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Scripts that are set up to help players and GMs alike should be posted in this category
Examples: Buffers, Refining Systems, GM Tools, Shops

197 files

  1. Free

    Item Collector NPC / Item Sink Strategy

    Introduction :
    The NPC is designed to accept items from players, with contributions being non-recoverable but meticulously logged. A straightforward ranking system showcases players based on their item contributions. Game Masters have the flexibility to leverage and reset these rankings for custom events or creative initiatives at their discretion.

    **  Consider this a deviously delightful item sinking event for your server, complete with devilish flair and strategic mischief. 



  2. Free

    Freebies NPC with Gepard Function (UniqueID)

    Freebies NPC with gepard function (UniqueID)

    In response to this post : 



  3. Free

    All Usefull Script Put In One

    Hi rAthena community
    Here i already compress all kind of usefull script to rAthena and eAthena user.
    Maybe there were some error but please post it to be fixed together..
    The most important thing,dont claim all this script is your's and get rid signature.
    All this script are belong to Creator who create those script.
    Im just combined all this script into one file.
    Happy Download All



  4. Free

    TARTs | Dual Equipment



  5. Free

    @reward command

    Allows for preset or user-defined rewards via atcommand. Announce and logging options are also available.

    Create this table in your logs schema:CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `rewardlog` ( `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `account_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `staff_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `item_amount` int(11) NOT NULL, `item_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `item_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `char_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `player_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `when` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM;



  6. Free


    A short and simple script named "LevelUpBox".
    Easy to change the item which will gain the player by:

    set .@item$,501; // Level 1 with Item "Red Potion";
    Every 10 level-up the player will gain an item.



  7. Free


    Compendium - A levelable battle pass inspired majority of games out there. 

    Feature :
    Easy customizable settings.
    Three types of selectable daily quest.
    Daily quest requirements are randomized.
    Daily quest count resets everyday.
    Compendium resets on the first day of the month.
    Rewards are sent via mail.
    '@compendium' command to access the compendium

    Settings :
    Adding a reward on the compendium Rewards : "Level | Reward ID, Amount, Reward ID, Amount,... ==| Level order doesn't matter but 'duplicates' will bug out the script. setarray .compendium_reward$, "1|501:10,502:20", "10|501:20,502:30", "5|501:100,502:500"; Adding a monster/item/mvp to hunt or collect Just add the ID on the following line. setarray .mvp_list setarray .hunt_list setarray .gather_list Changing EXP given on the quest types. .gathering_exp = 50; .hunt_exp = 50; .mvp_hunt_exp = 100;



  8. Free

    Ingame GM List

    This script shows a list of all GMs with their corresponding status (i.e. online or offline).
    You can configure the script to show or hide the last login time of each GM.
    As a special feature, the result is cached for a certain amount of time if you wish (see inline configuration, by default caching for 30 seconds is enabled). This prevents players from spamming the database with SELECT queries.
    Version 2.0 comes with a source modification to show the group name the GM is in and the option to show the list directly in the user's chat (dispbottom) rather than the NPC dialogue.
    Special thanks to Akinari for helping me with the script command and Armor for requesting this feature.

    To get version 2.0 working, you need to patch your src/map/script.c file with the "groupid.diff" and recompile.
    To apply the patch use
    patch -p0 < /location/to/the/groupid.diff
    from your rAthena directory root.
    If you use Windows and TortoiseSVN, you have to right click into your rAthena directory root, select "TortoiseSVN -> Apply Patch" and select the patch file. Click "patch all items" and you're done.
    If you do not want to change your source for this, you can remove all occurences of "groupIdToName" inside the script to deactivate the automatic group name display.



  9. Free

    Player Questing Board

    [NOTE] For now on I will keep release all of my work for free , I hope most people can enjoy my script without paid. But if you still want to support my work, please consider donate or become my patron. Thank you.
    It just a questing board which everyone can post request on it and let other to complete it for reward.

    Set a title for the request Set a requested Item or Zeny on the board (Or Both) Set a reward Item or Zeny on the request This script need my release of:
    Suggestion are welcome.
    Pending Script Upload:
    Todo list:
    //= 1. Change log from status to actual log and delete expired or completed request
    //= 2. Make it compatible with newest RANDOM OPTIONS Item
    //= 3. Add blacklist check
    //= 4. Add weight check By downloading this script, you agree to these terms:
    You are not allowed to redistribute this script in any way, shape, or form. Chargeback scams are not tolerated and will get you punished on rAthena. I still retain all rights to this script. Terms above may be changed or adjusted without prior notification. Copyright © - Yuchinin 2017 - All Rights Reserved



  10. Free

    sader's Reward Manager

    //===== rAthena Script =======================================
    //= saders Reward
    //===== By: ==================================================
    //= Sader1992
    //===== Current Version: =====================================
    //= 1.3b
    //===== Compatible With: ===================================== 
    //= rAthena Project
    //===== Description: =========================================
    //==== all the configuration from the npc in game
    //==== you can change the GM level in the start of the script
    //==== if(getgroupid() >= 90 ){ change the 90 to what you want
    //==== support gepard / ip / or without them
    //==== support rewards for vip only
    //==== support max players can get the reward
    //==== support up to 10 items per 1 variable
    //==== reward name will be seen from the normal players when they get the reward
    //==== please send me a message if you find error
    //==== if you like my work maybe consider support me at paypal
    //==== [email protected]
    //==== 1.1 Fix IP Check , add check for if the item id wrong , you can now edit the reward options from the npc(Name , Abuse Protection , Max Playrs , VIP) .
    //==== 1.2 Adding Weight check (you have to be less then 80% Weight to get the rewards) , Fix looping massege , Remove Adding more items option when the item count is 10 .
    //==== 1.3a Improve Gepard and IP Protection (i recommend removeing all the rewords before updating if you use it) , adding command @MyReward to access to the npc (any player can use this command) .
    //==== 1.3b Adding log database 'sader_variables_log' you can check who did get his reward from the npc , Changing some text .
    for any error contact me plz
    for faster update and fixes https://github.com/sader1992/sader_scripts
    //==== if you like my work maybe consider support me at paypal
    //==== [email protected]



  11. Free

    Autoloot Settings

    A rather simple autoloot settings function that I made, It's made to store 10 autoloot ID, there can be more than 10 as long as you adjust it. 
    I made this function to store all ID in one variable rather than multiple ones.



  12. Free

    @giveitem command

    Just a simple command for events or compensation reward to all online players. 
    @giveitem <item id> <amount> <area|map|all>
    Area - ppl around your screen size
    Map - ppl in the map of the invoking character 
    All - self explanatory 



  13. Free

    CashShop Manager

    Well I searched this script a lot but I did not find any free,
    I found another on another site made by CarlosKiller, but for another emulator, so I adapted it to rathena.
    It has 2 script, one in English and one in Portuguese.
    Modifications made by me:
    Add item:
    A category has been added, a protection not to add the same item twice, after adding an item you will be asked if you want to add another item and at the end you will be asked if you want to do @reloaditemdb.
    For example, 0 ~ 8 if you enter 9 you will receive a message stating that there is no such category and will ask you to retype the category.
    Delete item:
    The items in the store with the id appear in the list, making it easier to delete the desired item.
    Reload CashShop:
    After adding or removing an item in the cash shop is necessary to upgrade the store and must be logged in to be able to see the changes.
    It really took a lot of work, I hope you enjoy it.

    Note: I am not the creator of this script just adapted and modified many things in it to be compatible with rAthena.
    Note2: If it is allowed to put the original script link, let me know that post here.
    Below is the original script without modification. (remembering that does not work in rathena this script)
    There is a function that I removed, because I could not adapt correctly, that you could see the store items in npc, I was able to modify but when removing some item, he did not remove from the store, only giving restart, and when updating the store doubled the items as well.



  14. Free

    Lucky Roulette Prize Changer

    I'm not that good at scripting but I want to help the community by making this Lucky Roulette Prize Changer so you won't need to go to your sql just to update the prize.
    To display the guide, you need to upload the rouletteGuide.bmp in your GRF. ( The file is included in the download. )
    Reminder : Lucky Roulette's Prizes will only refresh when the server restarts but the list is updated instantly.



  15. Free

    IP Ban Script

    IP Ban Script
    This script will allow you to Ban any IP from your server.



  16. Free

    iRO Spooky machine - Refine Event

    Introduction :
    Talk to the machine and it will give you a Cracked Buckler shield. Equip the shield and talk to the machine.
    It will attempt to upgrade it as high as it will go. Depending on what upgrade level the item breaks at you will get a free item! If the buckler is upgraded to +10 or higher it gives a mystery costume!

    References :
    Official Website
    IRO Wiki



  17. Free

    Another Freebies NPC with easy char/acc bound settings

    OnInit: // settings .char_bound = 1; // enable character bound rewards (1 = on || 0 = off) .account_bound = 1; // enable account bound rewards (1 = on || 0 = off) // set item (char bound) setarray .char_reward, 501, 502, 503; // item setarray .char_reward_amt, 1, 2, 4; // amount // set item (acc bound) setarray .acc_reward, 501, 502, 503; // item setarray .acc_reward_amt, 1, 2, 4; // amount Use and edit this to any ways you need.
    I just made another simple freebies npc.. This is in reponse to many new server owners who kept asking "how to make freebies account bound/char bound?" or such. I made it easier for them to choose whether to enable char/acc bound rewards or not.



  18. Free

    Equipment Recycle NPC

    A recycle NPC that uses the shop interface.

    Changing the rewards
    .reward_id = 501; .reward_point$ = "#KAFRAPOINT";
    Adding a recyclable equipment.
    /* *=============================================================================| * .@r = Refine | .@b = Bonus =| * list_add("<Equip ID>,<Value>{,<Starting .@r for .@b>,.@b1:.@b2:.@b3:..."); =| *=============================================================================| * Cotton_Shirt w/ +8 Starting .@r bonus =| * .@r = 8 : 1 Bonus Item/Point =| * .@r = 9 : 5 Bonus Item/Point =| * .@r >= 10 : 7 Bonus Item/Point. =| *=============================================================================| * list_add(2301,8,"1:5:7"); =| ==============================================================================| */ function list_create { //= Remove samples and add here. list_add(2301,10,8,"1:5:7"); //Cotton_Shirt list_add(1201,10,7,"1:2:3:4:5"); //Knife list_add(2504,5); //Muffler_ return; }  



  19. Free

    Goddess Blessing

    Config Table:
    function goddessblessing { // ----- Add your desired SCs below! ----- sc_start SC_FOOD_STR_CASH,8640000,10; sc_start SC_FOOD_AGI_CASH,8640000,10; sc_start SC_FOOD_DEX_CASH,8640000,10; sc_start SC_FOOD_LUK_CASH,8640000,10; sc_start SC_FOOD_INT_CASH,8640000,10; sc_start SC_FOOD_VIT_CASH,8640000,10; sc_start SC_ITEMBOOST,8640000,50; sc_start SC_EXPBOOST,8640000,50; // -------- end of adding SC --------- return; } OnInit: // ---- Configuration starts ------ .goal = 100000; // Goal to reach .delay_tick = 60 * 60 * 4; // Blessing time active : 4hrs (seconds * mins * hours) .item_offering = 501; // Item to offer //----- Configuration ends----- Special Credits for the Pseudocode by @Secrets
    By downloading this file, you agree with my Terms of Service:
    • You are not allowed remove my signature from any of the included files.
    • You are not allowed sell, resell or in any form for money or rewards using my work.
    • You are not allowed claim my work as yours.
    • I have the rights to change all the terms above without prior notice. 



  20. Free

    No double login in one map ip and gepard unique_id

    main code of ConfindecE and improved by Tauro to gepard and remove by account inhibition
    About this file:
    Anti-double login system in a specific map example: pvp, woe, events, etc.
    It has ip system or unique_id by gepard
    Account protection for accounts of the type: Gm, brothers, relatives, couples, etc ...

    By downloading this file, you accept the following terms:
    It is not allowed to remove my written signature within the script.
    You are not allowed to sell, resell or earn any kind of money or incentives to use my work.
    You are not allowed to claim my work as yours.
    The terms mentioned above may change without prior notice.



  21. Free

    Usable Refinery Ores

    Players are able to click on the Ores items to refine the selected equipment. They can refine their Equipment at anywhere anytime they want.
    Based on requirement of Weapon Level and Type, different ores might be needed as well as Zeny.



  22. Free

    @restock - get items from storage with a command

    My take on the @restock command. 
    This script allows you to set a list of item to restock from your storage, for example 100 blue gemstones and 300 white potions.
    When using the command, a ticket item will be consumed to get the specified items from storage.
    This script is so that you'll always have the needed quantity of items in the list. for example, if you have 22 gemstones in your inventory and you use @restock, you'll get the 78 gemstones missing to the full 100
    any feedback is appreciated.



  23. Free

    Dynamic WoE Reward Distributor

    This script let guild leaders receive WoE rewards after the end of each WoE by talking to the NPC. Rewards can be configured to be given to every online members automatically instead.
    There is a menu for the GMs to configure reward for each castle individually.
    Use Case
    As a reward giver for WoE participation.
    Although this script has been tested on an old build of Hercules, it is only guaranteed to support rAthena. If it somehow break on Hercules-based emulator, I could fix it at an additional price 
    By downloading this script, you agree to these terms:
    You are not allowed to redistribute this script in any way, shape, or form. Chargeback scams are not tolerated and will get you punished on rAthena. I still retain all rights to this script. You will not get any support if you are using an old build of rAthena from 6 months ago or earlier. Your rights to receive free supports may be revoked at my discretion if you are being abusive Terms above may be changed or adjusted without prior notification. Copyright  - Secrets 2016-2017 - All Rights Reserved



  24. Free

    Utility: Effect List

    A simple script that will allow users to cycle through the effects listed in 'effect_list.txt'. These effects were tested using client version: 2013-08-07a.
    Older clients (such as Pre-Renewal Clients) may result in errors due to not having those effects inside them.



  25. Free

    Simple Hack Security

    The title says it all.
    Every time a Game Master with a group_id of 1 or higher log in game, automatically the "HackerDetector" NPC will be triggered.
    It will prompt and ask you for a security password which is "iamnotahacker",you can change it to your liking but before that NPC will give you the group_id of 25. Why 25? i don't know it's my favorite number.
    Put this in your \conf\groups.conf
    { id: 25 name: "Hacker" level: 25 inherit: ( /*empty list*/ ) commands: { /* no commands */ } permissions: { }}
    Enjoy and don't forget to say thank you and do not remove credits.



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