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Sapito Sucio

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Everything posted by Sapito Sucio

  1. Try replacing your aldeg_cas01.rsw with this one; aldeg_cas01.rsw
  2. To fix this you gotta change this code from the skill_vending() function; if (!pc_can_give_items(sd) || (item = itemdb_search(nameid)) == NULL) to this if (!pc_can_give_items(sd) || item_db.find(nameid)) { and this struct item_data *item; to this std::shared_ptr<item_data> item; Ending up with something like this /** * Extended Vending system [Lilith] **/ int skill_vending(struct map_session_data *sd, t_itemid nameid) { std::shared_ptr<item_data> item; char output[1024]; nullpo_ret(sd); if (!pc_can_give_items(sd) || !item_db.exists(nameid)) { sd->state.prevend = 0; sd->vend_loot = 0; sd->state.workinprogress = WIP_DISABLE_NONE; clif_skill_fail(sd, MC_VENDING, USESKILL_FAIL_LEVEL, 0); } else { sd->vend_loot = nameid; sd->state.prevend = 1; clif_openvendingreq(sd, 2 + sd->vend_lvl); sprintf(output, msg_txt(sd, 1594), item->ename.c_str()); clif_messagecolor(&sd->bl, color_table[COLOR_CYAN], output, false, SELF); } return 0; } That change will fix the problem; 1_h5DSoasBYb.mp4
  3. Sorry but then you left some custom configurations, in clean rathena that doesn't happen
  4. I think you gotta post more code, specifically those lines that are throwing a warning xd
  5. Have you tried using an updated System folder from llchrisll's repo ?
  6. Unfortunately, as you have seen, you can't add color via msgstringtable.
  7. I remember seeing this project long time ago and the same problem was discussed. It's harcoded into the client. And yes, the characters looks really good, the problem is that it uses the same asset to show the character sprite on both Alt S and Alt Q window. And since you are upscaling it, it's shown weird Would be amazing if this could be covered with a Nemo/Warp patch tho
  8. Since the msg is inside msgstringable.txt, I believe it's harcoded into the client. I could be wrong
  9. There are some @effect which makes the player semi transparent, some with colors, some don't. You could do that and apply @effect on a player
  10. Sorry, I didn't understand. Could you share the patches you are using on nemo ?
  11. I suggest you to play around the client patcher a little more, the suggested patches are sometimes not enough to get a stable/functional client, you gotta tinker with it
  12. The only thing that it comes to my mind is this On conf/battle/battle.conf // Do weapon attacks have a attack speed delay before actual damage is applied? (Note 1) // NOTE: The official setting is yes, even though it degrades performance a bit. delay_battle_damage: yes
  13. or L1nkZ/rpatchur: A customizable, cross-platform patcher for Ragnarok Online clients. (github.com)
  14. This is the one I'm using, also be aware you gotta use the latest System and data folder from llchrisll's repo Ragexe.exe
  15. I could be wrong, but I think you can place a button on Elurair, this button will do anything you want, for example in this case, you would like something like this On your RO folder, create a bat file and paste the following code into it @echo off start YourEXEEEEEE.exe -1sak1 -Replay exit Place the button on Elurair and call to execute the previously bat file created. Maybe Ai4 Senpai could confirm if this approach passes or doesn't passes ?
  16. You using exact same data folder/grf to both exes ?
  17. What have you tried so far ?
  18. It's actively being developed High Customization (as thor) Can reach HTTPS sites (unlike thor) Can download from several sites, including updating your data.grf and ur pserver .grf
  19. If the patch as suggedted by @hendra814 doesn't work, then you gotta use a newer client
  20. There are some skill effects that cannot be modified, because those are hardcoded into the client. And I think this is one of those.
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