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Everything posted by Xantara

  1. Do you have that 'custompages' module/folder and the 'assistant' page/file? Ie.
  2. /config/applications.php // These are the main menu items that should be displayed by themes. // They route to modules and actions. Whether they are displayed or // not at any given time depends on the user's account level and/or // their login status. 'MenuItems' => array( 'Main Menu' => array( 'Home' => array('module' => 'main'), //'Forums' => array('exturl' => 'http://www.fluxro.com/community'), ), 'Account' => array( 'Register' => array('module' => 'account', 'action' => 'create'), 'Login' => array('module' => 'account', 'action' => 'login'), 'Logout' => array('module' => 'account', 'action' => 'logout'), 'History' => array('module' => 'history'), 'My Account' => array('module' => 'account', 'action' => 'view'), ), 'Donations' => array( 'Purchase' => array('module' => 'purchase'), 'Donate' => array('module' => 'donate'), ), 'Information' => array( 'Server Info.' => array('module' => 'server', 'action' => 'info'), 'Server Status' => array('module' => 'server', 'action' => 'status'), 'WoE Hours' => array('module' => 'woe'), 'Castles' => array('module' => 'castle'), "Who's Online" => array('module' => 'character', 'action' => 'online'), 'Map Statistics'=> array('module' => 'character', 'action' => 'mapstats'), 'Ranking Info.' => array('module' => 'ranking', 'action' => 'character'), ), 'Database' => array( 'Item Database' => array('module' => 'item'), 'Mob Database' => array('module' => 'monster'), ), 'Misc. Stuff' => array( 'eA Logs' => array('module' => 'logdata'), 'CP Logs' => array('module' => 'cplog'), 'IP Ban List' => array('module' => 'ipban'), 'Accounts' => array('module' => 'account'), 'Characters' => array('module' => 'character'), 'Guilds' => array('module' => 'guild'), 'Reload' => array('module' => 'reload'), 'Send Mail' => array('module' => 'mail'), 'Re-Install' => array('module' => 'install', 'action' => 'reinstall'), //'Auction' => array('module' => 'auction'), //'Economy' => array('module' => 'economy'), ) ), Again, /config/applications.php Similar thread: http://rathena.org/board/topic/61684-enable-email-verification-in-flux/ 'AllowDuplicateEmails' => false, // Whether or not to allow duplicate e-mails to be used in registration. (See Mailer config options) 'RequireEmailConfirm' => false, // Require e-mail confirmation during registration. 'RequireChangeConfirm' => false, // Require confirmation when changing e-mail addresses. 'EmailConfirmExpire' => 48, // E-mail confirmations expire hours. Unconfirmed accounts will expire after this period of time. 'MailerFromAddress' => 'noreply@localhost', // The e-mail address displayed in the From field. 'MailerFromName' => 'MailerName', // The name displayed with the From e-mail address. 'MailerUseSMTP' => false, // Whether or not to use a separate SMTP server for sending mail. 'MailerSMTPUseSSL' => false, // Whether or not mailer should connect using SSL (yes for GMail). 'MailerSMTPUseTLS' => false, // Same as above SSL setting, but for TLS. This setting will override the SSL setting. 'MailerSMTPPort' => null, // When MailerUseSMTP is true: SMTP server port (mailer will default to 25). 'MailerSMTPHosts' => null, // When MailerUseSMTP is true: A string host or array of hosts (e.g., 'host1' or array('host1', 'backuphost')). 'MailerSMTPUsername' => null, // When MailerUseSMTP is true: Authorized username for SMTP server. 'MailerSMTPPassword' => null, // When MailerUseSMTP is true: Authorized password for SMTP server (for above user).
  3. This account clustering feature for the AthenaCP needs quite a bit of structural changes @_@;;

  4. Emperiums, when renewal is enabled, have plant mode enabled (ie. every hit is 1 damage).
  5. announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" is BEYOND GODLIKE ["+@PlayersKilledStreak+"]. Someone Toel Gua Dong.. !!!!!! at "+ strcharinfo(3),bc_all,0x00FF00;
  6. I priced it to be $20.00 but I believe there is an 8% (?) tax which goes straight to rAthena to help cover some of the costs of hosting your files and providing the emulator. If you would like to purchase, click the "Click here to download the file" link would at the end of the first post.
  7. File Name: Support Ticket System File Submitter: Xantara File Submitted: 06 Jun 2012 File Category: Web Resources Content Author: Xantara Information This is a Control Panel Addon that allows players to create tickets in which the staff can answer them. Features: - Statuses (open, close, replied) - Categories (bug report, suggestions, complaints, etc) with GM restrictions - Pagination for better organization - WYSIWYG enhanced text-editor (tinyMCE) is provided for ease of communication - Search tickets for staff - Email notifications (for staff and ticket creator) - Shows last_mac if enabled (for Harmony users only) - Better user interface design! Compatibility: - FluxCP users should download Xantara_(FluxCP)_Support_Ticket_v1.3.1.1_np.zip - FluxCP-rA and FluxCP-RE users should download Xantara_(FluxCP-RE)_Support_Ticket_v1.3.2_np.zip rAthena User Discount: By purchasing here on rAthena, you receive a DISCOUNTED price (normally $25.00!) and some proceeds are given to back to the community (rAthena). Try it out! A demo is setup in the link below. You may log in using the following information depending on which point of view you would like to try. Demo Link: Control Panel Admin Login: Username: admin Password: admin Player Login: Username: player Password: player OR, create an account with your email to test out the email notifications feature! Policy All purchases are non-refundable Do not redistribute any of my work Do not steal the credit of work created specifically by me, Xantara. Do not remove or replace copyright text, images, etc. You may not use this work for commercial purposes. You may alter the work as long as attribution is given. However, support for the work will no longer be provided. * Any of the above conditions can be waived if you have my approval * Support Included is a README file with some basic instructions and other information. Purchasing this addon includes lifetime and free support. If you find a bug, please report it! Website: http://www.artistic-coder.com/ MSN: missxantara[at]gmail[dot]com Credits Created by Xantara Like my work? Rate/vote this download Rep up my support topic post Click here to download this file
  8. Paradox's Vote4Points has bugs in it. I wouldn't recommend it unless he recently updated his. Also, his V4P is a paid addon. People shouldn't be "sharing" without his permission..
  9. Here is a related thread answer: - http://rathena.org/b...-cp/#entry95244
  10. I would recommend running the updates_xxxx.sql files from rathena/trunk/sql-files/ for the SVN revisions you are updating to. These will include the mob_db and group column changes.
  11. Login as admin, go to the item database page, browse then select the item you wish to add. In the sub-menu, there should be a link that says "Add to Item Shop", click it and fill out the form. Item DB page: www.domain.com/?module=item
  12. Xantara


    trunk/sql-files/upgrade_svn15531_db.sql -- `ExpPer` column removed from `mob_db` and `mob_db2` tables ALTER TABLE `mob_db` DROP COLUMN `ExpPer`; ALTER TABLE `mob_db2` DROP COLUMN `ExpPer`; That is all the changes that I know of...
  13. Exit from the client and edit data/OptionInfo.lua file. Something similar to this should do.. CmdOnOffList["/notrade"] = 0 CmdOnOffList["/noshift"] = 0 CmdOnOffList["/noctrl"] = 1 CmdOnOffList["/skillfail"] = 1 CmdOnOffList["/notalkmsg"] = 0 CmdOnOffList["/notalkmsg2"] = 0 CmdOnOffList["/showname"] = 1 CmdOnOffList["/fog"] = 1 CmdOnOffList["/aura"] = 1 CmdOnOffList["/window"] = 0 CmdOnOffList["/miss"] = 1 CmdOnOffList["/q1"] = 0 CmdOnOffList["/q2"] = 0 CmdOnOffList["/effect"] = 1 CmdOnOffList["/bgm"] = 1 CmdOnOffList["/sound"] = 0 CmdOnOffList["/loginout"] = 1 CmdOnOffList["/shopping"] = 1 CmdOnOffList["/stateinfo"] = 1 CmdOnOffList["/snap"] = 1 CmdOnOffList["/itemsnap"] = 1 CmdOnOffList["/skillsnap"] = 1 CmdOnOffList["/hoai"] = 0 CmdOnOffList["/merai"] = 0 CmdOnOffList["/camera"] = 0
  14. Here is the fix: - https://github.com/m...76d5811036d9bf9
  15. I believe you mean this: data/templates/confirm.php
  16. For the notice, in the config.ini file, try using the following values: Btw, the Thor Patcher you are using isn't the latest.... (http://thor.aeomin.net/) But for your version, I think this would work (not tested): You can test if it works by running the Config_Packer executable.
  17. @creed.sin: Firstly, are you sure that the email address works? Have you tried sending emails from it before? I'm not 100% sure as I've never encountered that type of error, but from some quick searching, it may be best to use a different SMTP server or otherwise ask your host to make sure outgoing connections are enabled for your host (as a post I've read mentioned that a host, GoDaddy, for example, initially blocks them via firewall).
  18. Sorry, Mysterious, I'm not quite sure what you mean on how I set it up. ><;; It was a regular Gmail account that I used to test FluxCP's email sender function.. I apologize if I misunderstood.
  19. I just did a quick test so let me know if you see any bugs. [Orcao]_setcashpoints_rAthena_v1.0.patch - Full credits go to Orcao
  20. I'm not 100% sure but after my guess and some quick research makes my think that the problem is that your host is blocking outbound connections to GMail's SMTP host and port. Here are some suggestions: http://stackoverflow.com/a/6209111
  21. Are you using GMail as your outgoing mail server? If you don't mind, could you show what you put (minus the password)? You can also try using these settings (TLS and port change). I tested this configuration as well and it still works (for GMail). 'RequireEmailConfirm' => true, // Require e-mail confirmation during registration. ... 'MailerFromAddress' => '[email protected]', // The e-mail address displayed in the From field. 'MailerFromName' => 'Xantara - CP', // The name displayed with the From e-mail address. 'MailerUseSMTP' => true, // Whether or not to use a separate SMTP server for sending mail. 'MailerSMTPUseSSL' => false, // Whether or not mailer should connect using SSL (yes for GMail). 'MailerSMTPUseTLS' => true, // Same as above SSL setting, but for TLS. This setting will override the SSL setting. 'MailerSMTPPort' => 587, // When MailerUseSMTP is true: SMTP server port (mailer will default to 25). 'MailerSMTPHosts' => 'smtp.gmail.com', // When MailerUseSMTP is true: A string host or array of hosts (e.g., 'host1' or array('host1', 'backuphost')). 'MailerSMTPUsername' => '[email protected]', // When MailerUseSMTP is true: Authorized username for SMTP server. 'MailerSMTPPassword' => '****', // When MailerUseSMTP is true: Authorized password for SMTP server (for above user).
  22. Hmm... weird. Check the file that should be created in the flux/data/logs/errors/mail/ directory. It should have an error message inside... ><;
  23. Tested on latest fluxcp-renewal with GMail settings (mentioned here) and it worked. I received the email, I clicked the confirmation link, and the account can now be accessed. 'RequireEmailConfirm' => true, // Require e-mail confirmation during registration. ... 'MailerFromAddress' => '[email protected]', // The e-mail address displayed in the From field. 'MailerFromName' => 'Xantara - CP', // The name displayed with the From e-mail address. 'MailerUseSMTP' => true, // Whether or not to use a separate SMTP server for sending mail. 'MailerSMTPUseSSL' => true, // Whether or not mailer should connect using SSL (yes for GMail). 'MailerSMTPUseTLS' => false, // Same as above SSL setting, but for TLS. This setting will override the SSL setting. 'MailerSMTPPort' => 465, // When MailerUseSMTP is true: SMTP server port (mailer will default to 25). 'MailerSMTPHosts' => 'smtp.gmail.com', // When MailerUseSMTP is true: A string host or array of hosts (e.g., 'host1' or array('host1', 'backuphost')). 'MailerSMTPUsername' => '[email protected]', // When MailerUseSMTP is true: Authorized username for SMTP server. 'MailerSMTPPassword' => '****', // When MailerUseSMTP is true: Authorized password for SMTP server (for above user). Note: Input for 'MailerSMTPPassword' has been starred out. Also, if you think there is a bug with FluxCP, please also send in an issue (here) so that CalciumKid (and others) are aware and can look into it. (You can still inquire about it on rA boards but an email notification is sent to the us if an issue is created =p)
  24. Lurking for now while I study for my final exams... I'll be back and working on April 25! =D

  25. @ solid2005 Not 100% sure if the following will work but try setting RequireOwnership to false in the config/applications.php file. Otherwise, try to chmod 777 the fluxcp-renewal/data/* folders. (Might also have to clear your cp_* tables in your SQL database.) Also, I think it would be best if support questions are created in the Control Panel, Website, and Forum Support sub-forum rather than in this thread. Or, if you found the bug, report it here.
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