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Everything posted by nitrous

  1. You have an extra backtick (`) in the for-loop in case 2.
  2. Sniper's Sharpshooting has a similar effect. It uses a function called map_foreachinpath, which might be something to look into.
  3. You no longer use `sd->status.inventory` to access a characters inventory. It is now accessible with `sd->inventory.u.items_inventory`
  4. LGP isn't supported by rAthena, you'll have to ask functor. BUT, the way lgp works is when you use the command @lgp, it tells the server to start sending the lgp packets to the client, which then gets parsed by the client. ROReplay files work by saving the packets that the client is sent by the server. Since lgp was off when the replay was recorded, no packets were saved.
  5. [SQL]: DB error - Incorrect table name '' SELECTusersFROM `` ORDER BYusers` LIMIT 1 That means your SQL statement is wrong. Check how the script is building the query.
  6. If you don't have a stable connection, a proxy is good. By picking a good proxy, you can ensure that for most of the way, you'll have a stable connection. But proxy's can't be used to make someone with 300ms ping have only 20.
  7. That was a proxy service, which still won't make the game lagless. You'll be connecting to a proxy that still needs to connect to your main server. It help against connection issues, but the lag will still be there.
  8. You can't beat the speed of light. There will still be a delay between your two servers. You can have two different servers running independently, but use the same database. People can then choose to log into either server and the character will be the same across all servers. But you can't have someone playing on Server A and party with someone playing on Server B.
  9. use freeloop() https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/doc/script_commands.txt#L2132
  10. What crashes? The server? Or the client?
  11. Theoretically, you can just increase MAX_QUEST_OBJECTIVES in mmo.h. I don't know if any other errors will pop up though. The problem is you would have to go through the 3000+ lines in quest_db to add the new columns.
  12. With OnPCDieEvent: you could check the killerrid and see if it is a monster, although it might require some extra script commands.
  13. - script SGH_POINTS -1,{ OnPCLoginEvent: if ($sghreward) end; addtimer 60000,"SGH_POINTS::OnSghGet"; end; OnSghGet: if ($sghreward) end; getmapxy( .@new$, .@x, .@y, 0 ); if( .@new$ == "new_1-1" ) { set SGH_MINUTE_P, SGH_MINUTE_P + 1; dispbottom "Gained : 1 Point(s). Total : "+SGH_MINUTE_P+" Minute(s)."; } if ( SGH_MINUTE_P == 3 ){ getitem 30004,1; $sghreward = 1; end; } addtimer 60000,"SGH_POINTS::OnSghGet"; end; } dont need the OnInit label
  14. Move your character to Alberta, then try using the second client again. Your server requires clients to have 'Skip Packet Obfuscation' enabled, so the first client won't work. You must have that diffed.
  15. Because renewal mobs have >100 Defense, which in pre-renewal means it receives 100% less damage. You need to change the mob's stats.
  16. if (dstsd->bl.m != sd->bl.m) // If member outside castle will be skiped continue; Try that
  17. In client.conf, there's an option for this // Visible area size (how many squares away from a player they can see) area_size: 14 Increase it to what you want.
  18. rA doesn't lend itself to deleting data in the database. Deleting unused data won't really show a performance increase.
  19. The client you're using has different addresses for the client's structures, so it won't work.
  20. Yeah, I get that, that's what I wrote in my post above. I was just saying that there is a use for multiple char servers, and that's having multiple map servers.
  21. You can have multiple char servers, each connected to a separate map server,if you want two different servers with the same login.
  22. Something like this should work. - script E_afkcp -1,{ OnTimerEvent: #CASHPOINTS += .amt; OnPCLoginEvent: addtimer .delay, strnpcinfo(1)+"::OnTimerEvent"; end; OnInit: .amt = 10; .delay = 900000; end; }
  23. Why do you want multiple character servers? The problem with multiple character server connected to one map server is that the map server assumes there's one character server, so when the map server needs something from the character server, there's only one file descriptor. If you have multiple character servers, you'd have to store the which fd a character is loaded from, then use that fd. Another problem is if you have multiple character servers, they could use the same ids for characters, parties, guilds, etc, which will result in some undefined behavior.
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