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Everything posted by KeiKun

  1. Yeah, it shows now. Shouldn't renewal be removed considering that branch has been merged? this too Versions: Trunk,Stable,Charmerge(LOL)
  2. LoL i thought of this 2 weeks ago but i didn't post since brianL is editing all of it so i guess his the one who do the version adding instead of member
  3. I Suggest to fix the Version's Permission Since RA Still have Stable and Trunk and other Branches the Version While Posting a Bug Report Doesn't Show i suggest to Enable it to member to Put the Version before you post the Report so that mods don't need to guess what Version the bug is found. Versions ( Trunk, Stable, etc )
  4. well try to use RA Wiki since Wiki has some guides there and It has lots of information
  5. Hi Keim i suggest this Beginner eAthena V4 is so unUpdated it sucks already. i guess no one is using it now try this Download or Checkout the Latest SVN via SVN Clients then Diff your own Client Download the Latest Translation Pack and Lua then get the Lub that matches your client Latest Data Folder/Translation Pack: http://svn6.assembla.com/svn/ClientSide/Translation_Project/data/ Latest Lua: http://svn6.assembla.com/svn/ClientSide/Lua_Project/lua%20files/ Client Diff Patcher with Diffs: https://subversion.assembla.com/svn/weetools/trunk/ShinsDiffPatcher/plugins/ RE Clients (2010 08 17b Above): https://subversion.assembla.com/svn/weetools/clients/ Latest Trunk SVN: https://rathena.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/rathena/trunk/ SVN Client:http://tortoisesvn.net/downloads.html
  6. i dont have problems with anything using iPage as webhost their service is really great the only problem as i said is just the remote SQL DB if your Database is on VPS then Ipage is your Webhost you can't get the DB from your VPS to webhost
  7. actually why DATA.iNI is there since if you create a a Hexed or Diffed Client if the Client cannot find the File DATA.INI = Default INI in the same folder as the client it will automatically creates DATA.INI the problem is this when the Client creates the DATA.INI inside of it you can only see data.grf but my point is why Miruku has it? since Miruku is just ragray = kRO and KRO RE and ragray/Miruku don't need DATA.INI since kRO and kRO RE Clients already read data.grf and rdata.grf
  8. KeiKun


    Crappy Ghost LOL
  9. lol read post #1 he said x64 x86 and x64 are different
  10. Hi TS the Problem Might be Script Conflict MvP found @ pvp_n_4-5 is due to script svn/npc/custom/MVP_arena/arena_mvp.txt
  11. LoL already Posted http://rathena.org/board/topic/54195-ipdownloads-situation/page__p__62913#entry62913
  12. 30000,2 that means restricted on PvP 30000,4 Restricted on both GvG and WoE Castles
  13. i've used ipage as webhost and its OS are linux and quite impressive the only problem for them is that Remote Database doesn't work EDIT: whats the problem with Flux CP with them?
  14. Rep Up! Your Release is really awesome Thanks for sharing
  15. well thats what i've said too hate those guys no name dropping xD
  16. Spread the Milk! Screenshot Definitely makes it better @ Post #1
  17. lets just follow kRO iRO is just like pRO Both of them are Custom Servers.
  18. LoL Please Release it with Diff it sucks to add manually if you know how to add it via patching
  19. 100% Agree with this one This will make Everything Easier For me >__< @ Epoque You are really the Master of Surprises-
  20. @ Orlox as i know its just temporarily since IP Download is Still down
  21. This Problem is due to Hotkey.lua to fix the problem Options are: 1. Remove Diff Load Lua Before Lub 2. Update your Lua 3. Add the Appropriate Lub that will match your client
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