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Everything posted by Rikimaru

  1. A Gold Room is not just a Script,you'll also have to add a Mob,who drops items like Gold or Treasure Box,so you can make a Warper for your Gold Room and then there are the Mobs spawned inside. So you could use something like this : prontera,164,166,3 script Gold Room 865,{ set .@n$,"^0000FF[ Gold Room ]^000000"; mes .@n$; mes "Hello "+strcharinfo(0)+",do you want me to warp you into ^FF0000XXX RO's Gold Room^000000?"; next; switch(select("Yes,sure.:No,bye")) { case 1: next; mes .@n$; mes "Okay I'm going to warp you!"; next; warp "YOURGOLDROOMMAP",220,201; close; end; case 2: mes .@n$; mes "Okay,come back when you need my Service!"; close; } } YOURGOLDROOMMAP mapflag nowarpto YOURGOLDROOMMAP mapflag nosave YOURGOLDROOMMAP mapflag nomemo YOURGOLDROOMMAP,0,0,0,0 monster YOURGOLDROOMMONSTER YOURMOBID,700,1000,0,0
  2. I don't know if there's a way like that,but I don't think that there is a programm,which is able to do such a thing.
  3. Wo Irata recht hat,hat er recht,und ja ich habe wirklich nicht immer Zeit,das ist mein Problem,ich bin schon so lange Online wie es geht,gestern waren es 2 Stunden und Donnerstag 4 aber wie viel ich heute und morgen noch hinbekomme weiß ich noch nicht.
  4. Copy and Paste from other Custom Items and then edit the new Ones,there is no other way than writing everything manually or copy and paste it.
  5. Why don't you use something like this : prontera,164,166,3 script Gold Room 865,{ set .@n$,"^0000FF[ Gold Room ]^000000"; mes .@n$; mes "Hello "+strcharinfo(0)+",do you want me to warp you into ^FF0000XXX RO's Gold Room^000000?"; next; switch(select("Yes,sure.:No,bye")) { case 1: next; mes .@n$; mes "Okay I'm going to warp you!"; next; warp "YOURGOLDROOMMAP",220,201; close; end; case 2: mes .@n$; mes "Okay,come back when you need my Service!"; close; } } YOURGOLDROOMMAP mapflag nowarpto YOURGOLDROOMMAP mapflag nosave YOURGOLDROOMMAP mapflag nomemo YOURGOLDROOMMAP,0,0,0,0 monster YOURGOLDROOMMONSTER YOURMOBID,700,1000,0,0
  6. Check out Mysterious' Coin Exchanger here : http://mysterious-project.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/npc/CoinExchanger.txt also use the Search function,before posting new Topics,please! this is the edited version for you : [color=#000000]//===== eAthena/rAthena Script ======================================= [/color] //= Coin Exchanger //===== By: ================================================== //= Mysterious //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.9 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= eAthena or rAthena SVN //===== Description: ========================================= //= Exchange Coins (Mythril, Bronze, Gold, Platinum) into //= Zeny and vice versa //===== Other Information: =================================== // The script is written to have a Soft Code and a Hard code // Soft code contains Currencies, Colours, etc. // Core code is the NPC itself. //===== TODO: ================================================ // - Nothing //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= v1.0 - First release [Mysterious] //= v1.1 - Fixed a bug [Mysterious] //= v1.2 - Fixed Sentence structures [Mysterious] //= v1.3 - Fixed a bug where coins wasn't changing properly [Mysterious] //= v1.4 - Fixed a Typo [Mysterious] //= v1.5 - Fixed a bug where Zeny wasn't changing properly [Mysterious] //= v1.6 - New sentence structure and added Friendly messages [Mysterious] //= v1.7 - Made sure the NPC checks the players Zeny before converting coins to zeny [Mysterious] //= v1.8 - Added more Friendly Messages [Mysterious] //= v1.9 - Just changed a sentence structure [Mysterious] //============================================================ prontera,158,173,4 script Coin Trader 860,{ // ---------------------- // - Core Code // ---------------------- cutin "kafra_08",2; mes "[" + .colors$[1] + .npc_name$ + .colors$[0] + "]"; mes "What would you like to do today?"; set .@trade_type, select("- Coins -> Zeny:- Zeny -> Coins"); mes "Very well. Here is the list on how much each coin is worth:"; for (set .@a, 0; .@a < getarraysize(.coin_id); set .@a, .@a + 1) { mes .colors$[3 + .@a] + getitemname(.coin_id[.@a]) + .colors$[0] + ": " + .coin_to_zeny_format$[.@a] + "z"; set .@coin_menu$, .@coin_menu$ + (.@coin_menu$ == "" ? "" : ":") + .colors$[3 + .@a] + getitemname(.coin_id[.@a]) + .colors$[0]; } mes "Tell me, what coin would you like to exchange?"; next; set .@coin_choice, select(.@coin_menu$) - 1; next; mes "[" + .colors$[1] + .npc_name$ + .colors$[0] + "]"; switch(.@trade_type) { case 1: // Coins -> Zeny mes "How much coins would you like to give up?"; input .@amount; if (.@amount <= 0) { // Invalid Number? mes .colors$[2] + "Please Input a number greater than 0:"; cutin "",255; close; } else if (countitem(.coin_id[.@coin_choice]) < .@amount) { mes .colors$[2] + "I'm sorry, you do not have " + .@amount + " " + getitemname(.coin_id[.@coin_choice]) + (.@amount == 1 ? "" : "s"); cutin "",255; close; } else { // Ok! Checks Passed, Let's Trade! if(Zeny >= 2000000000) goto L_FullZeny; //Checks to see if the player has more than 1.8b set Zeny,Zeny + (.coin_to_zeny[.@coin_choice] * .@amount); delitem .coin_id[.@coin_choice],.@amount; cutin "",255; break; } case 2: // Zeny -> Coins mes "How much coins would you like?"; input .@amount; if (.@amount <= 0) { // Invalid Number? mes .colors$[2] + "Please Input a number greater than 0:"; cutin "",255; close; } else if (!checkweight(.coin_id[.@coin_choice],.@amount)) { // Will it Make Char Overweight? mes .colors$[2] + "I'm Sorry, but you can't carry this due to weight restrictions"; cutin "",255; close; } else if (Zeny < .coin_to_zeny[.@coin_choice] * .@amount) { mes .colors$[2] + "I'm sorry, you do not have enough zeny..."; cutin "",255; close; } else { // Checks OK! Let's trade! set Zeny, Zeny - (.coin_to_zeny[.@coin_choice] * .@amount); getitem .coin_id[.@coin_choice], .@amount; cutin "",255; } } mes "[" + .colors$[1] + .npc_name$ + .colors$[0] + "]"; mes "Pleasure doing business with you."; close2; cutin "", 255; close; L_FullZeny: next; mes "[" + .colors$[1] + .npc_name$ + .colors$[0] + "]"; mes "I'm sorry, but I can't allow you to exchange Coins into Zeny when you have over 1.8b zeny."; close; // ---------------------- // - Soft Code // ---------------------- OnInit: // Store NPC Name set .npc_name$, "Coin Master"; // Storing Colours // Order of Array: Default Text, NPC Name, Error, coin_type1, coin_type2, coin_type3, coin_type4, etc... // Note: If you plan on adding additional coins, simply add a new color here setarray .colors$[0],"^000000", "^336699", "^550000", "^996633", "^666666", "^FFFF66", "^99CCCC"; // Set Coin Item ID's // In Order coin_id1, coin_id2, coin_id3, coin_id4, etc... setarray .coin_id[0],674, 671, 675, 670; // Coin -> Zeny Value // Change the Value you want the coins to be worth | Order: Mithril Coin, Gold Coin, Silver Coin, Bag of Gold Coin setarray .coin_to_zeny[0],1000000,10000000,200000000,1000000000; // Currency Formatted String of Zeny | Order: Bronze Coin, Gold Coin, Platinum Coin, Mithril Coin setarray .coin_to_zeny_format$[0],"1,000,000","10,000,000","200,000,000","1,000,000,000"; }
  7. If the Sprite is shown in the Equipment correctly on your Head,then it should be working normally,I don't know,what could be wrong with this,sorry.
  8. Maybe you should compile your LUA's to LUB's , because if you want to skip a few ID's you have to compile your LUA Files to LUB Files. Good Luck.
  9. Looks really nice Mysterious!
  10. What? Flippy posted? OMG,I thought he left forever. Ziu is right,nothing more to say.
  11. Ja guides zum Server aufsetzen gibt es ja 2 Stück,eine von Judas und das Video von dem oberen Post,nur die sind halt auf Englisch,da bräuchte man vielleicht einen deutschen Guide,ich könnte schon mal anfangen ein bisschen was zu schreiben und dir das dann schicken Tepoo,wenn du die Hilfe von mir annimmst.
  12. I tested the following SQL Script on my SQL Database and it worked : UPDATE `char` set `str`=1,`agi`=1,`vit`=1,`int`=1,`dex`=1,`luk`=1; UPDATE `char` set `status_point` = (45+(base_level*160)) where `base_level`>5; UPDATE `char` set `status_point` = (status_point+52) where class >= 4001 and class <= 4022;
  13. Der link funktioniert, das hier ist der link : http://svn6.assembla.com/svn/ClientSide/
  14. You have to edit the inter_athnea.conf and add your mySQL username,password and database name in there.
  15. Just search for this : set $ET_Cooldown,583200; // Seconds and change it to this : set $ET_Cooldown,10800; //Time in Seconds , that means cooldown is 3 Hours
  16. Hast du mal geguckt ob in den Konfigurations Dateien des Patchers alles richtig eingestellt ist?
  17. Dann add mich mal bei MSN und ich kann dir vielleicht ein bisschen über Team Viewer behilflich sein,habe ich immerhin schon öfter gemacht. [email protected] oder schreib mir einfach hier eine PN.
  18. Looks really good,I like the Status Updates,which you are able to add when you login. Also not a bad interface,but I'd still like to see some more interesting things , maybe something like a Worldmap!
  19. Hmm...Ich denke ich werde mich da mal heute Nachmittag dran setzen und auch mal ein bisschen dran rumzuspielen und ein paar Sachen zu testen,dann kann ich dir mehr sagen.
  20. Please us Codeboxes next time. I added them now.
  21. This should do it : http://pastebin.com/sQfCTB3S
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