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Everything posted by KeiKun

  1. Well if your problem is fixed lets dance @ IRC right now ROFL!
  2. Hi TS! instead of questioning what Emistry Said try to Test it.
  3. here's the thing if an account_id or character_id is missing example 2000000 = 1 2000001 = 2 2000003 = 3 2000004 = 4 2000005 = 5 the 6th registrant gets 2000002 it will looks like this 2000000 = 1 2000001 = 2 2000003 = 3 2000004 = 4 2000005 = 5 2000002 = 6
  4. Request Denied! Note(s): * Please Read Post #1 - - Only Clients above 2010 08 17b are Acceptable to be Requested. Request Denied! Note(s): * Please Read Post # 1 - - Only Clients above 2010 08 17b are Acceptable to be Requested. Request Accepted! Note(s): * Please Wait For your Request to be Released * If you are Reporting a Bug Please be Specific and Give some Information and Screenshots Request Denied! Note(s): * 3CeAM Trunk Doesn't yet Accept 2011 01 11 Above Clients
  5. Hi TS Default is Account ID starts with 2000000 = 7 digits Character ID starts with 150000 = 6 digits as Emistry says //Limits to avoid ID collision with other game objects #define START_ACCOUNT_NUM 2000000 #define END_ACCOUNT_NUM 100000000 #define START_CHAR_NUM 150000 Here's the Restriction src/login/account_sql.c if( account_id > END_ACCOUNT_NUM ) return false; EDIT: SQL Automatically flows normally if an Account_id is missing the next registrant will use the missing account_id same as character_id if the character 150000 deleted and there are 15 characters already on server 150000 will be used again as the 16th character made on your server
  6. i see >_< thanks for the info~
  7. @ BrianL i have a question is it possible to improve that or will rA improve that as you said if ( !(@nx==@n1 || @nx==@n2 || @nx==@n3) ) { like making it short since @nx is repeated 3x is it possible to make if( !(@nx == @n1,@n2,@n3) ) {
  8. here's the code rA Trunk/src/map/battle.c Line: 706 if(class_ == MOBID_EMPERIUM && flag&BF_SKILL) //Skill immunity. switch (skill_num) { case MO_TRIPLEATTACK: case HW_GRAVITATION: break; default: return 0; } this code might be missing~
  9. Emistry is Right The Squares = Unknown Language with Windows Its Language is Korean since kRO = Korean RO Official sometimes they also use ANSI the one with Symbols you can download the Official Language Pack @ Windows ( if your using one ) so that every time you view any grf via grf viewer instead of Squares it shows Korean Letters
  10. To all rA Members Reading this, Lots of People get Problems with the they Requested. Most of them uses Load Lua before Lub Diff. If your Problems are 1. Shortcuts Not Working 2. Invalid Item ( Compiled Lub ) 3. Character Cannot Moved 4. Etc.. Those Problem are some Result of Load Lua before Lub. Im not Saying that the diff has problems. Since many of them doesn't do Modifications with their Data's. So if you don't know how to use Load Lua Before Lub Diff. Kindly Remove them to your Diff List with your Request! Thank You!~
  11. please give more information about the problem
  12. i don't think we need to disable it first i dont see any disadvantages of it @ Host or Performance well only i think is people might get confused after someone quote a quoted post
  13. KeiKun


    Well its just for me Why Implementing This... 1. Since My server doesn't have Donation Thingy. We are finding Options instead of Donation Items( not that we need ). ( Like Premium Acct or Even Pay2Play ) 2. Of course. As a Player Like me ( I played F2P and even P2P official Servers ). I play P2P more than F2P since they have more Implementation than F2P ( This I compare with Official Server @ pRO ). Some Private Servers of course Implement alot even its F2P. But why not Implement More @ P2P as their Strategy to gain Money. ( Alot of Owners i know are needed of money for them to get their server alive ) Again.. Im not forcing this Feature to be implemented. But Since its Implemented on Some Official Servers. Why not rA Implement it too.
  14. Client Released: WeeRO - Download Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?k3eo3j3w6q4ku2f The Client is on ZIP File and Password Protected. Password is Sent to you via Private Message. If you have Concern about you Requested Client. Just Reply to this Thread Thank You~
  15. KeiKun


    Source: http://rathena.org/b...-4974-pay2play/ Original Topic: @ eA = showtopic=274690 ( Sorry not giving full link. i dont know if its legal xD ) since rA is on renewal and Devs are doing its best to get its official features why not adding Another official Feature This Topic is Already Discuss @ eA Pay2Play Everybody knows what Pay2Play means. Im not suggesting this due to i want them pay before they can play my Private Server this feature is on official right? why can't rA Have it too? i don't think there is a really bad disadvantage? only i think is them stopping playing your RO Server. xD
  16. Request Accepted Note(s): * Please Wait for your Request Client to be Release
  17. 1/10 Font Sucks Color Mixture is weird~
  18. i just got fck up I thought i used 2 but there is seems to be a problem using it see my signature
  19. im not using client request from your ^^ remember i report you when i login have error and my lua files is on correct location im useing client 11-06-09aragreexe on my side dont have error using read data folder first my friend using read grf first and im using lua files on this link http://www.mediafire...91wmkd99c8seyn2 Zzzz i guess you don't really get my point even though its not the client i've made Read Data Folder First And Load Lua before lub both are not the same
  20. I love hentai thats how i got my name xD just kidding ( LoL on other topics they nailed it ) my name came from my 5th girlfriend ( for 2 years ) cause she siad when i always answer Okay ( it sounds like K or Kei ) then people know that only boy uses kun ( most of the time ) so she merge it with Kei so its Kei-Kun or KeiKun xD
  21. Hi TS here's the thing Job Base Mount Sucks. my Opinion they made it but doesn't work like on official
  22. hi the problem might be... first Client Reading Lua before lub since you requested me the client i know it has load lua before lub second incorrect lub what lub did you used? is it compatible with client or match with client? second incorrect location Lub files + lua Files must be located @ RO/data/lua files or RO/yourro.grf ( data/lua files )
  23. //-- TK_HIGHJUMP 426,5000:4000:3000:2000:1000,0,0,0,0 SkillID,5000-1000 = Casting Time,After Cast Delay,After Cast Walk Delay,Duration,Duration your code doesn't have after cast delay so of coyrse they can still spam it
  24. i don't have idea how to add delay with a certain skill in a certain item but i can add delay in a certain skill Guide: http://rathena.org/board/topic/53426-guide-modification-faq/
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