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Everything posted by chowking

  1. 1st time im hearing !command
  2. or atleast the whole compile log,
  3. this line says you have to merge some conflicts so open your clif.c and go to the line number and start editing it manually, or just search <<<<<
  4. thank you for the responses, learned a lot from your post @AnnieRuru, will definitely do that, thanks EDIT: definitely need to recheck all my custom scripts
  5. how to check a script if its a performance killer or not?
  6. you'll need to hex/diff the client so it can support rebellion
  7. they swapped item types 4 & 5, i think you can put TG card onto your shield and thara to your weapon, since there wont be any window showing up if you can't put card into an item anymore, it makes you think that the shields & weapons got no slots
  8. after updating to d569d288bd from nov 4 git hydra cards and other bonus2 AddRace, bonus2 SubRace stopped working changed the item types from 5 to 4 and 4 to 5 and using akkarin's sql command Figured out whats wrong,, just needed to include bonuses of previous rc_demihuman with rc_player
  9. apparently there are some problems with the core files,, we need someone who can provide the core dump for a fix to be made,
  10. reason is the svn doesn't update upto the point where git is since its now been stopped, if someone know how to update SVN with a git repo i hope he'll reply to this
  11. in rathena/src/map/battle.c Find: if (sc->data[SC_SPIRIT]){ if(skill_id == AS_SONICBLOW && sc->data[SC_SPIRIT]->val2 == SL_ASSASIN){ ATK_ADDRATE(wd.damage, wd.damage2, map_flag_gvg(src->m)?25:100); //+25% dmg on woe/+100% dmg on nonwoe #ifdef RENEWAL ATK_ADDRATE(wd.weaponAtk, wd.weaponAtk2, map_flag_gvg(src->m)?25:100); //+25% dmg on woe/+100% dmg on nonwoe #endif } If you're using pre-re Replace: with the percentage you want, if using RENEWAL save and recompile
  12. when you download the server / use git clone "trunk" folder will be "rathena" what ever the name is the battle.c will always be in the src/map/ location
  13. updating your git should fix the problem, they added a option where you can interchange old behavior with the new
  14. In conf/import/battle_conf.txt when: guild_skill_relog_delay: 300000 changing or passing guild leaders will cancel the cooldown, requesting changing or passing guild leadership with @changegm will retrigger or restart the cooldown
  15. assasin soul link gives different benefits, +100% SB damage on non woe and 25% dmage in woe if im not mistaken, please be more specific on what you want to do
  16. @erba also sent you a message containing the code
  17. modified @warp command to show the actual time remaining on when they can use the command after hitting / getting hit, but when using the @warp/@go command after hitting / getting hit, map server displays error, In: src/map/atcommand.c if( !pc_get_group_level(sd) && DIFF_TICK(gettick(),sd->warpgodelay_tick) < 10000 ) { sprintf(atcmd_output, msg_txt(sd,2000), sd->warpgodelay_tick); clif_displaymessage(fd,atcmd_output); return -1; } In: conf/msg_conf/map_msg.conf 2000: Cannot use @go for %s seconds. 2001: Cannot use @warp for %s seconds. Also included in: conf/msg_conf/import/map_msg_eng_conf.txt 2000: Cannot use @go for %s seconds. 2001: Cannot use @warp for %s seconds. Error in Map server: [Debug]: Message #2000 not found for langtype 0. [Debug]: Selected langtype 0 not loaded, trying fallback...
  18. @pharell i've sent you the correct code regarding that mod
  19. then you didn't need to comment the ifdef renewal stuff on SW, what did you want to happen with SW ?
  20. this is kinda late but.... In rathena/src/map/battle.c Find: if(sd && (skillv = pc_checkskill(sd,MO_TRIPLEATTACK)) > 0) { Replace the whole code section with: if(sd && (skillv = pc_checkskill(sd,MO_TRIPLEATTACK)) > 0 && !(t_bl->type == BL_MOB && ((TBL_MOB*)t_bl)->class_ == MOBID_EMPERIUM) ) { int triple_rate= 30 - skillv; //Base Rate if (sc && sc->data[SC_SKILLRATE_UP] && sc->data[SC_SKILLRATE_UP]->val1 == MO_TRIPLEATTACK) { triple_rate+= triple_rate*(sc->data[SC_SKILLRATE_UP]->val2)/100; status_change_end(src, SC_SKILLRATE_UP, INVALID_TIMER); } if (rnd()%100 < triple_rate) { if( skill_attack(BF_WEAPON,src,src,target,MO_TRIPLEATTACK,skillv,tick,0) ) return ATK_DEF; return ATK_MISS; } } this would supposedly cancel the chance for doing a "triple attack" when attacking emp, haven't tested this yet though ,
  21. please check rathena.org/wiki in source snippets section,
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