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  1. Tried to convert images with GrfCL with the option -imageConvert again and found some issues (not sure if handling / understanding wrong on my side): From these options: GifIndexed8|PngBgra32|PngBgr32|PngBgr24 GifIndexed8 seems to be the only one working as expected. Transparency will be applied to "pink" and a .gif-file will be created. All the png option will create .bmp (wrong extension) file and will not apply any transparency to "pink". Tried to use /transparentIndex and/or /transparentColor but these didn't seem to change anything at all. example command: GrfCL.exe -imageConvert test.png tmp\kung_gi_02.bmp pngbgra32
  2. munkrej


    Introduction We are a guild that has come together to make our idea of a renewal server come true. For this we have spent the last half year creating a server based on KRO. KRO, but with our custom quality of life changes. And we're just at the beginning of this journey. Open Beta started on 08 September 2021, but you don't have to fear of any wipes. If you ever wanted to be part of the early days of a server and want to help forming it, this is your chance! Our friendly team is open to positive as well as negative feedback. Any suggestions / wishes will be listened to - of course some may be denied Have a look, maybe you hear a moo here and there. General Informations Registration Website Wiki Forum Discord Type: Renewal with all 4th/Expanded Jobs Episode 20 EXP Rates: Base 50x / Job 50x Drops: logarithmic 25x (this means the lower the usual drop chance is, the higher the bonus) Normal / Miniboss Cards: 0.20% MVP Cards: 0.04% Max Base Level: 260 Max Job Level: 70 (dependent upon Job) Max Aspd: 193 Server Location: EU (France) Server Time: UTC Staff's Languages: English, German Features Master Accounts Custom Commands EXP-Event-Investment System Set your personal EXP-Rates per character Automated Events Unified RoDex Game Launcher Updated Eden Vending Map Daily Rewards Main Office Login Settings Many more and lots to come ~ Hope to see you soon ~ Muh ~
  3. Did you even read my message? The picture is from the date I posted. If you patch the file correctly it would look like that.
  4. Without seeing the pcjobname.lub file it's impossible to tell exactly where the error is. But I imagine it's either that the filename's case in your grf and your patch missmatches or the file is missing the correct function. Just taking a semi-default file and replacing it in your grf works as intented. So I'd advice this: * check the exact case of your pcjobname.lub - e.g. PCJobName.lub * create a deleting patch for that file * patch in your original / fixed file (double check in the grf that your file was applied correctly)
  5. We've just realized that flat map making feature seems to be broken with current version, it was fine with Test-Map bl_depth2 Preview in Preview in
  6. Hi there ~ I seem to have another issue with the GrfCL. I'm trying to use imageConvert. One thing I noticed was I have to input the target format in lowercase (help lists them in camel case) or I'd get the error #Exception : Couldn't find the target format. After that though I'm still unable to run it successfully. Here's the output: Current assembly version : Current assembly file version : Commands> imageConvert "convicon" "imgicon\*.bmp" "pngbgr32" #Warning : File conversion failed : C:\Users\schmu\Downloads\makedat\imgicon\61280.bmp #Error : An exception has been thrown #Error : Given command line : imageConvert "convicon" "imgicon\*.bmp" "pngbgr32" #Error : Command being executed : imageConvert <convicon> <imgicon\*.bmp> <pngbgr32> #Exception : Path cannot be the empty string or all whitespace. I've tried many variations (with and without quotes, aboslute path, relative path, moveing the exe) already but I'm always getting that error. Maybe there is an issue or am I really doing it just wrong?
  7. This works great thank you. One strange prompt appears though: Even though there are files in data only (root is empty in the created file)
  8. This works now, thank you a lot. I would like to ask for another thing if I'm not missing it somehow. Can we set Container Options via GrfCL (Patching mode, Target GRF)?
  9. Thanks for adding these. But somehow I seem to have an issue with the new version of GrfCL to even create a file. It looks like it terminates after the first command somehow. I've attached the log output of current and an older version using an example script and a simple open / save command. The older one doing what is expected. Old Version New Version Another example of one command at a time is fine, but not more than one
  10. Hello @Tokei, would you ever add a possibility to create encrypted thor-files via GrfCL?
  11. View File Find Me! Minigame Adds command @findme for GMs to start the event. First player to touch the GM gets rewarded. Submitter munkrej Submitted 05/09/2023 Category Games, Events, Quests Video Content Author munkrej  
  12. Version 1.0.0


    Adds command @findme for GMs to start the event. First player to touch the GM gets rewarded.
  13. View File simple select item from Box/Egg This is a simple function I'm using for custom box/egg items to allow players selecting an item. Example usage: - Id: 100717 AegisName: Fluffy_Semi_Long_Box Name: Costume Fluffy Semi-long Hair Type: DelayConsume Buy: 10 Weight: 100 Script: | callfunc("muh_eggpick","Fluffy_Semi_Long_Box",420036,420037,420038,420039,420040,420041,420042,420043); Submitter munkrej Submitted 04/27/2023 Category Utilities Video Content Author munkrej  
  14. Version 1.0.0


    This is a simple function I'm using for custom box/egg items to allow players selecting an item. Example usage: - Id: 100717 AegisName: Fluffy_Semi_Long_Box Name: Costume Fluffy Semi-long Hair Type: DelayConsume Buy: 10 Weight: 100 Script: | callfunc("muh_eggpick","Fluffy_Semi_Long_Box",420036,420037,420038,420039,420040,420041,420042,420043);
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