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Sapito Sucio

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Everything posted by Sapito Sucio

  1. Hello there! I'm writing this code that will give prizes to the top 3 MvP killers Should be triggered every monday, but for testing purposes I picked OnMinute1 OnInit: OnMinute1: L_give: announce "Entregando premios .",0; query_sql("Select ragnarok.char_reg_num_db.char_id, ragnarok.char.name, ragnarok.char_reg_num_db.value FROM ragnarok.char_reg_num_db INNER JOIN ragnarok.char ON ragnarok.char.char_id=ragnarok.char_reg_num_db.char_id WHERE ragnarok.char_reg_num_db.`key`='MvP' ORDER BY ragnarok.char_reg_num_db.value DESC LIMIT 3", .@chrid); // Selects TOP 3 MVP query_sql "DELETE FROM char_reg_num_db WHERE char_reg_num_db.`key`='USERAURA' OR char_reg_num_db.`key`='USERAURA1'"; .@existeonel = query_sql ("Select exists(SELECT ragnarok.char_reg_num_db.char_id FROM ragnarok.char_reg_num_db WHERE ragnarok.char_reg_num_db.char_id=150003 AND ragnarok.char_reg_num_db.`key`= 'USERAURA')"); //DELETE Previous Prize for (set @i,0; @i < 3; set @i,@i+1) { .@existeonel = query_sql ("Select exists(SELECT ragnarok.char_reg_num_db.char_id FROM ragnarok.char_reg_num_db WHERE ragnarok.char_reg_num_db.char_id=150003 AND ragnarok.char_reg_num_db.`key`= 'USERAURA')"); mes "Encontrado: "+.@existeonel+""; if (.@existeonel == 1) { if (.@chrid[@i] != 0) { query_sql("INSERT INTO `ragnarok`.`char_reg_num_db` (`char_id`, `key`, `value`) VALUES ("+.@chrid[@i]+", 'USERAURA', 586)"); query_sql("INSERT INTO `ragnarok`.`char_reg_num_db` (`char_id`, `key`, `value`) VALUES ("+.@chrid[@i]+", 'USERAURA1', 587)"); } } } end; This is my console:
  2. Hello there! I've been searching and I don't seem to find (molly) any warper npc, what are you guys using? Preferibly one with the newest maps Thanks!
  3. your 2nd and 3rd packet key is the same? In your client it is So do I just need to leave the 2nd packet key and enable the 1st and 3rd packet key? Exactly
  4. your 2nd and 3rd packet key is the same? In your client it is
  5. Try this: When diffin, pick the First Packet Key and enter the key you see on the previous image, then skip Second Packet Key and select Third Packet Key, introduce the Third Key as you can see on the previous image.
  6. If I remember correctly, rAthena doesn't support 2015 regexes yet, I think it doesn't even support 2014 clients.
  7. Indeed, I had to download a free vpn service to see if it would work with that.. and it works
  8. With this, the Maya Purple Filter doesn't work ?
  9. I was literally about to ask for this! I don't understand exactly the functionality of that modification Mind explaining?
  10. in groups.cond says this : how to make each new account to be Group 1 ?
  11. The original is: (99+99)/8*(4+10*8) = 2772 Heal Mine: (700+600)*(2+10)*(8) = 124,800 Heal Blue: Max Lvl+Max Int Red = Skill Lvl Heal
  12. Thanks @Emistry & @Lilith !! I did this: And it works ! PS:Sorry about my Thx!
  13. Well,i tried to modify my SRC, to get an automatic autoloot of Skulls I tried this: in pc.c if(battle_config.bone_drop==2 || (battle_config.bone_drop==1 && map[sd->bl.m].flag.pvp)) { struct item item_tmp; memset(&item_tmp,0,sizeof(item_tmp)); item_tmp.nameid=ITEMID_SKULL_; item_tmp.identify=1; map_addflooritem(&item_tmp,1,sd->bl.m,sd->bl.x,sd->bl.y,0,0,0,0); } to this if(battle_config.bone_drop==2 || (battle_config.bone_drop==1 && map[sd->bl.m].flag.pvp)) { struct item item_tmp; memset(&item_tmp,0,sizeof(item_tmp)); item_tmp.nameid=ITEMID_SKULL_; item_tmp.identify=1; map_addflooritem(&item_tmp,1,sd->bl.m,sd->bl.x,sd->bl.y,0,0,0,0); // Warfare Autoloot Skull if (src && src->type == BL_PC) { struct map_session_data *ssd = (struct map_session_data *)src; pc_additem( ssd, &item_tmp, 1); } else { map_addflooritem(&item_tmp,1,sd->bl.m,sd->bl.x,sd->bl.y,0,0,0,0); } } When i try to compile, i get this error: nueva carpeta\rathena\src\map\pc.c(6472): error C2198: 'pc_additem' : too few arguments for a call What can i do ? btw.. I use rAthena SVN
  14. Euphy!! Great job man, i love your scripts! I have a question.. there is an option to show the Zeny cost.. but im going to use this script to sell items in cash, the question is, is there a way to show the cash value ? I was thinking in change this set .ShowZeny,0; // Show Zeny cost, if any? (1: yes / 0: no) npcshopadditem "qshop"+getarg(0),getarg(1),((.ShowZeny)?getarg(3):0);
  15. Mmm Kafra points is not the same that Cash Points.. is it ?
  16. Hola, estoy configurando un servidor de pruebas para posteriormente tenerlo dedicado, me llamó la atención la posibilidad de poder usar Items de forma "Fashion", estuve buscando como hacerlo y quise tratar con la Alice Doll.. Esto fue lo que hice: 5137,Alice_Doll,Alice Doll,5,20,,500,,0,,1,0xFFFFFFFE,7,2,256,,30,0,208,{ bonus bStr,1; bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiHuman,10; bonus2 bAddEff2,Eff_Sleep,10; },{},{} a 5137,Alice_Doll,Alice Doll,5,20,,500,,0,,1,0xFFFFFFFE,7,2,1024,,30,0,208,{ bonus bStr,1; bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiHuman,10; bonus2 bAddEff2,Eff_Sleep,10; },{},{} Una vez hecho eso, intenté ponerme el item *-* !... Sin embargo me salió error, mas bien me decía que no podía ponermelo .. "You cant put this item on" Alguien que me pueda ayudar ? Gracias!
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