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Everything posted by Start_

  1. Use global variables to store apples like $fr_apples += countitem(501); and use simple floating rates to trigger \rathena\npc\custom\etc\floating_rates.txt (You need to write the condition first)
  2. Remember each time fly wings used? last_map_tele$ = strcharinfo(3); if(last_map_tele$ == strcharinfo(3)) end;
  3. Disabled all ways that can be reach to Class 3. (Ex. Job Changer)
  4. Make sure fluxcp is located in www (Not conflict with others sites) Then make sure config files is setup correctly. And before re-install again please remove cp_ from database if had any.
  5. Any errors on map server? Try check re, pre-re reading and import folder for duplicate/overwriten items.
  6. Do you want to trade & created chat room while dead right? I think it's restricted on src just find the code and try remove some of it.
  7. Loop members in party then use achievementupdate? (\doc\script_commands.txt last lines.)
  8. Start_

    Mob One Tap

    Do you use this in special events? If so just made npc that use mob sprites and made it movable, Then when players tap it call function to kill player. Otherwise I think rAthena had some special skill that one hit kill (I can't remember the name).
  9. nude; atcommand "@dropall"; atcommand "@clearinventory"; atcommand "@job 0"; atcommand "@lvup -999"; atcommand "@joblvup -999"; atcommand "@reset"; StatusPoint = 48; SkillPoint = 0; Zeny = 0; I always use this lines of code.
  10. If you want to force players to cap % > Use bindatcommand to trigger autoloot again and don't allow player to use normal autoloot.
  11. Client folders > data > msgstringtable.txt and find the word.
  12. mes "ID"; input .@inputId$; next; mes "Old PW"; input .@inputPw$; next; query_sql ("SELECT `account_id` FROM `login` WHERE `userid`='"+.@inputId$+"' AND `user_pass`='"+.@inputPw$+"'", .@sum); if(.@sum<=0){ mes "Incorrect ID or PW"; close; } next; mes "New PW"; input .@inputPw$; if(.@inputPw$!=""){ query_sql "UPDATE `login` SET `user_pass` = '"+.@inputPw$+"' WHERE `userid` = '"+.@inputId$+"'"; mes "Done"; close; } mes "Canceled"; end; This is simple password change scripts. you can adapt it.
  13. Try Kamishi's 34 color packs.
  14. Any errors? Please provide more detail. Client Date, Server Mode, etc..
  15. Do you mean official achievements right? If so you need to do custom achievements and handle it by achievementadd, achievementcomplete function. If not you can custom in many ways like bring 50 players skull, OnPCDieEvent:, etc...
  16. bonus2 bExpAddClass,Class_All,-100000; (Not sure but you can try) Or use mapflag noexp
  17. Me and my friends doing checking missing/wrong items at free time. I had doing about 2-3 PR previously. Currently PR: https://github.com/rathena/rathena/pull/4877 If you are know something is not same as kRO you can do and send PR to rAthena too.
  18. I have no clue to solve your problems. By the way please do not spam.
  19. Just do it like this. It's will had some overlap but leave it be.
  20. Use this: And for pvp things just wait for Mael further update.
  21. Use hateffect in item scripts. { hateffect HAT_EF_FLUTTER_BUTTERFLY,true; },{},{ hateffect HAT_EF_FLUTTER_BUTTERFLY,false; } See 5914,Earmuff_Flowerform,C Flutter Butterfly
  22. mes "Congratulation! Here is your Reward."; announce strcharinfo(0) + " Finish a quest",bc_all;
  23. change getmapxy .@map$, .@x, .@y, 0; to getmapxy(.@map$,.@x,.@y);
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