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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/03/13 in all areas

  1. Turn every headgear you wear (TOP,MID,LOWER) into costume headgear. Removing the refine, stats and cards. Also you can revert back your Costume Headgear to its original state. But not the refine, stats and cards. Working with the Revision 17306 Feel free to use Hahaha! ENJOY! Credits to Rebel, Zephyrus EDIT : I don't support this anymore. Costume_System_v1.diff costume.txt
    1 point
  2. Xantara's FluxCP Everyone knows of FluxCP. However, with the creation of rAthena, there became a need to support renewal changes and other features such as the new group system. This is where my Control Panel comes in. Xantara's FluxCP is a free and open source control panel to work with rAthena. Forked from FluxCP by Paradox924X and Byteflux at r1121. I will continually merge updates from the original FluxCP. Demo: http://web.artistic-coder.com/fluxcp-rA Note: this site is used to test new functionality and custom addons so it may not always be functioning properly Features The original/base FluxCP already comes with a lot of features. Here I will only highlight those that came after the fork. For a full list, click here. Updated Ragnarok Data Full Birthdate Functionality Working GM Group System Mob Skills SQLized Zeny Log Page Specific Item Drop Rates Toggle for Pre-Renewal or Renewal SQL Data Alchemist Ranking Blacksmith Ranking Paginated Item Shop Character/job images (static) WIP Account management system (link one or more in-game accounts to one CP account) Queued Accepted Suggestions (have suggestions? post them here!) Search in logs page Pin code functionality Character sprites with palettes (would replace static images) Requirements Apache webserver with PHP 5.2 or greater PDO extension with MySQL support (http://www.php.net/pdo) PHP GD2 for security images (Optional) Enabled Zip extension for exporting guild emblems (Optional) Apache/mod_rewrite for using the "Clean URLs" feature Download There are three ways to get a copy of this Control Panel. For detailed installation instructions, click here (TBD). 1. GIT Clone git clone https://github.com/missxantara/fluxcp-ra.git * For Windows, you can take a look at using TortoiseGit with its friendly user interface. 2. SVN Checkout svn checkout https://github.com/missxantara/fluxcp-ra/trunk/ * For Windows, you can take a look at using TortoiseSVN with its friendly user interface. 3. ZIP Download https://github.com/missxantara/fluxcp-ra/archive/master.zip Extra Downloads Extract to the root folder of your FluxCP system Job Image Files: http://missxantara.github.io/fluxcp-ra/downloads/FluxCP_Jobs_Images_2012-04-28.zip Updated details: April 28, 2013 Credits: Xantara Monster Image Files: http://missxantara.github.io/fluxcp-ra/downloads/FluxCP_Monsters_Eclage_14.2.zip Updated details: Mob ID #2380 of Eclage (Episode 14.2) Credits: Brynner Item Icon Files: http://missxantara.github.io/fluxcp-ra/downloads/FluxCP_Item_Icons_2012-04-08.zip Updated details: April 8, 2013 Credits: Latheesan's Extractor Item Image Files: http://missxantara.github.io/fluxcp-ra/downloads/FluxCP_Item_Images_2012-04-08.zip Updated details: April 8, 2013 Credits: Latheesan's Extractor Quick Links Wiki: https://github.com/missxantara/fluxcp-ra/wiki Bug/Suggestion Reports: https://github.com/missxantara/fluxcp-rA/issues GitPage: http://missxantara.github.io/fluxcp-ra Misc. Feel free to post any suggestions here. If suitable, they may be polled by general users before being decided to be implemented or not. If you have a feature already coded that you would like to share, please do send a GIT pull request or send me an SVN diff of the work - I'd love to take a look at it! Please note that working on this open-source project will furthermore serve as a learning opportunity for me. If you find that I've implemented something that could be improved, I urge you to let me know - your knowledge on this subject would be greatly appreciated! Like my work? Rep up the topic first post
    1 point
  3. Please post a clear and complete question. I do not think people will understand what you actually mean with this.
    1 point
  4. What patcher you used? thor? if its thor did you use the acsii not the unicode?
    1 point
  5. http://rathena.org/board/topic/69566-lua-files-for-older-version-that-you-need-2011-12-14-below/
    1 point
  6. 1738,Constant@NPC_SELFDESTRUCTION,attack,173,1,10000,1000,0,no,self,always,0,,,,,,, The red area is where you edit the cast time. 173 is Self Destruct 1 is Skill Level 10000 = 100% 1000 = 1 Second
    1 point
  7. I wish we could create private forks on github (for free). I've spent the day trying to figure out a way to push my own files without making it public and so far, the only good service I found to host my files is bitbucket, but I'm struggling to understand how git works. I like how easy it is to set up branches on git, but I want to share my files with some other people, so branching my files locally doesn't help. Is it possible to mirror files on github to another git service, like bitbucket or assembla automatically, or do we need to update our local git and commit every time there is an update on rathena? Edit: I just realized there is a feature on bitbucket that imports a github directory directly. It looks really nice. Edit2: Done... I successfully set up a rAthena mirror on bitbucket and configured it to check for updates every hour. I got more than what I was expecting, I can finally start applying my mods to my private fork.
    1 point
  8. Did you place your humonculus.txt in the correct area? ( db/re or db/pre-re ). Also, you've exceeded the maximum limit for number of mercenaries. To increase the maximum value... src/common/mmo.h#L159 #define MAX_MERCENARY_CLASS 61
    1 point
  9. inheritence is how third classes receive their first job / second job skills. Third job inherits from 2nd job which also inherits from 1st job. You can try making the archer class inherit from Ranger class. I am not sure if this'll work but it was worth the try.
    1 point
  10. Nice, keep it up @all I did another update to fix some problems with doridori and body animation. I took advantage to put a new feature: Add a generator, to create your own characters, can be used in a char simulator for example. Just change the url and the character will change: /generate/body=M-0-0/hair=0-0-0/hats=0-0-0/equip=0-0-0/option=0/actdir=0-0-0 Info: /generate/body=<sex>-<job>-<clothes color>/hair=<hair style>-<hair color>-<doridori>/hats=<hat top>-<hat middle>-<hat bottom>/equip=<weapon>-<shield>-<robe>/option=<option>/actdir=<direction>-<action>-<animation> Will be really good if you are planning to do a character simulator. Have fun~
    1 point
  11. - script Sample -1,{ OnInit: bindatcmd “cashpoint",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnAtCommand"; end; OnAtCommand: dispbottom "You have "+#CASHPOINTS+" cashpoints."; end; }
    1 point
  12. For the 2nd and third option you can use // Checks if the Turtle General Card is inside your inventory by seeing if the item count for the Item ID 4305 ( Turtle General Card ) is greater than zero. if(countitem(4305) > 0) { mes "Can't allow you to continue"; close; } // Checks if Equiped item has the turtle general card equiped for each individual slot ( 1-4 ) // If the ID of CARD SLOT of Equiped Item Position (2 = Weapon I believe ) is equal to 4035 ( Turtle General Card ID ) // I made it check all four card positions, First, Second, Third, and Fourth // If the the Equiped Item at Position 2 ( Weapon's Position ) Card Slot's Item ID is Equal to 4035 // I reworded this so that it matches the argument positions... if(getequipcardid(2,0) == 4305 || getequipcardid(2,1) == 4305 || getequipcardid(2,2) == 4305 || getequipcardid(2,3) == 4305) { mes "Can't allow you to continue"; close; } Script Command Information *getequipcardid(<equipment slot>,<card slot>) Returns value from equipped item slot in the indicated slot: getequipcardid(num,slot) where: num = equip position slot slot = 0,1,2,3 (Card Slot N) This func returns CARD ID, 255,254,-255 (for card 0, if the item is produced) it's useful when you want to check item cards or if it's signed. Useful for such quests as "Sign this refined item with players name" etc; Hat[0] +4 -> Player's Hat[0] +4 For your first one, you'd have to do an inventory check by using getinventorylist and have it check each individual item to see any of them has the card inside them. I think you would want to use these predefined arrays to search for them though. I'll test it myself later when I have time to see if it works. PREDEFINED ARRAYS @inventorylist_card1[] - These four arrays contain card data for the items. @inventorylist_card2[] These data slots are also used to store names @inventorylist_card3[] inscribed on the items, so you can explicitly check @inventorylist_card4[] if the character owns an item made by a specific ---> Edit I managed to find time and test the script for the getinventorylist This will check all items in your inventory if they have a card inside the card slots that is a Turtle General Card ( Item ID 4305 ) // While .@i is less than the amount of items inside your inventory... // Check if any of the items has the item ID 4305 inside card position 1; // Same goes for the rest of the positions. // set .@i, .@i +1 to increment by one in value every time the while loop is run. ( 1... 2... 3... until value is GREATER than inventory count ) // The maximum times it will run is the amount of items you have inside your inventory. // Once the value of .@i is GREATER than the amount of items inside your inventory, // it'll break out of the loop and continue whatever additional script lines you add in. while ( .@i < @inventorylist_count ) { if (@inventorylist_card1[.@i] == 4305 || @inventorylist_card2[.@i] == 4305 || @inventorylist_card3[.@i] == 4305 || @inventorylist_card4[.@i] == 4305){ mes "Can't allow you to continue."; close; } set .@i, .@i + 1; } // Once loop is finished, it will continue here. mes "Thank you Evelynn (:"; close; Sorry for making you read all this if you did. I am trying to explain to you what is going on inside the script so that you will be able to learn for future use. Other than that, good luck (:.
    1 point
  13. Adding a skill could be tricky within the newest clients. You may have to change inside the skilltree.lua to make it visible for you. When the skill window is maximized, it will only show what you have normally would have because it will only read what it says inside skilltree.lua. The skill is added already, it's just the your client isn't registering it because it doesn't know you want to insert it since only server side knows. If your client is more up to date ish, there should also be a MISC tab where all the unknown skills would go, but by the looks of it, you don't have that tab... Considering you said you've tried it.. You can try inheritence also... I am unsure if this would work though. A visual of what you did would also help though. Also make sure that your client is reading the lua file you are editing. It may be reading .lub over .lua also.
    1 point
  14. like constants monsters? db/.../mob_skill_db.txt // MobID,Dummy value (info only),State,SkillID,SkillLv,Rate,CastTime,Delay,Cancelable,Target,Condition type,Condition value,val1,val2,val3,val4,val5,Emotion,Chat 1738,Constant@NPC_SELFDESTRUCTION,attack,173,1,10000,1000,0,no,self,always,0,,,,,,, 1738,Constant@NPC_SELFDESTRUCTION,chase,173,1,2000,1000,0,no,self,always,0,,,,,,,
    1 point
  15. Not quite sure if this should go under PVP section or Event/Game section... Anyways. Introduction : Based on a "One Must Fall" game, I made this ragnarok map with a few different things. It has been adapted to be a PvP Map The Power Plant (From "One Must Fall" game) : Map : Video : Music Preview : www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjj9umuLn0w (Download at end of post) Screenshots : (Direct Link) (Tinypic mirror) http://i47.tinypic.com/2je4vie.jpg http://i46.tinypic.com/2n71r2r.jpg http://i49.tinypic.com/wivsoy.jpg http://i45.tinypic.com/apa44g.jpg Scripts : Okay, well, in the map there are certain "features". The map is "divided" in two parts, the outer arena and the inner fortress. Here's what you can do: Outer Arena : Heal pods : Regenerate your life quickly while you're inside. Eletrified Fence : Touch it, and you'll turn into toast. If you stay close it'll kill you quickly. You can also knockback other players into the fence, just like in the original game. Traps : On the floor, you can step on traps, they can do three different things, deal damage, drain SP or inflict you with random negative statuses. Inner Fortress : Barricade Control Panel : Touch this control panel and it'll invoke a barricade at the fortress entrance preventing other players to walk inside. (Delay 300 Seconds) Power Plant Guardians : They will protect the person that invoke them, the guardians are : 3 Dimiks and 6 Venatus. (Delay 150 Seconds) Fortress Cannons : You can trigger the cannons by stepping on them, they will burst a bomb in the corner of the outer arena, probably killing everyone in the area. They are also usefull to kill players in heal pods. (Delay 30 Seconds) Power Plant Generator : The power plant generator will discharge lightning in the water around the inner fortress. Every player that is standing on the water will take the discharge and probably die. (Delay 90 Seconds) Downloads : Updated to version 1.1: fixed minor script and map issues. Full Pack (Map + BGM + Scripts) : Direct link ​v1.2 : Power Plant v1.2.rar Mediafire link ​v1.2 : http://www.mediafire...1qkl1usi4n08qoc Map Only : Direct link v1.1 : Power_Plant_Map.rar Mediafire link ​v1.1 : http://www.mediafire...fs339kaglaz53f3 Music Only : Direct link : Kenny Chou-One Must Fall 2097-01 - Power Plant.mp3 Mediafire link : http://www.mediafire...u2544upar884tcj Script Only : Direct link v1.2 : power_plant.txt Pastebin link v1.2 : http://pastebin.com/hS2F4csk
    1 point
  16. can somebody provide the settings for kRO please? Renewal works fine but wish he made one for kRO too
    1 point
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