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Everything posted by Naruto

  1. Newer clients i dont think it works but works fine on older clients like 2015
  2. ah well its pretty buggy but id imagine with the change to YAML for most of our database, probably rendered it totally useless anyways its alot easier now anyways and you may aswell just do it by hand in notepad now GL
  3. Can you stuck people in between them if they are standing there? cool stuff man
  4. pretty sure its linked to the status icon and you wont be able to replicate its effects but I used the dots? showevent? For my UAV to find treasure chests id imagine you can have that loop and update target location
  5. Until the DB is converted to YAML your stuck doing a bit of math with the 12 collumn, this string 0x000654E2 ( this is for fireblend ) Just check the item document and youll have it all laid out for you just use a calculator or something
  6. amazing theres no easier way to change that? try rename the one i sent you with your red in it alpha_down.tga
  7. data\texture\effect\alpha_center.tga data\texture\effect\alpha_down.tga data\texture\effect\alpha_left.tga data\texture\effect\alpha_right.tga data\texture\effect\alpha_upper.tga
  8. I dont have them either
  9. Nothing solid, you might be able to do something using mobavail since those sprites have dont use simple targeting Sounds possible that you can use hat effect and link it to the tiles but i havnt bothered specialeffect works but its just like a cast anim that repeats based on the interval
  10. Hmm nevermind thats not the one I used, but its something you use in your command prompth or something like mingw Ill attach the simple one but idk where I got it just open the bat with notepad and add the lines - your gonna have to redif your client probably and change your iteminfo LuaDec for Lua 5.1.4.zip
  11. http://files.luaforge.net/releases/luadec/luadec/0.6
  12. maybe by adding a mapflag to it and adding its tag
  13. Ive done something similar but dont recall... probably a slot id linked to it somewhere in your src
  14. Couldn't say without a bunch of testing but i thought al_heal was like the only skill that has shift targeting
  15. not sure why you guys keep getting that error but it should be fixed by modifying the skill_info_list.lub found within your grf set the range to whatever it is set to in your skill_db and you should be good to go
  16. probably just need to add a if bl_hom tag and return 0 to this section near the top with the others case UNT_WHISTLE: case UNT_ASSASSINCROSS: case UNT_POEMBRAGI: case UNT_APPLEIDUN: case UNT_HUMMING: case UNT_DONTFORGETME: case UNT_FORTUNEKISS: case UNT_SERVICEFORYOU: if (sg->src_id==bl->id && !(sc && sc->data[SC_SPIRIT] && sc->data[SC_SPIRIT]->val2 == SL_BARDDANCER)) return 0; if (!sc) return 0; if (!sce) sc_start4(ss, bl,type,100,sg->skill_lv,sg->val1,sg->val2,0,sg->limit); else if (sce->val4 == 1) { //Readjust timers since the effect will not last long. sce->val4 = 0; //remove the mark that we stepped out delete_timer(sce->timer, status_change_timer); sce->timer = add_timer(tick+sg->limit, status_change_timer, bl->id, type); //put duration back to 3min } break;
  17. fixed no but it should fix your problem if you change it to the official settings or just trying to match whatever the range in the DB is that error is fairly common with the more compicated skills but thats how ive fix it
  18. need to edit skillinfolist.lub and make sure the range is correct otherwise youll pop that error on some skills
  19. whenever it heals mana it uses MG_SRECOVERY just delete your texture folder and wait for the effect to kick in
  20. case CR_SLIMPITCHER: // Updated to block Slim Pitcher from working on barricades and guardian stones. if (dstmd && (dstmd->mob_id == MOBID_EMPERIUM || status_get_class_(bl) == CLASS_BATTLEFIELD)) break; if (potion_hp || potion_sp) { int hp = potion_hp, sp = potion_sp; hp = hp * (100 + (tstatus->vit<<1))/100; sp = sp * (100 + (tstatus->int_<<1))/100; if (dstsd) { if (hp) hp = hp * (100 + pc_checkskill(dstsd,SM_RECOVERY)*10 + pc_skillheal2_bonus(dstsd, skill_id))/100; if (sp) sp = sp * (100 + pc_checkskill(dstsd,MG_SRECOVERY)*10 + pc_skillheal2_bonus(dstsd, skill_id))/100; } if (tsc && tsc->count) { uint8 penalty = 0; if (tsc->data[SC_WATER_INSIGNIA] && tsc->data[SC_WATER_INSIGNIA]->val1 == 2) { hp += hp / 10; sp += sp / 10; } if (tsc->data[SC_CRITICALWOUND]) penalty += tsc->data[SC_CRITICALWOUND]->val2; if (tsc->data[SC_DEATHHURT]) penalty += 20; if (tsc->data[SC_NORECOVER_STATE]) penalty = 100; if (penalty > 0) { hp -= hp * penalty / 100; sp -= sp * penalty / 100; } } if(hp > 0) clif_skill_nodamage(NULL,bl,AL_HEAL,hp,1); if(sp > 0) clif_skill_nodamage(NULL,bl,MG_SRECOVERY,sp,1); status_heal(bl,hp,sp,0); } break; your probably looking to tweak this if (potion_hp || potion_sp) { int hp = potion_hp, sp = potion_sp; hp = hp * (100 + (tstatus->vit<<1))/100; sp = sp * (100 + (tstatus->int_<<1))/100; if (dstsd) { if (hp) hp = hp * (100 + pc_checkskill(dstsd,SM_RECOVERY)*10 + pc_skillheal2_bonus(dstsd, skill_id))/100; if (sp) sp = sp * (100 + pc_checkskill(dstsd,MG_SRECOVERY)*10 + pc_skillheal2_bonus(dstsd, skill_id))/100; } but in the other chunk you can modify the bonus recieved from those extra things
  21. no idea what your talking about but probably status.c or pc.c or possibly battle.c
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