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Everything posted by Kido

  1. i always have that problem, i always "solve" it by changing the name name of the pictures serveron.png & serveroff.png to vice versa loool
  2. Version 1.0


    High Class Mall Free & Improved An amazing and improved map for totally free. All spaces and walkable cells are completly working. It has 3 sections for many NPCs locations and also a big and cool statue in the center. You can have a cool map like this totally free, i asked my friends "why not release it for free?" and my friend said that if i wish i can released for everyone, i didn't pay for it, yup my friend it's so cool o:! Please feel free to report any bug. Also check this cool links to make sure you won't have any problem when adding the map. http://rathena.org/wiki/Custom_Maps http://rathena.org/board/topic/53424-weemapcache/ Rules: You can't sell this file You can edit this file You can share this file You can mod this file (adding or removing stuff) Well, i hope you guys will enjoy this!
  3. Lol, one day maybe http://prntscr.com/3retsr

    1. Cydh
    2. Kido


      it's funny lol

    3. Kido


      Common let's just imagine how it would be... the 3rd world war would start here lol

  4. First, thank you so much to all for the help and contribution o:! i can't see how to delete the map button luckly i could delete the other buttons with your help guys :33 huh anyone knows how to remove that icon? thank you so much in advance o:!
  5. http://rathena.org/board/topic/58559-add-3rd-skill-into-2nd-job/?p=76895 Hay que editar tambien el luafolder
  6. as Zell said, looks liek the player need to logoff so the emulator saves the items in the storage, because if not then the items of the player will be deleted because the emulator haven't save the data in storage so it's like the items are still equiped or in the inventory and the script deletes that D:!
  7. I'm the only one who likes to watch clouds in the sky?

    1. Kido


      Not even 1 min. ): ?

  8. Woa amazing o:! to all :DD! cool to see new staff members !
  9. hello, i would like to know the following please since i can't find D: How to add buttons to the client How to add a function to the clint (link, exit etc.) How to add sound when pressing a button in the client How to move the place of buttons in the client o: All of this ingame and login window o: someone may know o: ? thanks so much in advance :33
  10. Could you tell us what graphic card you have? I asked borf regarding this error and seems your graphic card doesn't support his shader. Thanks, I managed to solve my graphics card was deactivated. may i ask how o: ? i have that problem too D:
  11. When will be ready the digest o: i want to see that staf changes :33

    1. Cydh


      it never ready. lol

    2. Kido


      é.é i wonder how that works, who makes it and so on o:

  12. thank you so much for such excellent scripts :33 http://prntscr.com/3qq9uj

    1. sandbox


      Wow! Wasn't monitoring the hits anymore. Thanks to you too Kido, let's catch up again!

    2. Kido


      Yup :33

  13. Kido

    Hey que tal o:! seria genial si en tus blog les tradujeras a los muchachos lo que dice en ingles xD nomas digo, un saludo :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kido


      "en..." ? jeje bueno, solo decia, un saludote muchas gracias por tus aportes :)

    3. Ziu
    4. Kido


      Jeje dale, igual muchas gracias por compartir tus experiencias :)

  14. it looks good http://prntscr.com/3qpy8h i would put the news of the server in that empty space 8.5/10
  15. i can't wait to see the maps that you will make with this cool features :33
  16. Any error pic. woud help too o:
  17. I also have that error, even writing there what orlox said config.borf.json D:
  18. You are welcome, let's thanks too to the fluxcp designer ;o
  19. do it please many members will like it :33
  20. http://rathena.org/board/topic/94846-hercules-to-rathena-sql-convertion-help/ (please don't repply to that post (?)) it would be better to start the latest rAthena and then move/edit your stuff there since hercules made a lot of mods. for the database hmmm i think it can be done but with some edits, before doing everything, i recommend you to isntall a localserver and try to mvoe your stuff there and see what errores you get when you get the errors feel free to post them here to help you to move (:
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