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Everything posted by chowking

  1. any compile errors or warnings?
  2. In trunk/src/battle.c Find: status_zap(src, sstatus->max_hp*9/100, 0);//Damage to self is always 9% Replace with: status_zap(src, sstatus->max_hp*3/100, 0);//Damage to self is always 3% Save and recompile
  3. regarding sa data dipende po sa gusto nyo, kung renewal or not, kung mag avail po kayo ng hosting, meron po silang setup service dun preferred client po is 2012 04 10 RagexeRE
  4. suggest to use account bound items to prevent new account birthday exploit
  5. Im no expert but this is how i'll do it , if were in the same situation, collect all your custom changes from db,conf/import, official NPC (if any) and all your custom scripts, in source, collect and save all your modification snippets, download rAthena head revision, and apply the needed change, also try to translate the code from eAthena to rAthena ( e.g. skilllv (ea) -> skill_lv (ra) ) yes this is tedious work but you'll finish it eventually, hope someone with better solution shares..
  6. unfortunately, those skills aren't included in rAthena head revision yet, maybe sometime in the future
  7. those are just the files for rebellion class, rAthena doesn't support rebellion class yet, so even if you make a custom job that uses those sprites, official skills wont be available, unless you have the skills to produce the official skills
  8. ASPD computation are mostly in trunk/src/map/pc.c, you need to add a check for certain classes
  9. if you're talking about the AS_SONICBLOW auto stop attack , it can only be disabled in source
  10. i dont get it ? i cant see any full strip be cancelled by fcp im sorry i gave the wrong rev, here http://trac.rathena.org/changeset/16567/rathena
  11. i'll test this in a offline server later on , if ever i get it to work i'll link you the client files with saiyan
  12. follow the diff in rev 17026 SVN, red lines means erase ,, green lines means add,, since you'll be reverting, interchange red to green
  13. compile your system/iteminfo.lua to lub and other lua with luac.5.1.4 not 5.0.2 2012 and higher needs 5.1.4 Also fix the data structure of lua files, data/luafiles514/lua files/datainfo.. again looking at the picture attached really think only problem is either the system/Iteminfo.lua or idnum2resnametable.txt, since item name shows properly,, only display is missing,
  14. you need to enable skill dmage adjustment in src/config/core.h Find: //#define ADJUST_SKILL_DAMAGE Replace: #define ADJUST_SKILL_DAMAGE After editing save and recompile
  15. Please refer to the Loc section in wiki
  16. What's the client date you're using? if its in idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt,, then you need to put what name it has to have or has to show in client, yours have so " saiyan" will appear on item name client side, just like in your attached screenshot
  17. set the itemdropperchance to 1, in mob_db.txt for your custom drop rate at mob_item_ratio.txt please dont take this as an offense but i always see you mispelling the file name, maybe you got the filename wrong and thats why the server isn't reading your trunk/db/mob_item_ratio.txt
  18. in idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt other than that i think all files were correct, oh and if you merge that through a patcher, specifically thor, you might want to check whether its gibberish or not, if your computer detects korean text as gibberish use unbollox.exe to convert it to something like "[][][][][]" or korean, then proceed with patching
  19. check your mob_db, and set those itemdropchance to 1, dont forget to reloadmobdb afterwards
  20. for the navigation translation here is nanakiwurtz' tutorial, you'll need a hex editor, preferably Hex Workshop since you can search hex codes there , these are the codes to be diffed regarding iteminfo.lub, you'll need to get the lua version, and edit what you need to change, then compile to lub, just follow the guide here on how to compile
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