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Everything posted by Arcenciel

  1. Replace all prontera with "prontera" Actually tested it this time and it works completely.
  2. I thought you wanted mounts to be disabled in Prontera? Whenever someone goes to Prontera, the script removes their mount no matter what. To disable Reins of Mount from being used in Prontera edit the script in the item_db entry to this: if (strcharinfo(3) != prontera) { setmounting(); }
  3. - script no_reins2 -1,{ OnPCLoadMapEvent: if (strcharinfo(3) == prontera && ismounting() ) { setmounting(); } } prontera mapflag loadevent That should work now. I found the documentation for it. http://rathena.org/wiki/MountingNPCHandle
  4. Post your whole script please.
  5. Odd...guess it doesn't work the same way as setriding... There's no documentation for setmounting so I'm just guessing everything. Try this instead OnPCLoadMapEvent: if (strcharinfo(3) == prontera && checkmounting() == 1 ) { setmounting(); } end;
  6. Make it into a full script, you only need to add two lines, and load it into the server.
  7. You were close. *agitcheck() *agitcheck2() These function will let you check whether the server is currently in WoE mode (or WoE SE mode if the second function is called) and will return 1 if War of Emperium is on and 0 if it isn't.
  8. Lets say you have a pool of 10 different items which means 10 items = 10% chance for each one to appear. If you want to say increase item 1234's chances, you just have to use 2 of those 10 slots so now items 1234 has 20% of appearing compared to the rest. I haven't done a random item drawing with different chances for each item, so I'm not exactly sure how to do it either besides what I just mentioned.
  9. Replace all atcommand strcharinfo(0)+":@monsterignore"; with atcommand "@monsterignore"; Let me know how it goes.
  10. Use the search function. This has been asked and answered numerous times.
  11. I believe this was asked before and someone actually had a solution though I don't remember it. Try using the search function, you'll most likely find it.
  12. Can you describe exactly what it is you're doing prior to that error showing? Do you summon the poring via a command or via an npc, etc etc?
  13. There's an edit button at the bottom right corner of each post. To change the title, you'd have to go to Full Editor mode on your first post.
  14. 1. rAthena is on renewal. Renewal does not have instant casting anymore. To change this, search the forums. I don't remember the answer on top of my head. EDIT: http://rathena.org/wiki/SRC/map/config/ 2. You've turned the renewal mechanics for casting off but your dex required for instant cast is much higher than 99. 3. If you are aware of renewal mechanics, maybe you're just not noticing the change in the cast rate.
  15. Set an array with the IDs of the items you want and then use rand to generate a number to be used setarray .@var[0],1234,5678,8901; getitem .@var[rand(0,3)],1; Test the second line out. I haven't scripted in a while and not quite sure if rand will work inside.
  16. Copy paste your item db entry please.
  17. No, there isn't one though you probably might find an old one in eA if you haven't looked yet.
  18. Check your dbskill_nocast_db.txt hat's were specific skill restrictions are located. Also please paste your mapflag entry for the custom map.
  19. I don't believe that's possible unless a new item that acts like that has been created officially.
  20. Something along this lines OnPCLoadMapEvent: if (strcharinfo(3) == prontera) { setmounting(0); } end; Double check on prontera if it needs " " or not. Do note: OnPCLoadMapEvent: This special label will trigger once a player steps in a map marked with the 'loadevent' mapflag and attach its RID. The fact that this label requires a mapflag for it to work is because, otherwise, it'd be server-wide and trigger every time a player would change maps. Imagine the server load with 1,000 players (oh the pain...)
  21. Diff#Using_.diff.2F.patch_files_to_patch_your_server
  22. High Jump is not restricted in PvP by default. Unless you meant GvG/WoE.
  23. atcommand "@newmount"; Add that in the OnEquip and OnUnEquip section of the DB entry.
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