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Everything posted by nitrous

  1. If you want to change the matk ratio, you'll have to make a new case in the switch-case statement in battle_calc_magic_attack. For example case WZ_JUPITEL: skillratio -= 20; break; If you want to change the number of hits, edit db/skill_db.txt.
  2. If they're not online, you can't use getitem to give them an item. Instead, you'll have to use query_sql to give them the item.
  3. This happened to me too, as a temporary fix I've just put the would-be custom item group into item_group_db.txt When the item db is loaded, it never checks for imports in tiem_group_db
  4. It starts at line 271 getpartymember getcharid(1),1; getpartymember getcharid(1),2; for(set .@j, 0; .@j < $@partymembercount; .@j++){ if(isloggedin($@partymemberaid[.@j], $@partymembercid[.@j])){ if(attachrid($@partymemberaid[.@j])){ if(h_run==1 && getcharid(3) != .@killerid && .@currentquest$ == currentquest$ && HP > 0){ getmapxy(.@map2$,.@x2,.@y2,0); if(.@map1$ == .@map2$ && distance(.@x1,.@y1,.@x2,.@y2) < .party_range){ if(getd(.@currentquest$+"_"+.@currentmob+"_"+.@i+"_killcount")<getd("."+.@currentquest$+"_huntingmob["+.@i+"]")) { setd(.@currentquest$+"_"+.@currentmob+"_"+.@i+"_killcount", getd(.@currentquest$+"_"+.@currentmob+"_"+.@i+"_killcount")+1); dispbottom getd("."+.@currentquest$+"_huntingname$")+": ["+strmobinfo(1,.@currentmob)+"] ("+ getd(.@currentquest$+"_"+.@currentmob+"_"+.@i+"_killcount")+"/"+getd("."+.@currentquest$+"_huntingmob["+.@i+"]")+")"; } } } } } } attachrid(.@killerid);
  5. Use the bitwise OR operator, for example (MD_CANMOVE | MD_LOOTER).
  6. Update your mapcache. You can use this tool to update it.
  7. You can use battlegrounds for something like this, and make the reward your custom item.
  8. It's in db/job_db2.txt The format is: // Job-specific Stat Bonuses Database // // Structure of Database: // JobID,JobLv1,JobLv2,JobLv3,... // // Legend for 'JobLvN' fields: // 0 = No stat bonus at this job level // 1 = STR increased by 1 at this job level // 2 = AGI increased by 1 at this job level // 3 = VIT increased by 1 at this job level // 4 = INT increased by 1 at this job level // 5 = DEX increased by 1 at this job level // 6 = LUK increased by 1 at this job level
  9. It depends on how bCastrate and Bragi are applied. If they stack additively, then a 50% bCastrate and the 50% from Bragi give 100% reduced cast time. If they stack multiplicatively, then it would give 1 - (1 * 50% * 50%), or 75% reduced cast time.
  10. Try this prontera,111,111,4 script Daily Buff -1,{ function getcurrenttime; function getcurrenttime { return (gettime(7)*10000)+(gettime(6)*100)+gettime(5); } mes "add your own message"; mes "add your own message"; mes "add your own message"; next; if(select("Yes","No") == 2) close; if(#LastDailyBuff >= getcurrenttime()){ mes "still on cooldown"; close; } mes "here's your buff"; sc_start SC_EXPBOOST,3600000,100; #LastDailyBuff = getcurrenttime(); close; }
  11. This tool is amazing, thank you. I'm just getting into GrfCL now. When I try to use the .bat file display info, on this line: set c=%c% -fileInfo "data\sprite\¸ó½ºÅÍ\high_orc.spr" I get the error: #Error : An exception has been thrown #Error : Given command line : GrfCL.exe -breakOnExceptions true -open test.grf -info -break -write "Now showing the structure of the current GRF : " -tree data true all -break -fileInfo "data\sprite\A,A3A½AºA.A?\high_orc.spr" -break #Error : Command being executed : -fileInfo <data\sprite\A,A3A½AºA.A?\high_orc.spr> #Exception : The given key was not present in the dictionary. However, if I open the GrfCL command prompt, then copy and paste the command, it works. Is this an issue with the encoding of the .bat file? That's my assumption as the error shows a different monster sprite folder, but I don't know how to fix this. This is on Windows 10.
  12. nitrous


    storage_storageadd() gets items from your inventory, not the cart. There is a storage_storageaddfromcart() function, which you would use instead.
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