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Everything posted by DevilEvil

  1. That's enough for now... People can use this topic to talk about a redirect link, not about their opinion on admin's intentions. You are wrong Triper, DivineRO already has the majority of Spanish users, we aren't looking for new Spanish fanboys. Topic closed, enough useless comments have been posted already.
  2. What pisses me off is that you guys have been talking in this thread without giving real reasons, because that forces me to answer and lose my time with useless conversation. This topic is to discuss what to do, not to say if you think its better or worse without reasons. You can't mention that thing about ads if you don't consider it's something seriously related with what to do (it's like saying "I don't like that forum's color"). I will take everything someone says in this thread as an advantage or disadvantage on linking the Spanish section to DivineRO. So avoid talking about non-relevant things such as ads, because what I will understand is that you are complaining (even if you aren't). "DivineRO needs a good host, but the current isn't free so don't complain about ads?" I meant that hosting DivineRO is expensive (so ads become necessary). I don't care about that. As I said before, this thread is to discuss if we should link DivineRO to eA or not. We were comparing DRO with the old Spanish section. And I wasn't talking about myself, but about the former Spanish mods. If your section gets closed, you will find another forum where you will be able to contribute and even be promoted to moderator there (I explained this based on what happened to me when RUNE closed). Have I explained myself? Sorry if I'm disturbing you, but we can't lose time discussing something we shouldn't even discuss. We made clear that DivineRO isn't a RO server, just an active Spanish community which gives eA support and can replace the old Spanish section. As former Spanish mod, my recommendation should have been enough to take that decision.
  3. You guys seem to ignore any word I say, when I have already been a Spanish mod and I'm well aware of the situation. I was also a Spanish mod on RUNE and the spanish graphics community was there. When it closed, I just went to DivineRO and asked the admin to add a Graphics(Spriting and Mapping forum) and it got active after some months. If you really want to contribute to the community, you will have your section in any forum. Since I started working on DivineRO, I contributed with 30+ mapping guides, 20+ spriting guides, and offered people to join a Pixel Art academy inside the forum. I would have never done this in a dead inactive community such as the old Spanish section (heck, I didn't contribute that much even in RUNE). Problem weren't the inactive mods, we were 6, but we had no activity (no users wanted to use that section). First of all, that section was run by mods with bad reputation in the Spanish community. In the second hand, a international section isn't a good place for a big community like the Spanish one. We needed another forum in another place, such as DivineRO. Sometimes some sections become small for a community (for example, the graphics community moved to RUNE when it was too active, and returned to eA when many artists left RO world). However, this isn't happening in the Spanish community, and DivineRO is bigger and better every year. Ziu: There aren't potential Spanish mods in eA. Neither there is a Spanish community interested in being active in that section. So it will fail hard. That's not a solution. Even if you release 9999 scripts or whatever, that section will remain inactive. We won't add an international section to let a few users release their stuff there because they are too busy to register in another forum. A dead section is worse for us. Noah: DivineRO is pretty big and needs a good host, that host is not free, so don't complain about ads. If you want to complain about this matter, please, give serious arguments. It's really interesting how you dislike DivineRO community just because it has ads, and you say absolutely nothing about the old Spanish section. I would like to ask you to leave this conversation since you are not helping at all, just talking about this matter without any previous experience nor knowledge in the Spanish section history. Anyway, everybody already expressed his/her opinion, we don't need to talk anymore since things are pretty clear. I won't support another Spanish section in eA. That's my final view on this.
  4. It was already announced to the community of DivineRO that eA was moving. You can contact DivineRO easily by contacting me, I'm global mod in DivineRO as well and I'll gladly translate and explain any messages eA wants to send . We shall talk about a redirect link to eA in DRO, would be a good way to get more visits here .
  5. @Z3R0, yeah, I thought you thought it was a server when you said advertisement . Redirecting to a RO server would be insane lol. First of all Jman speaks English. Even if he puts all his efforts, he can't manage a Spanish section. He doesn't have time as well I guess, and obviously it's not the administrator's task. He can recreate the English community, but can't get the Spanish section active. We were 6 mods there, and we decided in the past to make changes in the section and increase the activity, and we had no luck at all. Now we have just an active mod (and I'm sure he's not expert in all RO fields to give complete support) and a dead Spanish community. Most Spanish users in eA doesn't even use that section (I don't use it for example). In all honesty, I don't want to see another dead section that nobody uses. I recommended DivineRO because they have a good staff, a nice admin, an active community, a constant support and a huge collection of guides for eA, scripting, mapping, spriting, etc. The old Spanish forums had many years to show some activity and it failed, I don't think we should give it another try because two or three people think it's wrong (I can also send this thread to all the Spanish active developers and let them share their view on this as well, and you will notice it's not only my opinion). Of course it's the staff task to keep a forum running well and keep the community alive. First of all, you don't have to speak/write/type a certain language to deal with another organization or community, both can just talk in english and deal with whatever that can be done to satisfy both organizations/communities. It's just called making deals, and I'm pretty sure Jguy knows what I'm talking about or what I refer to. Well as Jguy said, it was actually just you who stated that and no one else, even people that aren't even latins are here defending our point of view. If that's what they think, then, how lame and dissapointing that is. They're spanishs for god's sake. And so are you. And again, no one's judging DivineRO, we all know they have a good staff and an active community. That's what I meant, and I'm pretty sure Jguy is also capable of doing that. And I'm sure there shouldn't be a problem if it's going to satisfy both communities. If we all collaborate, we'll get a decent product. This. People who didn't read that section can't judge properly. I'm aware of that forum since I were promoted to Spanish mod. Even if we were going to make a section and a redirect link to DRO, our new Spanish community in eA would be divine users, and not eA Spanish users (or a merge of users from both communities) since we don't have any Spanish community active here. We do have Spanish users in eA, but not in that section. We do have two problems now though. One of them is registration thing. I believe it's not such a great problem (how much can it take, 3 mins?). The other one is darkmeister. I guess he will be tested these days and sooner or later will be promoted either in DRO or eA (or in both).
  6. Quite honestly, there haven't been decent activity in the Spanish section when I was still mod in ro-enhance (2007). There were a lot of Intl mods and wasn't activity. So problem aren't forums. I have faced the activity lack in Spanish section for long time, so don't expect my support in this. The majority of Spanish devs moved to DivineRO looking for an active community and some feedback when they release their stuff (and some of them also asked me if I could recommend them as moderators for English forums, since they did nothing in the Intl section). I'm looking at this issue from a realistic point of view. First of all Jman speaks English. Even if he puts all his efforts, he can't manage a Spanish section. He doesn't have time as well I guess, and obviously it's not the administrator's task. He can recreate the English community, but can't get the Spanish section active. We were 6 mods there, and we decided in the past to make changes in the section and increase the activity, and we had no luck at all. Now we have just an active mod (and I'm sure he's not expert in all RO fields to give complete support) and a dead Spanish community. Most Spanish users in eA doesn't even use that section (I don't use it for example). In all honesty, I don't want to see another dead section that nobody uses. I recommended DivineRO because they have a good staff, a nice admin, an active community, a constant support and a huge collection of guides for eA, scripting, mapping, spriting, etc. The old Spanish forums had many years to show some activity and it failed, I don't think we should give it another try because two or three people think it's wrong (I can also send this thread to all the Spanish active developers and let them share their view on this as well, and you will notice it's not only my opinion). Edit: I'll talk with the admin of divine and see if this is possible. We should think about it and make sure it will work. I'd also like to have a Spanish section here with active mods and users, but that's not possible and my idea was to avoid another dead section.
  7. It's favourable to both parties imo. I'd also like to say it's not a RO server though it's called DivineRO, just a RO&eA-related community. If there is enough support for a new Spanish section, let's add it. But there have been no activity in the old Spanish sections in the last years.
  8. There are many advantages in what I have recommended. First of all, the community of DivineRO gathered professional staff members to give eA support, as well as other type of support (such as graphics, scripting, etc.). We don't have to care about staff members that we don't even know if they are doing it good or not. eA.ws doesn't redirect to this site, so we actually need some type of advertising. Having the support of other active communities will help us grow faster (we should start thinking that way). We won't get anything by having another dead Spanish section. Spanish mods already tried to increase the activity in that section and we completely failed (best thing I could do was applying for graphics mod, because I did absolutely nothing in that section). Considering we recently moved, I don't expect any increase in the activity in the Spanish section (actually I expect even less activity). I have been telling Spanish mods to apply to English mods if they have enough experience. They can also be promoted to moderators in DivineRO community as well (if they contribute and are active enough). Nobody will be giving free mod powers, obviously. I think you are wrong. I left the Spanish forum when I was an International mod (since it was dead), but I didn't left eA. And you say Spanish moderatorS, but the only moderator I see here is darkmeister, because others seem to be inactive. I'd also like to say that almost all Spanish Mods have been inactive for long time. In DivineRO, staff is pretty nice managed, and you get fired if you aren't active/don't support/don't contribute. My two cents.
  9. That's a good idea, I should reorganize my collection topics as well
  10. It's not that important, but sorry if you felt offended by this. Was a mistake but it's already fixed .
  11. Usako used this site to choose RUNE colors (which were awesome btw ): www.colourlovers.com
  12. I'd stick to original staff colors xD
  13. Pretty good job, I like blue ones .
  14. Well, I'm studying vector design and I'm pretty good at it, if you want I could design a vector logo somewhat based on this one: I think this one looks professional, so I would make something similar.
  15. Yeah, I understand what you say, but that section was pretty much inactive, had inactive moderators, few guides, almost no support, and we couldn't do anything to change that situation (though we tried in the past). It may be a bit annoying to register, but you will share your stuff in an active community and at least you will get some feedback. If I wasn't sure this will be good for us, I wouldn't recommend to add a redirect link. Regarding the staff, not only me but many moderators from eA are also moderators there . We share our stuff and give support there because we were looking for an active Spanish community.
  16. Oh, you made brathena's one?! I liked their skin a lot xD! (/me is green lover) Anyway, good job with these skins!
  17. You should defend you point of view :S. Right now that site has plenty of useful guides (scripting, source, eA-related guides, mapping, spriting, etc.), nice support, and an active community. And the majority of eA Spanish Mods are mods there as well (mainly because in eA Spanish section there was low activity). I believe it's a good idea to redirect the Spanish support there, but I'd like to know your point of view as well.
  18. As former Spanish moderator, I believe that redirecting it to another board will be better, since Spanish forum was absolutely dead. Actually, many eA Spanish moderators moved to http://www.foro.divinero.net/ (included myself) to give RO&eA support. There is a great activity and constant contributions in that community.
  19. /me wantz I'll try that custom profile thing
  20. Well, actually it should go in the wiki, but I think like aerie. We should have a guide like this in mapping forum pinned. A guide about special mapping techniques or that type of stuff should go in the wiki, but this one is good for the forum . This is obviously an exception.
  21. DevilEvil

    Hi !

    *throws poporings at Olrox* Hi dar!
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