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Everything posted by Kido

  1. I'm just a dreamer... who dreams to rule the world one day! /gg

  2. ahh thanks you so much o:!!!!!!! gonna try it :3 Edit: Thank you so much it worked totally :33
  3. Thanks you so much for all of this work! you should be map lv. 3!!
  4. Words can't describe my gratitud for all of this work, thank you so much!
  5. Hello, i find a script in google that is suposed to warp the players out of the castle if they are not baby i teste in my test server and i had no errors, but in my test server nothing happens when i go into the castle, here is the script script babywoe -1,{ //setarray .Mapas$[0],"prtg_cas01","prtg_cas02","prtg_cas03"; OnInit: setarray .IdBaby[0],23,4046,4023,4024,4025,4026,4027,4028,4029,4030,4031,4032,4033,4034,4035,4036,4037,4038,4039,4040,4041,40422,4043,4044,4045; setarray .Maps$[0],"gefg_cas04","aldeg_cas04"; end; OnPCLoadMapEvent: for (set .@c, 0; .@c < getarraysize(.Maps$); set .@c, .@c + 1) if (.Maps$[.@c] != strcharinfo(3)) end; for( set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize(.IdBaby); set .@i, .@i + 1 ) if(class ==.IdBaby[.@i]) end; warp "celerian",33,73;// just a custom map 'Celerian' dispbottom "Only Baby Class is allowed to enter."; end; } // End Script aldeg_cas04 mapflag loadevent gefg_cas04 mapflag loadevent i would like to now how to kae it work ): thanks in advance o:!
  6. Oh no lol, without your guidance guys i wouldn't figure it out, so thanks Soon...
  7. I forgot to drop the logs.sql in the database log/logs and then it worked also changed the ip for the char and login and ow it works! dunno why i got a lot of errors, it's a freash install thanks a lot ! Edit: i just had to undefine pre-re, solved!
  8. then it closes o: Edit: somehow even with that error, at the end it allows me to recompile i got this o: i know that's another topic, but i'm not too sure if it's compiling good D:
  9. oh alright o:! thanks, gonna try it for sure o: ty both, i will update or repply Edit: i got this now x_x --------------------------- VCExpress.exe - Error de aplicación --------------------------- Se produjo la excepción excepción inesperada del programa (0xe0434352) en la ubicación 0x76e7c41f. /*translation: An error has been produce with an unexpected exception of the program (oxe0434352) in the ubication 0x76e7c41f */ --------------------------- Aceptar ---------------------------
  10. lol looks liek this will be a whole adventure @_@ i have to backup my whole files DD: i've to reconsider having a test local server 3:
  11. yeah i tryied to but i couldn't find the "No (/INCREMENTAL:NO)" edit: still can't with Release ): http://prntscr.com/3phleo http://prntscr.com/3phlty http://prntscr.com/3phmaj
  12. yeah i was thinking that because i also remembered that certain time the server saves the data of players so, the guy stored everything and deleted the character too quick, i guess that's what happened ):
  13. A player used this command and reported that even after storing all items, after the player deleted the character the items of that character got deleted too. I confirmed this with my gm account, i created some items, stored them and then used the command. After i loged back i opened my storage and the items were gone. Edit: i was having hope to find what items the player lost in the picklog but the script also deletes it x_x
  14. Skymap feature please DDDDDDDD:! i really want it so bad :333333 those are my fav. maps é.é!
  15. Hello, i'm trying to install a test local server but when i try to compile for first time i get this fatal error then it crashes and the programs closes I don't know what i'm doing wrong ): i followed the installation guide in the wiki http://rathena.org/wiki/Installation_on_Windows Thanks in advance for the help
  16. NeedSkillList = { [JOBID.JT_CRUSADER] = { { SKID.CR_TRUST,10 }, { SKID.AL_DEMONBANE,5 } doesn't that make the homun to learn those skills before Heal is displayed? just saying o:
  17. hello o:

  18. Woa amazing amazing amazing! i realle love skymaps and i always had problems at hexing (i have a graveyard of clients) and now i have the hope to enterely create sky maps !!!! woa thanks Borf :33! can't wait for the sky feature, also looks more easy to use !
  19. map,x,y script name -1,{ atcommand "@ban 1s "+@player$; atcommand "@unban" "+@player$; end; } ? o:
  20. It's raining in my broken heart

  21. alright thanks i'm going to try that out ;o yup @kick makes the player's client to close D: i would prefer a way to make them return directly to the select character screen D: if i make them ban and they try to enter too quick and notice that they are banned i think they will quit DDDD:! thanks again to bogh o: https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/doc/atcommands.txt#L1220 or well o: i cantry to ban and then unban the player immediatly o:! map,x,y script name -1,{ atcommand "@ban 1 "+@player$; atcommand "@unban" "+@player$; end; } right o: ?
  22. @ban 1 second o:? that will do o:!!! thank you so much >:DD! by the way, it would be like this right? map,x,y script name -1,{ atcommand "@ban 1 "+@player$;
  23. Hello, i would like to request a command that makes the player return to the "Select Character" screen, it's because if i use @kick the player's window will close instead of a llowing them to select another character, it's for an event. Thanks i hope you guys can help :33! regards~
  24. alright thank you o: gonna test around it :DD!
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