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Everything posted by botka4aet

  1. Где-то тут выкладывали прогу, которая из записи реплея копировала текст НПЦ Но для этого нужно было на реальном серевере записать реплей и поговорить со всеми нужными нпц
  2. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/conf/battle/monster.conf
  3. I don't think, that we'll get this update soon
  4. dunno void clif_sellitem(struct map_session_data* sd, enum sellitem_filter_type type, int param[], bool discount) { case SFT_ID: if !(contains(param,sd->inventory.u.items_inventory[i].nameid) continue; break;
  5. sc_start <effect type>,<ticks>,<extra argument>{,<GID>};
  6. Open %AppData%\Roaming\GRF Editor\config.txt Change lines: [Application - Log any exceptions]=True [Application - Warning level]=0 And send log file after another error
  7. It's for old version Now just add permission to player
  8. Change Numbers in line #define PACKETVER "NUMBERS" for your client date
  9. Try to download old prontera version
  10. delitem .price_id,.price; switch(rand(3)) {
  11. It`s 60%, no? First 20% and if with item - bonus 40%
  12. set .@valve,0; if (.@options & 1) .@valve++; if (.@options & 2) .@valve++; if (.@options & 4) .@valve++; mes .@valve;
  13. How do you add rental item to player? And how do you enchant it?
  14. > their content stolen from their servers Only sprites and maps Maps without scripts - nothing Sprites mostly bought from content creators About security - just use strong password. Just it Anyway, thx for sharing
  15. - clif_messagecolor(&sd->bl, color_table[COLOR_CYAN], output, false, SELF); + clif_messagecolor(&sd->bl, color_table[COLOR_CYAN], output, false, ALL_CLIENT);
  16. Sup Windows Server 2022 Amd Ryzen 4650ge with Vega - driver installed Open GL version according OpenGL Extensions Viewer - 1.1.0 Okay, after installing 3rd party OpenGL dll all works fine. Sorry to bother you
  17. version - any model or map file System.NullReferenceException: in GRFEditor.OpenGL.WPF.OpenGLViewport._primary_Resize(Object sender, EventArgs e) in GRFEditor.OpenGL.WPF.OpenGLViewport._render()
  18. What to do, if it doesn't work? 1) Create password 2) Set hexed client 3) Set default dll name(or new) 4) Generate files 5) Encrypt Grf 6) Copy all files from AppData\Roaming\GRF Editor to game dir 7) Start -> A lot of errors with loading files -> Crash If decrypt GRF - all starts working. Any ideas? Okay, problem with GRF Editor version. With download page) errors, with from mediafire works fine
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