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  1. I got my data folder here at rathena. Someone said that it is the latest/updated version of data folder. My client date is the stable one 2013-07-08a or 2013-08-07a (either of the two).
  2. The player cant drop items to the ground. What are you thinking guys? Cant drop items. Cant drag items into the ground. Cant you understand guys? Hayzzz I dont have that "Lock Item Drop" thingy. I'm using the default item windows tab (alt+E).
  3. what i mean is the player cant drop items. literally :|
  4. sir still i cant drop items even though i followed your guide. help please. and what am i gonna edit in the drops.conf???
  5. Ok thanks Imma try this later when I got home.
  6. I have this weird problem about my server. I CAN'T DROP ITEMS LITERALLY! What am I gonna do to solve my problem? Anybody here knows how? THANK YOU!
  7. Thank you so much for the reply!
  8. Can someone please give me some of the following NPCs: Healer with buff (Agi, Bless, Etc.) Automated Events (Find the Mushroom, Poring Catcher, Dice, Disguise) Broadcaster Also auto announcer script (Not the random one like Emistry made) Job changer (Trans class only) *For the automated event npc/script, please provide me the easy-to-edit one. THANK YOU!
  9. How about the reward and the rebirth title? It's not working. The only problem is the required items are not deleting. prontera,147,155,5 script Bronze Division#rebirth 757,{ if( BaseLevel < .rebirth_lvl[0] || JobLevel < .rebirth_lvl[1] ){ mes "You need Level "+.rebirth_lvl[0]+" / "+.rebirth_lvl[1]+"."; } else if( rebirth_count >= .rebirth_title_size ){ mes "You reach max rebirth already."; } else{ for( set .@i,0; .@i < .item_list_size; set .@i,.@i + 2 ){ mes " > "+getitemname( .item_list[.@i] )+" x "+.item_list[.@i+1]; if( countitem( .item_list[.@i] ) < .item_list[.@i+1] ) .@fail++; } if( !.@fail ) if( select( "Rebirth to "+.rebirth_title$[rebirth_count],"Cancel" ) == 1 ){ resetlvl 1; set rebirth_count,rebirth_count + 1; for( set .@i,0; .@i < .item_list_size; set .@i,.@i + 1 ) delitem .item_list[.@i],.item_list[.@i+2]; mes "DONE"; } } close; OnInit: setarray .rebirth_lvl,255,120; setarray .item_list, 512,10, 607,20, 608,30; set .item_list_size,getarraysize( .item_list ) - 2; setarray .rebirth_title$, "Bronze I", "Bronze II", "Bronze III", "Bronze IV", "Bronze V"; set .rebirth_title_size,getarraysize( .rebirth_title$ ); end; } That is the script. and there's still no title and no reward. BUMP* Is there any Moderators or Script Mods that can help me regarding my problem? Please please please! BUMP!
  10. Guys how can i fix this? I want the normal size of alt+e (inventory) Screenshot: Oh and also I want to remove the Cash shop button at the upper right of the Client. Thanks. How can I do that?
  11. Thank you so much for the help! Thanks a lot!! GMs please close this post. This topic is solved.
  12. .lub? Where can I download the .lua file of that? It says to the tutorial, I need to decompile that to lua. How can I do that? Thanks for the Help. Very well appreciated. My only problem is how can I decompile that to lua? Or where is can I get that lua of that file. Thank you so much for the help!
  13. What do I have to do with that? Please explain about that "modification" you're talking about.
  14. does idnum2itemresnametable still needed for the data folder in GIT? 'cause I cant create a custom item /sigh. Can someone please post a topic here for the step by step tutorial for custom item creation in GIT. I added idnum2itemresnametable in the new data folder but I think GIT aren't reading that file. Please teach me how to make a custom item in GIT and in GIT Data folder. Thanks. (There's so many updates /sigh) Thank you! ASAP PLEASE UP UP UP UP UP UP I dont know what to do. Its always 'Unknown Item' see this: Screenshots: I copy and paste sprite file. Create my own Texture file. (75x100 and 24x24). Copy idnum2itemresnametable from my old GRF (don't know if this file is still needed. I just try it though). Copy desctable, slotcounttable, slottable, etc. from my old GRF/Data folder to the 'UPDATED' data folder of GIT (which doesn't contain resnametable etc.) I don't know what to do. I tried everything but nothing happened. (i was like "WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!") Please Help Me!!! Thank you in Advance.
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