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Everything posted by Euphy

  1. I'd be extremely careful with this, as it allows any level 60+ GM to query any input string into the database. Use at your own risk.
  2. If you take a look at any scripts inside npc/jobs/ or npc/re/jobs/, you'll find plenty of good examples. Job constants are the first entries in db/const.txt.
  3. It's not a bug. On official servers, if a castle is unconquered, it can be freely taken at any time.
  4. Euphy

    Freebie NPC?

    Read: Basic_Scripting > account (#) variables; Getitem
  5. Yeah, I'm not sure why people purchased that script either...
  6. They spawn at 00:01 server time. Search 'OnClock0001' in npc/guild/agit_main.txt and npc/guild2/agit_main_se.txt.
  7. The only command that decreases a refine level is Downrefitem. If you search in the script (CTRL+F), you'll find that it only occurs once: set .@Drf, getequiprefinerycnt(.@part) - .@safe[.@wp]; for( .@i = 1; .@i <= .@Drf; .@i++ ) downrefitem .@part;The first line calculates the number of refines from the "safe" level, and the second line loops the 'downrefitem' command that number of times. So, if you delete those two lines, you'll have what you want.
  8. In general, RateMyServer information hasn't been too accurate (although this was different in the past).
  9. conf/battle/monster.conf // Display some mob info next to their name? (add as needed) // (does not works on guardian or Emperium) // 1: Display mob HP (Hp/MaxHp format) // 2: Display mob HP (Percent of full life format) // 4: Display mob's level show_mob_info: 0
  10. Players or monsters? (The latter is a configuration setting; the former will be quite a bit of work.)
  11. Here's a script that does pretty much that: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=wTG07rbs It's really old and not too well-written, but just throwing it out there.
  12. You have to do this manually, there's no shortcut. Make a list of cards and run queries through your databases to grab the data.
  13. Euphy


    Use negative numbers to decrease the time. (If you look inside item_db, most of the entries use negative values.)
  14. Euphy


    See the "Cast time/delay" section in doc/item_bonus.txt. In particular, reduce the fixed cast and variable cast of that skill to zero.
  15. So use a global variable ($var) to keep track of how many players have gotten the reward, i.e. increment it every time you give one. Much simpler than counting database entries.
  16. SQL has a 'COUNT()' function: http://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_func_count.asp Though I suggest you just keep a global variable instead (and sync it with SQL if necessary once when the server starts), since there's no point running the query repeatedly--that'd be much slower than checking a global.
  17. Missingno wanted you to use the optional event label, which you should read about. It triggers when the monster dies, so you can summon another monster upon death (or slightly delayed, which is where 'sleep' comes in).
  18. Consider enabling the "Unique ID" feature in /src/config/core.h: /// Uncomment to enable Non Stackable items unique ID /// By enabling it, the system will create an unique id for each new non stackable item created //#define NSI_UNIQUE_ID
  19. You'd probably want to use 'sleep' for this, since there's no reason to keep the player's RID attached for a mob respawn.
  20. You could try contacting the webhost (seems like stablehost.com), and also file a DMCA request with Google to get the site deindexed.
  21. Read: Enablenpc, Disablenpc, Basic_Scripting And:
  22. They're custom versions of the official scripts, written before the official ones were implemented. They're mostly there for history (nobody's had the heart to delete them, since they must've been so much work to write...). You almost certainly want to use the official files.
  23. Wow, this must've taken a lot of work to compile. Thanks for sharing!
  24. It was probably a misunderstanding on Aleos' part. We haven't caught it because, as you've noted, this isn't used in any of the official scripts. Please file a bug report and wait for a developer to get to it--thanks!
  25. I don't think anybody has ripped this script yet. (If you find it or rip it yourself, let me know so we an add it to our repository.)
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