .MaxValue,10; // Maximum option effect value set .MaxIndex,4; // Maximum option slots ( default is 0 to 4 ) set .Wait,5; // Progress bar delay in seconds // Random option that will not be applied setarray .ignore[0], 86, // RDMOPT_BODY_ATTR_ALL 173, // RDMOPT_HP_DRAIN 174, // RDMOPT_SP_DRAIN 190, // RDMOPT_MDAMAGE_SIZE_SMALL_USER 191, // RDMOPT_MDAMAGE_SIZE_MIDIUM_USER 192, // RDMOPT_MDAMAGE_SIZE_LARGE_USER 193; // RDMOPT_ATTR_TOLERACE_ALL end; NPC: disable_items; mes "[ Keitenai ]"; mes "Good day young fella!"; mes "I came from the land of"; mes "far far away to introduce the"; mes "amazing equipment ^FF0000random^000000"; mes "option enchantment."; next; mes "[ Keitenai ]"; mes "I can make any of your equipment"; mes "become more powerful"; mes "than its current condition..."; if(.Currency){ mes "For a prize of ^0000FF"+.Price+" Zeny^000000,"; } else { mes "For a prize of ^0000FF"+.Price+" Cashpoints^000000,"; } mes "I will apply a ^FF0000RANDOM^000000"; mes "option enchantment on your"; mes "equipment. (^_^)"; next; mes "[ Keitenai ]"; mes "I forgot to tell you that"; mes "there is ^FF0000"+.FailRate+"%^000000 chance"; mes "that this process may ^FF0000FAIL^000000"; mes "and lose your equip along"; mes "with its card..."," "; next; mes "[ Keitenai ]"; mes "Do you still want to take"; mes "the risk of enchanting with"; mes "^FF0000"+.FailRate+"%^000000 chance to ^FF0000Fail^000000"; mes "and lose your equip along"; mes "with its card?"; next; if(select("Nah! I don't want to...:^0000FFI'll Take the risk! Enchant my equip!^000000")==1) goto OnCancel; mes "[ Keitenai ]"; mes "Wonderful!"; mes "This process will take"; mes "about ^0000FF"+.Wait+"^000000 seconds..."; mes "Don't move a muscle while"; mes "i'm enchanting your equipment!"; close2; setarray .@eq[1], EQI_HEAD_TOP,EQI_ARMOR,EQI_HAND_L,EQI_HAND_R,EQI_GARMENT,EQI_SHOES,EQI_ACC_L,EQI_ACC_R,EQI_HEAD_MID,EQI_HEAD_LOW; for(set .@i,1; .@i<getarraysize(.@eq); set .@i,.@i+1){ if(getequipisequiped(.@eq[.@i])){ set .@menu$,.@menu$+F_getpositionname(.@eq[.@i])+" ~ [ " + getequipname(.@eq[.@i]) + " ]"; set .@equipped,1; } set .@menu$,.@menu$+":"; } set .@part,.@eq[select(.@menu$)]; set .@val,rand(.MinValue,.MaxValue); IgnoreCheck: set .@opt,rand(.MinOpt,.MaxOpt); for(set .@f,1; .@f<getarraysize(.ignore); set .@f,.@f+1) if(.@opt==.ignore[.@f]) goto IgnoreCheck; set .@indx,rand(.MaxIndex); if(!.OverWrite){ if(getequiprandomoption(.@part,4,ROA_ID,getcharid(0))) set .@x4,4; if(getequiprandomoption(.@part,3,ROA_ID,getcharid(0))) set .@x3,3; if(getequiprandomoption(.@part,2,ROA_ID,getcharid(0))) set .@x2,2; if(getequiprandomoption(.@part,1,ROA_ID,getcharid(0))) set .@x1,1; if(getequiprandomoption(.@part,0,ROA_ID,getcharid(0))) set .@x0,0; if(.@indx == 0 && .@x0) if(.@indx==.MaxIndex) goto OnMax; else set .@indx,1; if(.@indx == 1 && .@x1) if(.@indx==.MaxIndex) goto OnMax; else set .@indx,2; if(.@indx == 2 && .@x2) if(.@indx==.MaxIndex) goto OnMax; else set .@indx,3; if(.@indx == 3 && .@x3) if(.@indx==.MaxIndex) goto OnMax; else set .@indx,4; if(.@indx == 4 && .@x4) if(.@indx==.MaxIndex) goto OnMax; } if(.@indx == 4 && (!getequiprandomoption(.@part,3,ROA_ID,getcharid(0)))) set .@indx,3; if(.@indx == 3 && (!getequiprandomoption(.@part,2,ROA_ID,getcharid(0)))) set .@indx,2; if(.@indx == 2 && (!getequiprandomoption(.@part,1,ROA_ID,getcharid(0)))) set .@indx,1; if(.@indx == 1 && (!getequiprandomoption(.@part,0,ROA_ID,getcharid(0)))) set .@indx,0; progressbar "ffff00",.Wait; if(.Currency){ if(Zeny < .Price) goto PriceFail; else set Zeny,Zeny-.Price; } else { if(#CASHPOINTS < .Price) goto PriceFail; else set #CASHPOINTS,#CASHPOINTS-.Price; } // Failed... if(.FailRate > 100) set .FailRate,100; if(rand(100) <= .FailRate) goto OnFailure; // Success!! setrandomoption(.@part,.@indx,.@opt,.@val,.@indx,getcharid(0)); end; OnMax: mes "[ Keitenai ]"; mes "Wow! your equip already"; mes "Maxed out its option"; mes "enchant slots!"; mes "Sorry but I can't add"; mes "any more enchantment with"; mes "your equipment."; close; OnFailure: specialeffect2 EF_PHARMACY_FAIL; mes "[ Keitenai ]"," "; mes "I'm really sorry..."," "; mes "^FF0000The process have failed..."; mes "Your item has been destroyed.^000000"; delequip .@part; close; PriceFail: mes "[ Keitenai ]"; mes "What's this?"; mes "Are you kidding me?"; mes "Sorry but I don't work"; mes "for free!"; mes "You can come back if you"; mes "Have enough to pay for"; mes "my service."; close; OnCancel: mes "[ Keitenai ]"; mes "Suit yourself."; mes "Let me know if you"; mes "ever changed you mind"; close; } This I have tested and it's working, I did try to separate the armor and weapon based. This is to separate the effect for Armor and Weapons, ex. Enchant Weapon with Ghost Property on an Armor!! -.- Here is the concerns : * Shield is equipped on the left hand, but it is considered an armor, So If I just set the array for Left and Right hand, the shield will still gain bonus for weapons. So if anyone would like to help on this??
  10. Are there still flux cp theme makers out there?? Fully coded ones?.. Probably Working on specifics or has a collection of on sale pre-made flux cp
  11. Ty so much sader, But I know this, I was asking if I turn that on.. Will that actually put all my item_db2_re, up on sql? so that my flux can read it and I can put my custom Items up for donation.
  12. so I was trying to add custom stuffs on the donation panel on flux cp, I succesfully added the sql's item_db_re and item_db2_re, now If I am not mistaken the item_db_re is where all the official items are, but there is nothing on the item_db2_re, so I can't add it on the shop on the fluxcp.. Now I have somethings in mind like , putting the items directly into item_db.txt, on db/re/item_db rather than on import but I don't know if that will work somehow, So might as well ask if there is a posibility to just add the all custom items from db/import/item_db on item_db2_re on the sql.
  13. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/npc/custom/etc/mvp_room.txt It's on the github..
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