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Everything posted by ReSp

  1. Same problem...I killing monsters with simple skills, not GM commands.
  2. Hi @grenat50! I have such problems: And maybe will be more, i use ragexe 20200902. But @joinbg with rotative mode you have only in latest 1.0.5 patch. How can i solve it? Thx a lot!
  3. Hi. I also need edda dungeons. Thx
  4. how fix this? [Error]: buildin_getmapxy: Player with nick 'ECwarp_1' is not found. [Error]: buildin_getmapxy: Player with map id '0' is not found. [Info]: [Instance] Created: Endless Cellar (1). [Error]: buildin_instance_npcname: Invalid instance NPC (instance_id: 0, NPC name: "ECwarp_1".)
  5. Starting Manhunt event, but it not works. [Error]: buildin_rid2name: invalid RID [Error]: buildin_rid2name: invalid RID [Warning]: buildin_atcommand: failed to execute command 'killable (null)' [Debug]: Source (NPC): Event Information at prontera (164,171) [Debug]: Source (NPC): Event Information at prontera (164,171) [Error]: buildin_rid2name: invalid RID [Warning]: buildin_atcommand: failed to execute command 'size (null) 2' [Debug]: Source (NPC): Event Information at prontera (164,171) [Debug]: Source (NPC): Event Information at prontera (164,171) [Error]: buildin_rid2name: invalid RID [Error]: buildin_rid2name: invalid RID
  6. Hello all. Help me please with automatic donation system. My website is on FluxCP, rAthena server. Players must donation for example on paypal, and then get cash points at account in game.
  7. It dont write what nubmer wave and who killed boss and dont give him reward. Can you edit it please?
  8. if no anyone have it maybe can help me with this script? I need except this: mes "Leader is: "+$leaderchar$+". He gives - "+$leaderloot+"x "+getitemname(.item)+"."; - edit that npc will show only the total number of surrendered items that all players of the server gives to npc. There is - script gxdcxs -1,{ OnInit: if($ge!=0){end;} set $leaderchar$,0; set $leaderloot,0; set $leaderchar2$,0; set $leaderloot2,0; set $leaderchar3$,0; set $leaderloot3,0; set $ge,1; end; } - script begin -1,{ //OnDay<month><day>: OnDay1007: set $leaderchar$,0; set $leaderloot,0; set $leaderchar2$,0; set $leaderloot2,0; set $leaderchar3$,0; set $leaderloot3,0; set $ge,1; announce "Глобальный эвент начался. Подробности у NPC в пронтере!",0; end; OnDay0712: set $ge,0; set $np,1; announce "Глобальный эвент окончен. Победитель: "+$leaderchar$+", поздравляем его!! Приз у NPC.",0; end; } - script Глобальный эвент 709,{ // 1097,7005,7449, 662 if($ge!=1){ mes "Для тебя у меня сейчас нет задания."; close;} set .item,7449; mes "[Глобальный эвент]"; if(loot2>$leaderloot){ set $leaderloot,loot2; set $leaderchar$,strcharinfo(0);} if($np==1){ if($leaderchar$==strcharinfo(0)){ if(select("Получить приз:Отмена")==2){close;} mes "Держи свой приз."; getitem 7227,3; set $leaderchar$,0; set $leaderloot,0; set $np,0; close; }close;} set loot,countitem(.item); mes "Leader is: "+$leaderchar$+". He gives - "+$leaderloot+"x "+getitemname(.item)+"."; mes "------------------------"; switch(select("Top-3","Give item","Statisctic","Mission","Последний срок")){ case 1: if(loot2>$leaderloot){ set $leaderloot3, $leaderloot2; set $leaderloot2, $leaderloot; set $leaderloot,loot2; set $leaderchar3$, $leaderchar2$; set $leaderchar2$, $leaderchar$; set $leaderchar$,strcharinfo(0); } if(loot2>$leaderloot2){ set $leaderloot3, $leaderloot2; set $leaderloot, $leaderloot; set $leaderloot2,loot2; set $leaderchar3$, $leaderchar2$; set $leaderchar$, $leaderchar$; set $leaderchar2$,strcharinfo(0); } if(loot2>$leaderloot3){ set $leaderloot2, $leaderloot2; set $leaderloot, $leaderloot; set $leaderloot3,loot2; set $leaderchar2$, $leaderchar2$; set $leaderchar$, $leaderchar$; set $leaderchar3$,strcharinfo(0); } mes "Место - ник - кол-во"; mes "1. "+$leaderchar$+" "+$leaderloot+""; mes "2. "+$leaderchar2$+" "+$leaderloot2+""; mes "3. "+$leaderchar3$+" "+$leaderloot3+""; close; case 2: if(loot<1){mes "У тебя нет необходимого лута!";close;} delitem .item,loot; set loot2,loot2+loot; close; case 3: mes "You also give me "+loot2+" items."; close; case 4: mes "Вам необходимо сдавать следующий лут: "+getitemname(.item)+". Игрок, сдавший наибольшее кол-во лута (лидер) - побеждает."; close; case 5: mes "Последний срок сдачи лута - 11 июля. Не опоздайте!"; close; } }
  9. А что надо в этом скрипте переделать чтобы отображалось просто общее чисто сданных предметов?
  10. Hello, can you help me please with such script as: In npc will be configurate id of monster, players will need to kill 1000 monsters, and there will be top in that npc who killed more. I have script that players gives to npc some item, and was top who bring more, but i lost it script.......
  11. How i must install setbgid_20160103r.diff file? What command in ssh? I am new, sorry for that question =) If i do patch setbgid_20160103r.diff. It is not patched. warning: src/custom/script.inc has type 100755, expected 100644 error: patch failed: src/custom/script.inc:17 error: src/custom/script.inc: patch does not apply warning: src/custom/script_def.inc has type 100755, expected 100644 error: patch failed: src/custom/script_def.inc:9 error: src/custom/script_def.inc: patch does not apply *****rAthena# patch setbgid_20160103r.diff
  12. ReSp

    MvP Hunting

    Oh thx a lot but i just find hunting mission npc and do it myself in mvp hunting mission npc)
  13. ReSp


    Hello all. Maybe someone knows how can i do anti-nodelay for my server? Someome put nodelay.grf in data.ini file. Maybe i must masked data.ini file or someone else? But someone put nodelay.grf files in server grf file. I would really appreciate the help
  14. Thx very much, but i find already another and solved my problem.
  15. ReSp

    MvP Hunting

    it gives always random mvp to kill
  16. ReSp

    MvP Hunting

    Good afternoon. Please share the script MVP hunting, which will give the task to kill the MvP and give a reward for it. Thx a lot.
  17. what sql command is for creating correct table pvpladder is? for that top fluxcp: $sqlpvp = "SELECT pvpladder.name AS char_name, pvpladder.kills AS kills, pvpladder.deaths AS deaths, char.char_id, char.class AS bclass, login.sex, guild.name as gname FROM pvpladder LEFT JOIN `char` ON pvpladder.char_id = char.char_id LEFT JOIN `login` ON char.account_id = login.account_id LEFT JOIN `guild` ON char.guild_id = guild.guild_id ORDER BY kills DESC LIMIT 1";
  18. maybe this script i can use? https://github.com/Stolao/Npc_Release/blob/master/PvP_Ladder/Pvp_Ladder.txt but adding sql command i also need...
  19. Hello all. I have php file Hall of Fame in my Fluxcp such: <?php if (!defined('FLUX_ROOT')) exit; if($params->get('action') == 'login') { $chars = array(); $guilds = array(); $sex = array(); $bsex = array(); $bclass = array(); } else { $sex = "<img src='".$this->themePath('img/potm/M/0.gif')."' alt=\"Sex\"/>"; $sqlpvp = "SELECT pvpladder.name AS char_name, pvpladder.kills AS kills, pvpladder.deaths AS deaths, char.char_id, char.class AS bclass, login.sex, guild.name as gname FROM pvpladder LEFT JOIN `char` ON pvpladder.char_id = char.char_id LEFT JOIN `login` ON char.account_id = login.account_id LEFT JOIN `guild` ON char.guild_id = guild.guild_id ORDER BY kills DESC LIMIT 1"; $sthpvp = $server->connection->getStatement($sqlpvp); $sthpvp->execute(); $chars = $sthpvp->fetchAll(); if (empty($chars[0]->sex)) { $bsex = $chars[0]->sex; $bclass = $chars[0]->bclass; $sex = "<img src='".$this->themePath('./img/potm/'.$bsex.'/'.$bclass.'.gif')."' alt=\"Sex\"/>"; } else { $bsex = array(); $bclass = array(); } $sqlgvg = "SELECT g.guild_id, g.name AS gname, g.emblem_len, ( SELECT COUNT( c.castle_id ) FROM guild_castle c WHERE c.guild_id = g.guild_id ) AS castles, g.master, ( SELECT COUNT( char_id ) FROM `char` WHERE `char`.guild_id = g.guild_id ) AS members FROM guild AS g LEFT JOIN `char` AS ch ON ch.char_id = g.char_id LEFT JOIN login ON login.account_id = ch.account_id ORDER BY castles DESC, members DESC , g.max_member DESC , g.next_exp ASC LIMIT 1"; $sthgvg = $server->connection->getstatement($sqlgvg); $sthgvg->execute(); $guilds = $sthgvg->fetchall(); } ?> <?php if ( $params->get('action') != 'login' ): ?> <div id="tabs1"> <ul> <li><a href="#pvpking"><img src="<?php echo $this->themePath('img/pvpking.png'); ?>" /></a></li> <li><a href="#gotm"><img src="<?php echo $this->themePath('img/gotm.png'); ?>" /></a></li> </ul> <div id="pvpking"> <?php if ( empty($chars[0]->char_name) ): ?> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="ranking"> <tr><td class="sex"><?php echo $sex; ?></td></tr> <tr><td><b>NAME: </b><?php echo htmlspecialchars(substr($chars[0]->char_name,0, 12)) ?></td></tr> <tr><td><b>KILLS/DEATHS: </b> <?php echo number_format($chars[0]->kills) ." / ". number_format($chars[0]->deaths) ?></td></tr> </table> <?php endif; ?> </div> <div id="gotm"> <?php if(empty($guilds[0]->gname)): ?> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="ranking"> <tr><td class="guild_logo"> <?php if ($guilds[0]->emblem_len): ?> <img width="24" src="<?php echo $this->emblem($guilds[0]->guild_id) ?>" /> <?php else: ?> <b>No Emblem</b> <?php endif ?> </td></tr> <tr><td><b>NAME: </b><?php echo htmlspecialchars(substr($guilds[0]->gname,0 ,15)) ?></td></tr> <tr><td><b>MASTER: </b><?php echo htmlspecialchars(substr($guilds[0]->master,0 ,15)) ?></td></tr> </table> <?php endif ?> </div> </div> <?php endif; ?> But i dont have table in sql base needed for this (pvpladder i think). Can you help me please with sql command to add it? And maybe there is some ingame good script you have? Thx a lot for helping.
  20. Have anyone working script of Endless Cellar? This script dont works. I need in rAthena.
  21. If i choose in table "name" any format except utf8 it does not create character. Write Permission denied.
  22. Hello all. Help me please. I have create database in phpmyadmin in cp1251_general_ci and added databases logs and main. But phpmyadmin cant see russian language, char name and guild name there such as ïðèâåò. What can i do with this? I need russian language.
  23. Who will be able to advise on the issue of making my server Ragnarok Online for Android? Maybe somewhere there is information, a guide for it? I will be very grateful.
  24. Hello all. I have some problem. My 2013-12-23cRagexe.exe have some problems...this is gravity error when i do my merchant to @autotrade. I want change it to 2013-08-07aRagexe.exe. How can I make sure that players do not have to download exe separately? Can I update the root of the folder with the help of the neoncube patcher?
  25. ReSp

    Payment System

    Hello friends. Can anyone help with an automatic payment system? For resources such as webmoney and qiwi? For Fluxcp.
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