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Everything posted by Angeluz

  1. Para cambiar eso debes hacerlo en status.cpp https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/src/map/status.cpp#L6739 ahi para la dex por ejemplo debes buscar donde se calcula la luk y el crit y luego modificas donde corresponde
  2. Usa esta carpeta si es pre-re https://github.com/llchrisll/ROenglishRE/tree/master/Translation/Pre-Renewal/data ahi están los mapas que corresponden y luego debes colocar esos mapas al mapcache para poder moverte bien
  3. if(countitem(40024) < 1 || countitem(40031) < 1 || countitem(40027) < 1){
  4. try with this https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/26335994588c4b45846c05d0e53780ead78e475c/conf/battle/feature.conf#L166
  5. u can try with - script rewards -1,{ end; OnPCKillEvent: getmapxy(@map$, @x, @y, BL_PC); if( @map$ != "pvp_y_1-2" ) end; if ( getmapusers("pvp_y_1-2" ) ) > 20 ) getitem 606,2; else if ( getmapusers("pvp_y_1-2") > 15 ) getitem 606,1; end; }
  6. try with this gefenia01.gat gefenia01.gnd gefenia01.rsw
  7. sc_start .rotdicon[.today_rotd], (.timer - (.@time_passed * 1000)); maybe something like that
  8. https://rathena.org/board/search/?q=vip icon&quick=1
  9. Intenta agregando estos archivos a tu grf spr (1).grf
  10. - script Vip_Icon -,{ OnPCLoginEvent: if(vip_status(1)) { set .@a, vip_status(2) - gettimetick(2); bonus_script "{}",.@a,8,0,EFST_VIPSTATE; dispbottom "--- VIP ----"; dispbottom "=========================="; dispbottom "VIP Player"; dispbottom "Remaining VIP duration :"+callfunc("Time2Str",vip_status(2)); dispbottom "=========================="; end; } } try with this
  11. this? https://github.com/rathena/rathena/pull/7410
  12. Para los items y mobs, agregaste las db? (están el repositorio de rathena: https://github.com/rathena/rathena/tree/master/sql-files) Lo de esas funciones creo que aparecieron hace poco no las he visto, deja revisar y te aviso Edit: Agregué las funciones y me funcionan correctamente, no modifiqué nada. No sé cual pueda ser tu error. Funcionan tanto en cuentas de GM como de usuario normal
  13. yo lo que hago cuando me pasa eso, es reinstalarlas manualmente, dentro de la carpeta del fluxcp hay una de schemas https://github.com/rathena/FluxCP/tree/master/data/schemas ahi revisa cuales te faltan y aplicas los sql
  14. Si tienes el último hash del emulador no deberías desactivar el emblemwebservice, pero está aquí: https://github.com/rathena/FluxCP/blob/master/config/application.php#L24 Y sobre los MvP hay que cargarlos en el sql, los mob_db y los item_db, y sí, los que tienen _re es porque son renewall, depende de tu emulador
  15. same problem try with this scl enable devtoolset-7 bash which gcc gcc --version make clean ./configure make server
  16. here https://github.com/llchrisll/ROenglishRE/blob/master/Renewal/data/sclientinfo.xml#L12
  17. try with this - script KillMon2Cash -1,{ OnNPCKillEvent: .@gettimetick = gettimetick(2); if (rand(100) < 1 && .@gettimetick > @delay) { getitem 50001,1; @delay = .@gettimetick + 60; // 60 seconds } end; OnInit: bindatcmd "check", "KillMon2Cash::OnCheckTime"; end; OnCheckTime: if (( @delay - gettimetick(2)) <=0 ) message strcharinfo(0),"Your next drop is ready!"; else message strcharinfo(0),"Next drop in "+ ( @delay - gettimetick(2) ) + " seconds."; end; }
  18. my bad - script KillMon2Cash -1,{ OnNPCKillEvent: .@gettimetick = gettimetick(2); if (rand(100) < 1 && .@gettimetick > @delay) { getitem 50001,1; @delay = .@gettimetick + 60; // 60 seconds } end; OnInit: bindatcmd "check", "KillMon2Cash::OnCheckTime"; end; OnCheckTime: message strcharinfo(0),"Next drop in "+ ( @delay - gettimetick(2) ) + " seconds."; end; }
  19. that's specifically what the code I gave you earlier does. But remember, they will only be counted from when you placed that code onwards, if someone collected the reward before they can do it again, although only once more.
  20. Do you want it to be a unique prize per server? Or do you want to have them charge it once per account? That is, if two Ministrels reach the maximum level, will it only be given to one? Or that if I arrive with a minister and then with an archbishop, I can't collect it with the archbishop? i change it to sniper and creator 99/60 i take it first with creator then i change to sniper in same account, with new account and dont let me if you already take the price before start doesnt work you need to start from scratch
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