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Everything posted by Chaos92

  1. Can i know why there is problem see my screenshot here, theres spamming 'Please ensure an extra space in your inventory' But inventory is not full ,i try to make 3rd genetic creation items like +20 food, just show in screenshot only... rathena version 12427 client version 45 same as clientdate 8-7-2013 or 7-8-2013 if im not mistaken either one (following packetdb).
  2. is that you confirm that is not paypal phishing site ? true links ?
  3. i dont think this is the problem. try get another error, or fullscript
  4. what revision ? try download latest revision here : https://github.com/rathena/rathena/commits/master
  5. did u check your server log or show us here
  6. this gonna work for all character sir ? btw, when i @reset , 3rd job status point will be 3330 for level 175.. and as i see at that paste u given for renewal, (175,3265); theres a bit different, why sir
  7. i want to reset so they got status point which is 3330 for 3rd job if im not mistaken, that query seems reset to novice stats ? since status point is 0
  8. check your theme either u have castle folder or not
  9. i think u are confused with other kafra script.. better u check it out which kafra script that u used by checking the coordinate, function, etc... because it should be removed
  10. warper right ? https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/npc/custom/warper.txt if u want to remove brasilis , check this code here : menu "Prontera",T1, "Alberta",T2, "Aldebaran",T3, "Amatsu",T4, "Ayothaya",T5, "Brasilis",T6, "Comodo",T7, "Dewata",T8, "Eclage",T9, "Einbech",T10, "Einbroch",T11, "El Dicastes",T12, "Geffen",T13, "Gonryun",T14, "Hugel",T15, "Izlude",T16, "Jawaii",T17, "Lighthalzen",T18, "Louyang",T19, "Lutie",T20, "Malangdo",T21, "Malaya",T22, "Manuk",T23, "Midgarts Expedition Camp",T24, "Mora",T25, "Morroc",T26, "Moscovia",T27, "Nameless Island",T28, "Niflheim",T29, "Payon",T30, "Rachel",T31, "Splendide",T32, "Thor Camp",T33, "Umbala",T34, "Veins",T35, "Yuno",T36; Just remove that "Brasilis",T6, and also anything that u want to remove.. same goes to field, dungeon, check their perspective menu
  11. sry i cant understand what gravity j? Your client date = ? Server side files revision =?
  12. why that damage too much for level 99 .. what revision do you use..
  13. now i find a solution.. reset all to 0.. and after that set the status point to the right number for all. thanks for your help btw, brainstorm me :3 oh shit.. its different for baby, and 2nd job class.. if anyone have ideas or solution, pls tell me
  14. array = folder , action =php file module just to create that links. for changes you need to do the same folder and php in themes
  15. what skill cannot be used to MVP?
  16. ghost weak to ghost.. thats why its 125 ... weak = high number .. not the resistance become 125% sinx kill ghostring using enchant poison.. because it will deal 100% damage..
  17. Regarding to this quest which i get from latest github rathena https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/npc/re/quests/quests_malaya.txt And you can check this out this daily quest : http://ragnarok.levelupgames.ph/episode25/dailyquest-9.php Evil Spirit Bones is not dropped from any monster that has been kill. Hope someone can help
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