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Everything posted by Xantara

  1. I'm willing to add that in if you have the class image files ready.
  2. Alright, so I found out that GitHub has an SVN mirror, however, it has its pros and cons. Pros: My current setup is doing a commit on a local copy of GIT, git svn to the Google Code, then a remove svn2git to push to GitHub. This is quite tedious and not exactly a "mirror". This causes me to guess if something will work or not (eg. making a branch - which did not work). No extra work for me to update links, content, etc Cons: Revision numbers on GitHub are different than the ones currently on GoogleCode thus "svn switch --relocate" may not work No web interface that shows the linear use of revision numbers Changes: Due to the lack of revision numbers, I plan to change the schema update files to dates instead of relying on revision numbers (eg. /data/schemas/charmapdb/cp_charprefs.20090425.sql). I am thinking of using the GitHub SVN mirror and delete the Google Code repository so that I can start to work on the Account Management feature on a separate branch. However, it'd be great to get other's input, Perhaps I am forgetting an important pro/con? Maybe you like/dislike the proposed changes? Or, you have knowledge in this GIT/SVN stuff and have recommendations/ideas/suggestions/etc. Oh, and if anyone knows how to make it so that a git push/commit message include the svn revision number, that'd be great!
  3. I've decided to create the Account Management feature first prior to coding the theme. This is because this new feature will change, move, and delete some pages which would make more work if I themed before rather than after.
  4. Yes, it should be around there. There are extra downloads if you want images for items and monsters: https://github.com/missxantara/fluxcp-ra/downloads
  5. All my current addons, except for the Item Shop Quantifier, will stay as addons. Thanks for the inquiry (I knew someone would ask lol).
  6. Xantara's FluxCP Everyone knows of FluxCP. However, with the creation of rAthena, there became a need to support renewal changes and other features such as the new group system. This is where my Control Panel comes in. Xantara's FluxCP is a free and open source control panel to work with rAthena. Forked from FluxCP by Paradox924X and Byteflux at r1121. I will continually merge updates from the original FluxCP. Demo: http://web.artistic-coder.com/fluxcp-rA Note: this site is used to test new functionality and custom addons so it may not always be functioning properly Features The original/base FluxCP already comes with a lot of features. Here I will only highlight those that came after the fork. For a full list, click here. Updated Ragnarok Data Full Birthdate Functionality Working GM Group System Mob Skills SQLized Zeny Log Page Specific Item Drop Rates Toggle for Pre-Renewal or Renewal SQL Data Alchemist Ranking Blacksmith Ranking Paginated Item Shop Character/job images (static) WIP Account management system (link one or more in-game accounts to one CP account) Queued Accepted Suggestions (have suggestions? post them here!) Search in logs page Pin code functionality Character sprites with palettes (would replace static images) Requirements Apache webserver with PHP 5.2 or greater PDO extension with MySQL support (http://www.php.net/pdo) PHP GD2 for security images (Optional) Enabled Zip extension for exporting guild emblems (Optional) Apache/mod_rewrite for using the "Clean URLs" feature Download There are three ways to get a copy of this Control Panel. For detailed installation instructions, click here (TBD). 1. GIT Clone git clone https://github.com/missxantara/fluxcp-ra.git * For Windows, you can take a look at using TortoiseGit with its friendly user interface. 2. SVN Checkout svn checkout https://github.com/missxantara/fluxcp-ra/trunk/ * For Windows, you can take a look at using TortoiseSVN with its friendly user interface. 3. ZIP Download https://github.com/missxantara/fluxcp-ra/archive/master.zip Extra Downloads Extract to the root folder of your FluxCP system Job Image Files: http://missxantara.github.io/fluxcp-ra/downloads/FluxCP_Jobs_Images_2012-04-28.zip Updated details: April 28, 2013 Credits: Xantara Monster Image Files: http://missxantara.github.io/fluxcp-ra/downloads/FluxCP_Monsters_Eclage_14.2.zip Updated details: Mob ID #2380 of Eclage (Episode 14.2) Credits: Brynner Item Icon Files: http://missxantara.github.io/fluxcp-ra/downloads/FluxCP_Item_Icons_2012-04-08.zip Updated details: April 8, 2013 Credits: Latheesan's Extractor Item Image Files: http://missxantara.github.io/fluxcp-ra/downloads/FluxCP_Item_Images_2012-04-08.zip Updated details: April 8, 2013 Credits: Latheesan's Extractor Quick Links Wiki: https://github.com/missxantara/fluxcp-ra/wiki Bug/Suggestion Reports: https://github.com/missxantara/fluxcp-rA/issues GitPage: http://missxantara.github.io/fluxcp-ra Misc. Feel free to post any suggestions here. If suitable, they may be polled by general users before being decided to be implemented or not. If you have a feature already coded that you would like to share, please do send a GIT pull request or send me an SVN diff of the work - I'd love to take a look at it! Please note that working on this open-source project will furthermore serve as a learning opportunity for me. If you find that I've implemented something that could be improved, I urge you to let me know - your knowledge on this subject would be greatly appreciated! Like my work? Rep up the topic first post
  7. I don't receive a server 500 error when visiting your site. I instead get an actual FluxCP generated page error. However, I do experience some lag before the error page shows up, but I feel like that may be a web host issue (just a hunch since there isn't much info about this error yet). Please enable DebugMode in applications.php and showExceptions in errors.php (both in the config folder) and revisit the page. PS. I just got home. I'll be responding to your email shortly.
  8. Xantara

    Fluxcp Xantara

    Hmm.. I don't see anything wrong with the code (though, that was just by looking). What was the scenario? Is a player trying to change the slot of one of his/her own characters? Or was it a GM trying to reset another account's character slot? What was their group ID?
  9. Xantara

    Fluxcp Xantara

    Hmm.. I just tested and it seems to work fine for me. Try checking your config/access.php file. There are two settings there, one for players and the other for a GM trying to change another account's character slot. (I tested using the default, no modifications file.) Let me know if you continue to have problems.
  10. Just posting this just in case someone ends up with the same error and looking for a fix: Make sure you have all the files and their contents in fluxcp/data/schemas/charmapdb/ and fluxcp/data/schemas/logindb/. In this case, the files were in the directories but had nothing in them (perhaps from a bad upload). If you don't have them, just pull/checkout the files again or re-upload (and replace) them.
  11. Xantara

    Fluxcp Xantara

    Not at the moment. However, I am actually working on a something that separates the CP tables from the ragnarok SQL tables (and another, more prominent feature). It will still need access to the ragnarok SQL tables though (such that it can read the proper in-game logins and such). Hopefully I understood what you meant, if not, please let me know.
  12. Xantara

    Fluxcp Xantara

    Hmm... Sorry, I don't quite understand the problem. User can't log in? Did you make sure the md5 setting matches with your server config? BTW, calciumKids version is outdated and it doesn't exactly have a functional group implementation.
  13. Which FluxCP are you using? If you are using mine (Xantara's FluxCP for rAthena), set isRenewal in servers.php to true. If you are using another version, I would recommend you switch to mine.
  14. Nope, not what I meant. I have not encountered this error before, but I *think* the reason might be that the web server was not able to open and read the file. I thought it might not have the necessary read access to the files. This might be wrong now that it seems that some of the files were installed, but try to chmod -777 all the files in those two folders I mentioned above?
  15. @JayPee, might be because you only quoted one line xP But, I agree, it is more confusing than needed. I'll just stick to the policy I outlined without the additional licensing. Thanks.
  16. Does the files in fluxcp/data/schemas/charmapdb/ and fluxcp/data/schemas/logindb/ allow read access?
  17. Hmm.. weird, it shouldn't. I just tried downloading and it worked - though it may be because I am the creator, lol. Try contacting the administrator(s). If they aren't able to resolve it within 72 hours, let me know.
  18. Yes, the itembound diff is outdated due to the unique_id update from rAthena. I'll create an update diff soon. As for removing a patch from your files, if you have other modifications, then you have to do it manually. If you do not have other modifications in your server, you can right click on your rathena folder, select TortoiseSVN -> Revert... Then select the files that the patch file affected. Click OK, then the files are back to the original.
  19. Buy now for only $10! Sale will end in 24.5 hours (ie. Tues. Jan 8 at 11:59 PM -7 GMT).
  20. File Name: Vending Add-On for FluxCP File Submitter: Xantara File Submitted: 30 Dec 2012 File Category: Web Resources Content Author: Xantara What is this? This is a Control Panel Addon that shows what is vending live on the server. Features: List of all vended items with their cost, refine, slots, shop name, location, etc Pagination system is used for organization Search filters through the results Able to view a full shop with a graphical interface Colour coordination for prices Includes patch file and sql queries to be applied to your server and database. Compatibility: Currently only available to users using rAthena SVN thus must be using FluxCP-rA. rAthena User Discount: By purchasing here on rAthena, you receive a DISCOUNTED price (normally $20.00!) and some proceeds are given to back to the community (rAthena). Try it out! A demo is setup in the link below. You may log in using the following information depending on which point of view you would like to try. Demo Link: Control Panel Admin Login: Username: admin Password: admin Player Login: Username: player Password: player Policy All purchases are non-refundable Do not redistribute any of my work Do not steal the credit of work created specifically by me, Xantara. Do not remove or replace copyright text, images, etc. You may not use this work for commercial purposes. You may alter the work as long as attribution is given. However, support for the work will no longer be provided. * Any of the above conditions can be waived if you have my approval * Support Included is a README file with some basic instructions and other information. Purchasing this addon includes lifetime and free support. If you find a bug, please report it! Website: http://www.artistic-coder.com/ MSN: missxantara[at]gmail[dot]com Credits Created by Xantara Like my work? Rate/vote this download Rep up my support topic post Click here to download this file
  21. Hmm.. I tried to use v2.0 on the latest rAthena and the only thing that rejected was the doc/script_commands.txt. The main parts were applied without any trouble. So perhaps you are using a really old version of rAthena? Anyways, I've uploaded v2.0.1 onto the rAthena Downloads. It should apply the patch and compile fine on r17062 and onwards. It'll be made available once it gets re-approved. For now, you can use this mirror: package_getitem_map_v2.0.1_[Xantara]
  22. The patch is probably outdated. I'll upload an updated patch tomorrow (its late here atm).
  23. It seems like I didn't "follow" this topic either...Yes, right-click your rAthena SVN folder, click Apply Patch. Then find the patch provided in the download. Then select "patch all files".
  24. File Name: Vote4Points File Submitter: Xantara File Submitted: 28 Dec 2012 File Category: Web Resources Content Author: Xantara What is this? This is a Control Panel Addon that provides an incentive for your players to vote for your server on several “top game sites”. Features: Add as many banners as you'd like! Edit and delete pre-existing banners easily Reward types: FluxCP Donation Credit Variable Points (eg #CASHPOINT) Item Reward (eg. Coins) [*]Vote Interval eg. vote every 12 hours [*]Reward Variability eg. vote for us on GameSites200 for 2 reward points and on XtremeTop100 for 5 points [*]Ability to associate banners with the vote site [*]Countdown timer eg. Vote in 4hrs and 3mins [*]Toggle to allow/disallow voting from same IP on multiple accounts [*]Voting and reward redeem logs Compatibility: Can be used on FluxCP for eAthena or rAthena. rAthena User Discount: By purchasing here on rAthena, you receive a DISCOUNTED price (normally $20.00!) and some proceeds are given to back to the community (rAthena). Try it out! A demo is setup in the link below. You may log in using the following information depending on which point of view you would like to try. Demo Link: Control Panel Admin Login: Username: admin Password: admin Player Login: Username: player Password: player Policy All purchases are non-refundable Do not redistribute any of my work Do not steal the credit of work created specifically by me, Xantara. Do not remove or replace copyright text, images, etc. You may not use this work for commercial purposes. You may alter the work as long as attribution is given. However, support for the work will no longer be provided. * Any of the above conditions can be waived if you have my approval * Support Included is a README file with some basic instructions and other information. Purchasing this addon includes lifetime and free support. If you find a bug, please report it! Website: http://www.artistic-coder.com/ MSN: missxantara[at]gmail[dot]com Credits Created by Xantara Like my work? Rate/vote this download Rep up my support topic post Click here to download this file
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