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Everything posted by Xantara

  1. Yea, I created this program a while ago and stopped due to this problem (and lack of time) as well. I hope you can find and way! Looking forward to it =)
  2. Okay, thanks for reading~ =)
  3. Could you add in a functionality that allows it to save the output image in different formats such as PNG and GIF? If so, this is exactly the type of program I was looking for and was thinking of making!
  4. Is there a way for the author to find out who purchased their paid download? I am asking because if I do updates, I want to make sure the purchasers are aware. Also, if support is needed, I am able to confirm that they did buy it from me.
  5. Updated Support Ticket System. I have also uploaded a version to support those that are using regular FluxCP. Changelog Please note that there is a demo available where you can test it out as an admin or a regular player. If you feel that a feature should be added, all you need to do is let me know. However, after purchasing, there should be no reason for complaints of features that you thought was included but wasn't. Additionally, you can always suggest features before (or even after) purchasing. If the demo is down or bugged, please let me know.
  6. Sorry for the late reply! Yes, transferring your data to fit my system's structure is doable. I will, however, need to know more about your categories as they are handled differently (ie. categories are stored as integers and group_id is not in my db). I'll need to make a "convert" page in the Admin menu since the ticket id is incremented differently than mine. Will this be fine? If so, please let me know if and when you decide to purchase this addon as I will then start creating the conversion code. Thanks
  7. Thanks~ I love your source modifications by the way. =D ( Sorry for the late reply, too busy ><;; )
  8. Thanks for letting me know. Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce that error. The program created a converted file and I ran the query without any errors. May I see that item in regular TXT format? Did your txt version run without problems? Perhaps you have an extra closing bracket in yours? I used this to test... 6299,Worn_Fabric,Worn Fabric,3,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,{ set @inchpheal,(readparam(bVit)*1); set @incspheal,(readparam(bInt)*1); for( set @healtime,0; @healtime < 30; set @healtime,@healtime+1 ) { itemheal @inchpheal,@incspheal; sleep2 2000; } dispbottom "Your healing item has run out."; end; },{},{} And this is what my program spit out... REPLACE INTO `item_db2` VALUES (6299,'Worn_Fabric','Worn Fabric',3,0,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'set @inchpheal,(readparam(bVit)*1); set @incspheal,(readparam(bInt)*1); for( set @healtime,0; @healtime < 30; set @healtime,@healtime+1 ) { itemheal @inchpheal,@incspheal; sleep2 2000; } dispbottom \"Your healing item has run out.\"; end;',NULL,NULL);
  9. So, I found out that someone was asking Zephyrus to add my work, this package in particular, to his eAmod. I was thinking of just removing this download but that would stop other members from using this. Instead, I'm asking the users to please stop. I did not make this, nor any of my other free downloads, just so that they can be added to someone else's work and get paid for it.
  10. Yes, that would help. You may not even need too if you do not have a lot of commented lines. Anyways, if you have used my tool and produced errors, please let me know so I can fix it in the next revision. Thanks~
  11. Nope, I created this addon from scratch and was a customer request. I wasn't even aware that another person had already created this system. If you want, you can provide me the structure (no need for the data) of the SQL tables that your current system uses. I can then take a look and, if possible, provide queries to transfer your data to fit my tables. I appreciate your interest in this work. If you have further questions or concerns, feel free to let me know~ =)
  12. You can try using this TXT2SQL Converter program: [Xantara]_rA_text2sql_v1.2.0.zip If you have a lot of commented lines in your TXT file, you might get an error when importing it to your PMA: - http://rathena.org/b..._db +phpmyadmin
  13. Are you looking for a converter or steps on how to upload the query to PMA? o_o;
  14. File Name: [NPC] Code Breaker Game File Submitter: Xantara File Submitted: 18 Dec 2011 File Category: Games, Events, Quests Information It is an individual player type game. Objective of the game is to guess a 3 digit number where none of the digits repeat. There are 3 difficulty settings depending on the number of guesses which is configurable. Clues are given for the previously guessed number. Prizes for each difficulty can be set through the GM Panel (level is configurable). Configuration In-game configuration is available for the Prizes (GM only). Script configuration is found at the bottom of the file: // ---- CONFIG ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // NPC Name set .NPC$, "[ Code Breaker ]"; // Minimum GM Level for GM Panel. [Default: 60] set .minGMlvl, 60; // Number of Guesses per Difficulty (Easy, Medium, Hard) [Default: 5, 3, 2] setarray .CB_Guess[1], 5, 3, 2; // ---- END OF CONFIG ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits Created by Xantara Requested by Yukino Function createCode optimized by KeyWorld License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Do not mirror without my consent. Click here to download this file
  15. I added you yesterday and I waited for you today but now it's 4am so in going to sleep. I'll message you tomorrow... >.>; Oh, and make sure you are using FluxCP-Renewal: https://github.com/calciumkid/fluxcp-renewal (or my AthenaCP lol) Night
  16. If the query says there is a duplicate, then that is good thing (in this case). Try the group_id one. I was on MSN (just logged off actually). I messaged you an hour ago but no response so I just posted here =s Gonna go sleep though...
  17. @donkeyg, I'll reply in this thread. To make the registration and login to work, please make sure you have a 'group_id' and 'birthdate' column in your 'login' table. Here are the queries if you don't have them: - (birthdate) https://rathena.svn....de_svn14672.sql - (group_id) https://rathena.svn....de_svn15572.sql However, if you don't have either of them, then that means you are also most likely to be missing other database changes. Although it may not be needed by the CP, it is still best to update as you may experience bugs or errors in your server. If you are switching from eA revision X and updated to rA revision Y. Go to the following link and execute upgrade_svnZ.sql where Z is any number between X and Y. - link: https://rathena.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/rathena/trunk/sql-files/ As always, it is recommended to make a backup of your data before making any changes.
  18. Do you have a business paypal account? Is your IPN setting enabled? If so, what is the URL that you set it too?
  19. Try using the following config found in applications.php
  20. Xantara


    Did you want to create a script command, at command, or?
  21. Do you have a group_id and a birthdate column in your SQL login table? If not, then you do not have the latest rAthena SQL database..
  22. Hrmm.. not sure if showing how the page would look is allowed, but here is what I quickly made.. ><; It includes Facebook Avatar, Facebook Timeline Cover, and the Facebook Feed Meta Image. Let me know if you prefer just the individual pictures.
  23. This isn't tested but you can try: OnSort: // Create an array of char_ids of the players that are logged in but also in the ides_sorting table query_sql("SELECT sort.char_id FROM `rune_rankings`.`ides_sorting` AS sort LEFT JOIN `database`.`char` AS ch ON sort.char_id = ch.char_id WHERE ch.online = 1 ORDER BY sort.value DESC",.@char_id); for( set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize(.@char_id); set .@i,.@i+1 ) { if(.@i%2 == 0) warpchar "ides01",50,146,.@char_id[.@i]; else warpchar "ides01",154,146,.@char_id[.@i]; } //mapannounce "ides01","[ides] Teams have been sorted!",0; end; Please make sure to change `database` to the schema name of where the table char exists. EDIT: Full script @ http://artistic-coder.com/paste/2 (link valid only for a day)
  24. FluxCP doesn't have this feature... That is, it has no code related to showing the pictures of mobs.
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