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Everything posted by Arcenciel

  1. http://rathena.org/b...9342#entry99342 You just created a topic about this hours ago and you actually got an answer. EDIT: Topics have been merged Reply from previous post prior to merge: http://rathena.org/b...dpost__p__99379
  2. These are two different request. First one would require you to edit the source.
  3. What error does your map server say? Saying it doesn't work doesn't help anyone.
  4. You just need to create two sets of menus with the second one checking if a variable is set to X. Example if ( #freebies == 0 ) menu "Menu 1 here",L_Menu1,"Menu 2 here",L_Menu2,"Menu 3 here",L_Menu3; if ( #freebies == 1 ) menu "Menu 2 here",L_Menu2,"Menu 3 here",L_Menu3; L_Menu1: set #freebies,1; close; Hopefully that made sense.
  5. Welcome to the team!

    1. Judas


      thanks =)

  6. Regarding the event not found, that has been addressed in previous post in this same topic. Regarding your map server disconnecting, I don't believe my script has anything to do with that.
  7. Anti-Bot scripts are ineffective and only annoyance to real players. If you really insist on having one, search for the one made by Mytzer or something like that in eA
  8. Hhhhiiiiiiii

    1. Eurydice



  9. In reference to this and all future post. Please avoid making this topic into a Support Topic of all kinds.
  10. Just comment (//) it from your Skill DB.
  11. Moved to Source Request and try using search in that section too. I'm pretty sure someone asked for this before.
  12. http://rathena.org/board/topic/61446-rikimarus-iro-official-daily-quests/
  13. You don't have to do anything. It fixed itself like it said.
  14. That's a permanent monster spawn. http://rathena.org/w...t_Monster_Spawn ** Create a permanent monster spawn: <map name>,<x>,<y>,<xs>,<ys>%TAB%monster%TAB%<monster name>%TAB%<mob id>,<amount>,<delay1>,<delay2>,<event> Map name is the name of the map the monsters will spawn on. x,y are the coordinates where the mob should spawn. If xs and ys are non-zero, they specify the 'radius' of a spawn-rectangle area centered at x,y. Putting zeros instead of these coordinates will spawn the monsters randomly. Note this is only the initial spawn zone, as mobs random-walk, they are free to move away from their specified spawn region. Monster name is the name the monsters will have on screen, and has no relation whatsoever to their names anywhere else. It's the mob id that counts, which identifies monster record in 'mob_db.txt' database of monsters. If the mob name is given as "--ja--", the 'japanese name' field from the monster database is used, (which, in rAthena, actually contains an english name) if it's "--en--", it's the 'english name' from the monster database (which contains an uppercase name used to summon the monster with a GM command). If you add 20000 to the monster ID, the monster will be spawned in a 'big version', (monster size class will increase) and if you add 10000, the 'tiny version' of the monster will be created. However, this method is deprecated and not recommended, as the values to add can change at a later time (20000 and 10000 actually stand for 2*MAX_MOB_DB and MAX_MOB_DB respectively, which is defined on mob.h, and can change in the future as more mobs are created). The recommended way to change a mob's size is to use the event-field (see below). Amount is the amount of monsters that will be spawned when this command is executed, it is affected by spawn rates in 'battle_athena.conf'. Delay1 and delay2 control monster respawn delays - the first one is the fixed base respawn time, and the second is random variance on top of the base time. Both values are given in miliseconds (1000 = 1 second). Note that the server also enforces a minimum respawn delay of 5 seconds. You can specify a custom level to use for the mob different from the one of the database by adjoining the level after the name with a comma. eg: "Poring,50" for a name will spawn a monster with name Poring and level 50. Event is a script event to be executed when the mob is killed. The event must be in the form "NPCName::OnEventName" to execute, and the event name label should start with "On". As with all events, if the NPC is an on-touch NPC, the player who triggers the script must be within 'trigger' range for the event to work. The Event field can be used alternatively to specify other mob properties. Use 2 to specify that the mob should be small, 4 for big monsters, and 8 for special ai mobs (which by default attack other monsters instead of players). You can add these, so using 10 will spawn small monsters that attack other mobs (if you specify both 2 and 4, the small version takes priority). https://rathena.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/rathena/trunk/doc/script_commands.txt
  15. Yes, it will be implemented. When? In time...
  16. Use the search function. http://rathena.org/board/topic/56789-stylist-a-less-anoying-one/
  17. Someone already made this. Use the search function. http://rathena.org/board/topic/59785-falconcartmount-rental-npc/
  18. Please refrain from posting in any other language besides English in this section.
  19. Deleted post that are not in English. This is not in the International Section. Please post only in English in this section.
  20. Look at the changes made in the revision where this was fixed and manually undo it then re-compile.
  21. We already have one. It's been/nearly been six months since rA started. It'll be ridiculous not to have one already. http://rathena.org/board/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=boardrules
  22. I just read a post yesterday that has the links to it. Search @Judas' post. It's hosted somewhere in supportmii.
  23. Third Jobs will slowly be put out. There's no set schedule for when they're going to be released. I believe developers are still working on fixing the bugs/finding bugs on the existing Third Jobs that were recently released like Wanderer, Sura, etc..
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