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  1. if(isequipped) and you should also put if(isequipped) everytime you're making a comparison. - script RoyalWeapon -1,{ OnPCKillEvent: if(isequipped(25621) || isequipped(25622) || isequipped(25623) || isequipped(25624) || isequipped(25625) || isequipped(25626) || isequipped(25627) || isequipped(25628) || isequipped(25629) || isequipped(25630) || isequipped(25631) || isequipped(25632) || isequipped(25633)) { if ( @kill < 10 ) { set @kill,@kill + 1; message strcharinfo(0),"You got "+@kill+" Kills"; } } end; OnPCDieEvent: if(isequipped(25621) || isequipped(25622) || isequipped(25623) || isequipped(25624) || isequipped(25625) || isequipped(25626) || isequipped(25627) || isequipped(25628) || isequipped(25629) || isequipped(25630) || isequipped(25631) || isequipped(25632) || isequipped(25633)) { if ( @kill > 0 ) { set @kill, @kill/2; message strcharinfo(0),"You got "+@kill+" Kills"; } } end; }
  2. I sent you a PM Cydh '-'

  3. Sneaky

    KOE Help!

    I clearly didn't ask for the code I saw on annie's patch.
  4. Sneaky

    KOE Help!

    You may want to post your battle_check_target function here if you want any help (Not all of it though).
  5. Lol my old nickname is right there //honor, just like brunoshp said, you need a few other mods on the source to be able to have that script working. I think I have a version working on rAthena, because the one made for this script was eAthena and it was a revision from like 05~06. But honestly with the new script party commands added here on rAthena you can easily replicate the queue system Xilero used back then.
  6. @c2greentea, sorry for the curse thing, I used Euphy's script, didn't even read or browsed through the buffs lol. Should work with @capuche's solution (I guess). @Moriarty, of course, in athena's scripting, 0 means false, to destroy variables you can just set them to 0, that's why I don't count 0 as a value. By any value I mean 1 or higher. Yet again I specified here in athena's scripting, because as you mentioned in most programming languages, it doesn't work that way !
  7. There are a few issues in the script you have @c2greentea. The script below should work pretty well. - script Healer -1,{ .@price = 0; // Zeny required for heal .@buffs = 0; // Also buff players? (1: yes / 0: no) .@delay = 10; // Heal delay, in seconds if (@healDelay > gettimetick(2)) { mes callfunc("Time2Str" ,@healDelay)+" seconds to heal again."; close; } if(BaseLevel >= 95) { mes "[Healer]"; mes "My free healing service is only for players below lvl 95. And if you are below lvl 50, you get free buffs!"; mes " "; mes "For players above lvl 95, my charge will be 780 z (w/o buffs). Thank you for your understanding."; mes " "; mes "^777777Delay: 1-3 minutes^000000"; set .@price,780; // Zeny required for heal set .@delay,rand(60,180); // Heal delay, in seconds } else if(BaseLevel < 50) { mes "[Healer]"; mes "My free service is only for players below lvl 95. And if you are below lvl 50, you get free buffs!"; mes " "; mes "^777777Delay: 10 secs^000000"; set .@buffs,1; // Also buff players? (1: yes / 0: no) set .@delay,10; // Heal delay, in seconds } if (.@price) { message strcharinfo(0),"Healing costs "+.@price+" Zeny."; if (Zeny < .@price) { mes "^ff0000You don't have enough Zeny^000000."; message strcharinfo(0),"You don't have enough Zeny."; close; } if(select("^0055FFHeal^000000:^777777Cancel^000000") == 2) close; Zeny -= .@price; } specialeffect2 EF_HEAL2; percentheal 100,100; if (.@buffs) { specialeffect2 EF_INCAGILITY; sc_start SC_INC_AGI,240000,10; specialeffect2 EF_BLESSING; sc_start SC_BLESSING,240000,10; } if (.@delay) @healDelay = gettimetick(2)+.@delay; close; } @Pneuma, just like @Moriarty said, you have no idea whatsoever of basic programming. Quite surprising how you even got that title. Let's just say in athena's scripting when you compare a variable alone, example: if(@variable) it actually checks if it has a value, and if it does, it will execute whatever it is inside the if-statement. if(@variable) //@variable has a value then... { //doThis; } Hope it helps !
  8. It must be this line. mes "You only have "+countitem($QuestItem1HM)+" of ^FF0000"+getitemname($QuestItem1)+"^000000, "+countitem($QuestItem2HM)+" of ^FF0000"+getitemname($QuestItem2)+"^000000, "+countitem($QuestItem3HM)+" of ^FF0000"+getitemname($QuestItem3)+"^000000."; So in the countitem it should be $QuestItem1 instead of pointing out the quantity $QuestItem1HM. Same for the 2 and 3. Just replace the one above, for this one below: mes "You only have "+countitem($QuestItem1)+" of ^FF0000"+getitemname($QuestItem1)+"^000000, "+countitem($QuestItem2)+" of ^FF0000"+getitemname($QuestItem2)+"^000000, "+countitem($QuestItem3)+" of ^FF0000"+getitemname($QuestItem3)+"^000000.";
  9. Hey brian, how you doing ;P wanted to know if you still have this aura around? I just can't seem to find it anywhere else. http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=244777&st=0&p=1334020entry1334020

  10. src\map\skill.c case KN_BOWLINGBASH: case MS_BOWLINGBASH: if(flag&1){ if(bl->id==skill_area_temp[1]) break; //two hits for 500% skill_attack(BF_WEAPON,src,src,bl,skillid,skilllv,tick,SD_ANIMATION); skill_attack(BF_WEAPON,src,src,bl,skillid,skilllv,tick,SD_ANIMATION); } else { //Weirdo dual-hit property, two attacks for 500% skill_attack(BF_WEAPON,src,src,bl,skillid,skilllv,tick,0); skill_attack(BF_WEAPON,src,src,bl,skillid,skilllv,tick,0); } break; and for charge attack case KN_CHARGEATK: { bool path = path_search_long(NULL, src->m, src->x, src->y, bl->x, bl->y,CELL_CHKWALL); unsigned int dist = distance_bl(src, bl); unsigned int dir = map_calc_dir(bl, src->x, src->y); // teleport to target (if not on WoE grounds) if( !map_flag_gvg(src->m) && !map[src->m].flag.battleground && unit_movepos(src, bl->x, bl->y, 0, 1) ) clif_slide(src, bl->x, bl->y); // cause damage and knockback if the path to target was a straight one if( path ) { skill_attack(BF_WEAPON, src, src, bl, skillid, skilllv, tick, dist); //skill_blown(src, bl, dist, dir, 0); //HACK: since knockback officially defaults to the left, the client also turns to the left... therefore, // make the caster look in the direction of the target unit_setdir(src, (dir+4)%8); } Not sure if it Works.
  11. this would definitely be more efficient. +1 maki
  12. Sneaky

    Is there?

    Then just copy the monsters of the renewal to the pre-re mob_db
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