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Everything posted by Euphy

  1. There's no shortcut, you have to edit all the scripts manually.
  2. Replace the ternary if with a plain 0.
  3. Read: Multiple_Servers More specifically, I'd guess you're referring to Multiple_Servers#Multiple_Map_Servers.
  4. Euphy

    Rare Drop

    That comment is actually outdated, which is why you couldn't find it. It's 541 in map_msg: // Rare Items Drop/Steal announce 541: '%s' got %s's %s (chance: %0.02f%%)
  5. It was only there because the old formula was (way) incorrect. It works now, so there was no reason to leave the config there.
  6. There are plenty of programs that already do this, for example: http://rathena.org/board/files/file/2252-rathena-database-editor/ GUIs will do a better job than any formatting of a plain-text file.
  7. Euphy

    Ticket Refiner

    It's already in the repository. npc/re/merchants/ticket_refiner.txt
  8. Please post in the Bug Tracker. Thanks!
  9. I don't see any particular uses for this that would be generally beneficial (a notable difference: Battlegrounds officially changes your respawn point; instances do not). If you someone could provide example usages, that'd be helpful.
  10. Since we're no longer using SVN, there's nothing left to discuss here.
  11. Since the discussion is already ongoing here, I'm rejecting this to cut down on duplicates.
  12. Euphy

    VIP System

    Currently, an additional EXP boost can be granted with the 'bonus_script' command implemented in 99098c1. As stated elsewhere, a full VIP system is in the works. Renaming the topic to "VIP System" to make it easier to find.
  13. Rejecting, duplicate of Map zone discussion.
  14. We don't have the code for the instance yet (we're still pretty far behind, episode-wise). There's already another topic about this here, so I'm rejecting this. It'll be implemented once we get it.
  15. I'm rejecting this for obvious reasons (intellectual property; images have hardcoded items; we're not supplying 42 cutins for a custom script). Feel free to repost in script releases/requests, though.
  16. The number of castles, as well as part of the label execution names, are hardcoded. It's not too difficult to edit, but you have to be able to read and understand the script body.
  17. Interesting that they'd just replace my header with their own... xD That's an old version of my controller that's included in the npc/custom/ directory: npc/custom/woe_controller.txt
  18. for (.@part = 1; .@part <= 14; .@part++) { if (getequipisenableref(.@part)) { for (.@ref = 10 - getequiprefinerycnt(.@part); .@ref > 0; .@ref--) successrefitem .@part; } }
  19. Read: Basic_Scripting Set a permanent character variable at the end of the quest, check for the variable at the beginning of it.
  20. OnPCLoginEvent: // Check activates when you log in !getgmlevel() // Will only run for non-GM accounts
  21. Alternately, see 'countbound':
  22. Euphy

    Hide NPC

    Wasn't this fixed in r15288?
  23. Not too hard of a concept, but the execution will take some work on your part. Trigger 'loadevent' flag on every map, and when loading set a character variable indicating that the character has been to the map. Before warping, check if the variable is set for the destination map. The first part could be relatively efficiently accomplished with an SQL table, since you don't want to store tons of permanent character variables. My suggestion: Store an array of temporary character variables consisting of loaded map names OnPCLoadMapEvent. Query the array into an SQL table OnPCLogoutEvent, so that you only need to run this operation once. The other way is, of course, to use a table of map indexes and potentially write an algorithm to fit all loaded maps into a single permanent character string variable, but I personally wouldn't go through that much effort for this.
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