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Everything posted by Xantara

  1. @Lighta, thanks for the bug report~ @Topic, I updated the patch file to v1.1 to fix the bugs Lighta mentioned and optimized it with the ARR_FIND macro. As requested by a user, I have also uploaded a sample NPC script that will add a member to the party.
  2. I'll be willing to make a CeresCP version if there are more people interested. Thank you for purchasing it! Of course, I can provide support but I don't want to spam this topic. Please PM or email me how I can help. Thanks again~
  3. ^ That part worries me... If that is the case, then the information you provided in servers.php is, most likely, incorrect. Try to: 1. delete your current setup 2. re-upload the CP 3. update the configuration settings in servers.php and application.php 4. set $showExceptions to true in cp/config/error.php 5. set 'DebugMode' to true in cp/config/applications.php 6. navigate to your site, and click the "install or update all" link. If it doesn't work, it should show an error report why it didn't. Please show what it says in full.
  4. Hmm.. Well, the registering works fine for me.. From those logs, it looks like a bad database name setup/config, but your servers.php looks fine for me and I see no instance of 'Main' or 'Server Main' database name in there o_o How did you install/update the CP? Did you click the "install or update all" link or did you enter your username and password in the webpage? Perhaps try to delete the contents inside of the cp/data/tmp/ folder excluding the index.html file. Please let me know how it goes. But, yes, TeamViewer may help fix things (faster). Good luck~
  5. It seems like your user isn't able to make the data/logs/schemas/ directories and/or files. That is why it thinks you haven't installed the SQL tables yet and brings you back to the installer page. I forgot the exact steps to fix this though xD;; Maybe try changing 'RequireOwnership' in applications.php to false? ><;
  6. Hmm... If you are sure your ragnarok database that you configured in servers.php has the birthdate and group_id column, please check if there are any SQL error (file) outputs in the cp/data/logs/mysql/errors/ folder. If there is, please post. You can also try checking cp/data/logs/errors/exceptions/ folder. EDIT: Sorry, having troubles posting on rAthena right now and it is late where I live.. I might not be able to respond til tomorrow (when I wake up), but I hope you are able to find a solution before then ^^;
  7. I believe this should still work but it was made a while ago. If someone has downloaded and tried it out, please let me know how it turned out. Especially if there are any bugs. This will help me know if I should submit a request to add to the SVN or not (not guaranteed). Thanks!
  8. Its not your item database you should be looking at... It is your mob db.
  9. Same error, should be the same answer. Thread: http://rathena.org/board/topic/68893-solvedproblem-with-flux/
  10. Should hopefully work for item, mobs, and mob skills. Let me know if it doesn't so that I can update/fix it.
  11. Hmm.. I can't reproduce - it works fine for me. Looking at your configuration, it should be fine as well o_o;
  12. Are these edits already applied? If not, see if it works by adding them: - ceresCP_rA_update_r15583.patch
  13. Ah, thanks. I guess my database had a different setup D; I'll fix in the next revision~ Edit: https://github.com/missxantara/FluxCP-rA/commit/353dd9814b583ae876ede8299e249a4048840aa8
  14. Ah, I thought it worked out well but something happened to the images. Specifically bmp->png.
  15. Version 1.1


    Information This script command will will add the player attached to the party specified by the id. Syntax partyinvite(<party id>{,<type>}); Documentation Mirror Credits Created by @Xantara Requested by @Tetsuken This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Do not mirror without my consent.
  16. File Name: Partyinvite Script Command File Submitter: Xantara File Submitted: 08 Aug 2012 File Category: Source Modifications Content Author: Xantara Information This script command will will add the player attached to the party specified by the id. Syntax partyinvite(<party id>{,<type>}); Documentation Mirror Credits Created by @Xantara Requested by @Tetsuken This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Do not mirror without my consent. Click here to download this file
  17. Version 1.0


    Information This script command will apply a percent chance of freeze the players in the map (no matter what stats or equipment they have) for a duration. Syntax freezemap "<map name>",<chance>,<tick>; Documentation Mirror [Xantara]_scriptcmd_freezemap.patch Credits Created by @Xantara Requested by @ngek202 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Do not mirror without my consent.
  18. File Name: Freezemap Script Command File Submitter: Xantara File Submitted: 08 Aug 2012 File Category: Source Modifications Content Author: Xantara Information This script command will apply a percent chance of freeze the players in the map (no matter what stats or equipment they have) for a duration. Syntax freezemap "<map name>",<chance>,<tick>; Documentation Mirror [Xantara]_scriptcmd_freezemap.patch Credits Created by @Xantara Requested by @ngek202 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Do not mirror without my consent. Click here to download this file
  19. Ah, well, I don't know the exact reason for the error as well xD; So, I was just wondering. Because if you are right then I want to fix it on my CP too =p Edit: @@Mystogan Does your mob_db have ExpPer column? How about your mob_db2? I think one of those tables has a different design than the other (ie. the two tables don't have the same columns).
  20. Hmm... why do you say that? I have the `favorite` column in my database but I don't receive this error when viewing an item. D: And from the looks of that trace, it errors when making a temporary table for the mob database.
  21. Any luck with BMP to GIF?
  22. Although this is probably near last on my list (as people usually don't have more than one theme), may I know your reasoning for why only logged in users should be able to change themes? Just wondering =p Thanks for your input =) Hopefully more viewers can provide theirs. Sure, I can add in the zeny logs to the CP. Thanks for the suggestion~ 1. rAthena doesn't depend on those custom rankings and since servers will be using a variety of ranking systems, I'm not sure if I should include that in a default theme. 2. Perhaps. Maybe below the news box (and only shown in the home page)? 3/4. Hmm... not sure about this. Users can always add in a link to the navigation (eg. under the "Community") 5. I thought about this before and was going to do it for one of my theme designs for someone but they preferred to show each (map, char, and login). 6. Interesting suggestions. We will see =p 7. Hmm... Why? I can't make an informed decision on if I should and where to move if if I don't understand the reason behind your request. 8. Perhaps. Maybe before the buttons? Do you have these monster images? If so, I don't mind adding in that feature.
  23. Thanks everyone~ I am pleased to receive such a positive response. =) Design is the less important part of a Panel/Framework Ah, well, if you don't mind, I'd still like to know those details. Others may share the same view =) Yup, most of those would be in the navigation and up to the user to choose. Though, should woe time table and/or castle holders be in the main page? Oh, the footer won't be that low when coded. I just let if that low so that I can easily reproduce the design such that I can easily extend the main box without having to move everything down. Hmm... Perhaps I should take out the background and put something generic? It is just a default template. And, it would make the users want to customize it more with their own background? Not sure about this and would like feedback regarding it. Thanks for the feedback! I'll try to think of some ways to change the Status bar. The footer would actually be much higher. But, if a page actually would extend that far, then there would be that extra gradient background. Yup, it won't. It is just a filler to show how users can change that part and put in their own slogan and what-not. The screenshot is also just a filler. The end-users would, of course, put their own screenshots of their server. Thanks! And actually, you guessed one of my features that I didn't mention =p I'm planning to have a dropdown on the footer that the viewer can choose a language (based on what is available in the lang folder - will need translators lol) and update their view of the page for that certain language (eg. 1 user can view in english while another one views in tagalog). I was thinking of also adding in a theme selector similar to that of my CP gallery here.
  24. Hi all, In my opinion, the current FluxCP default theme is just .... bleh. So, I've decided to create a theme that will be included in the main branch of my " Xantara's FluxCP for rAthena" project. I'm not sure if I should replace the current default theme with this or just add it in as a custom theme. Anyways, please let me know what you like and dislike about this design~ Please don't just say "8/10" without explaining. Click image to see it in full dimensions. Note: I'm planning to make the navigation be able to dropdown but I forgot to show it in the design. Home Page: Things to Note - Server status will be extended to include WoE status and player online peak information - A "remember me" feature for logins - Rotating banner/screenshots (with FancyBox popups?) - Automatic RSS news (first shows full message, links to second and third previous) - Breadcrumb - Server logo in top left and middle footer Viewing Accounts Page: Things to Note - Account Management (link several in-game accounts to one CP account) - Avatar (linked to an in-game account for quicker recognition of which account you are currently using to view) - Generic class pictures (to be also used in ranking pages and such) - Better pagination system (includes "jump to page" selector and "display amount per page" dropdown) - Tables are skinned - More graphical approach to message displays for errors, success, etc Navigation Setup Page: SOON TO COME! Yes, it will be an admin page. Should be do-able without too much work... xD; Other Pages: There are quite a few more features that I have planned but I don't want to reveal too much just yet =p ~ Xantara
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