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Everything posted by Kido

  1. Yeah today it's my day :3

  2. Kido

    Test Room

    Hello, i would like to request a test room script (no map needed) where the player that enters has enable the command @item or a something like that so the player can create any items it want, only inside that room. The player won't be able use any commands except to create items, also the player won't be able to log out or if the player logs out it will lose the items and if the player leaves the room will lose the items too. When entering the room all buffs will be removed and items will automactlly stored in storage. The player will be able to summon mbos, but mobs won't drop items Thanks i hope this can be made o: Short: When entering the room, all buffs are removed and all items are stored If the player logs out or leaves the room, the player will lose the items (if it dies too, also if is recalled by a gm) The player will have an special command that will be able to use inside the room, all the other commands will be disabled Only 1 player at time can be in the room The mobs killed there shouldn't count for missions or any other quests Thanks in advance, if more information if needed i will tyr to be mroe specific, thanks again >:DD! regards~
  3. Unicode o: Edit: Thank you, it worked with ACSII ! Now i wonder how to delete that directory o:! well thanks again :DD!
  4. Hello, i have an error when updating my patcher. I want to add a file inside /data/teture/À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º/map/myfile.bmp I do everything write and it updates, but when i open the grf to see where the file is (because it didn't show in the map but it exists in the grf) it appears like this i didn't create such directory ): when i click the properties of the file in my folde rto update thor it appears good too ): C:\Users\Kido\Desktop\thor\OlderThor\Tools\data\texture\À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º\map Thank you, i hope it's enough information to help me. Kindly regards~
  5. Kido


    Scammers must be laughing so much right now... alright, i guess this can be closed... at least we tryied to do something thanks to everyone for their time and interest in this post... regards
  6. i love typos and they love me, leave us alone >: Edit: forgot to mention that it's a heart breaker, i've been rejected 3 times when i applied for a staff position </3
  7. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1.- rAthena would be a female Why? because rAthena is a goddess, but aside of that, just Athena sounds pretty like a female name so, it would be female. 2.- rAthena would be 18 years old Why? because even rAthena has a lot of experience, there are still some things that she just have to learn and because her spirit it's like a very young one 3.- rAthena would be like 1.60 M of tall and wight around 50 Kg Why? because she is pretty young and mature 4.- rAthena is a nickname Why? because with the confidence that everyone has with it, everyone can call her by that nickname 5.- rAthena is someone who always aims for improving and won't surrender Why? because someone with such young spirit is full of dreams and courage to keep improving even if the to walk path it's hard For my experience with this dear community, that's my idea of rAthena ;3
  8. Kido


    lol what orlox and sandbox said, that maybe only list ppl in the Employment section, would fit better o: instead of going with all ppl out there (but who know, maybe ppl who got servers too but that are only in rA (?)), there are some good ideas here and there o:!!
  9. 31 of May is My Birthday :DD! give me a bell :3

  10. Donators are pink too D:! nothing agains it, it's only that my fav. colors are blue, black, white, red and orange DD:! just saying
  11. Kido


    Huh i see i get you more now o: well, it's something, as i said, since rA has a paid service section, maybe the only staff that will have responsability there will be global mods and mods of that section (also administrators (?)) not core/script developers, that way the developing of the emulator won't stop/pause lol, is not like core devs./script devs. and so on will take charge of that section. Well maybe not a blacklist, maybe a topic of recommendations or something, i would like to see more ideas to do something agains scammers o: Or are we really going to do nothing about it?
  12. Kido

    item_db help

    yup np come on ppl let's do some item bonus scripts!
  13. Kido


    Then don't read that "drama" if it bothers you that much lol rAthena has a Paid Service section, the blacklist maybe shouldn't be posted for the whole forum, also the posts/threads. It would belong only to the specific area and would be monitored only in that area. It's not like "we" or "i" wants to see a lot of drama about this and that and bla bla, but just come to think, let's that a guy has a good budget for its server, he is planning to get some paid services and then that guy gets scammed... well maybe at the first time the guy won't quit, but what about a second or third time? that will discourage it and maybe will make the guy quit (that would mean too that the guy won't acquire scripters, devs. mappers and so on), so, what happens when someone quits? no server no owner no future potential devs. or scripters. rAthena's future is in the hands of a few people, we can't let scammers be free out there. About the "create a new acc./nick" we can give some suggestions to people, just a few that i came to think right now (just a few to mention) Suggested points to check out before hiring or getting paid services: Check if the service provider has an approved post in the Paid Section of rAthena Check if it's a member of rAthena and has at least 100 posts (agains "create a new acc./nick" ) Check if the service provider has an Official Web Page of its own Check if it has guarantees Before accepting or starting to hire the services of the provider, make clear the points to treat about the service Check their own rules if they have Make sure the service provider accept your rules, otherwise it's not recommended to hire/contract them Ask to the service provider if it has references (must prove it) If you have friends or know someone who already hired the paid service provider ask him/she if it would recommend it Ask first the price and compare it to others so you may make sure that is not overselling or exploiting you Just a few ideas, i think with more meticulous thinking it can be a good help to newbies Don't get me the bad idea and sry if i sound rude (or stupid xd), it's not my meaning to offend someone (almost always happens to me when i don't want to @_@), it's only that i can't accept the idea of a big and good community like this to being unable to do or at least to try to do something agains scammers. I would take charge of it if no one cares, i will deal with anyone and with the entire "drama" of the posts/topics.
  14. You got a lot of nice renders there o:! it would be nice to put them all in a 1 download to everyone ;o or well dunno, just give me some ideas ;oo
  15. Kido

    item_db help

    alright o: sorry for not complete it, i just got some extra tasks DD:! http://upaste.me/37f21260189e9f70b it will be deleted in 1 day lol
  16. Lol a lot of posts coming from nowhere!!! ;o!!
  17. OK, download~ btw, what's that cross sign? adult only? yeah it means +18 so that's why they are not included ... ... ... lol joke, it just means that those are not included because they were hard for me to render so, those are not in the download lol
  18. lol there are a lot of pages that offer free resources @_@ making one of every kind would take some time so i will just someone to request 1 by 1 lol
  19. This mont a lot of changes in the Staff Team :333

  20. i didnt' release that D: those are just the links for the free releases o:!
  21. A bit ? DDDDDD:! more suggestiosn to improve it please D:! maybe colors? font type? more bold? o:!!!
  22. Nice designs o:! huh i liked all of them xD
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