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Everything posted by Froost

  1. this is because the effects of the bard for new emulators work in "rozero" mode and you need a 2020+ client to have the visual effects, but otherwise it is working, the solution I found at the time was to create a timer in the source for execute the effect (a gambiarra) but for me it decided, I just don't know if it is something very useful to share.
  2. Try the source in status.cpp search for EFST_KAITE and remove it just: set_sc( SL_KAITE , SC_KAITE , EFST_BLANK , SCB_NONE );
  3. try to export the water textures and put in the folder "data / texture" of browedit.
  4. View File New MVP Effect ;) an alternative effect for MVP.str Submitter Froost Submitted 01/01/2021 Category Effects Video Content Author Frost  
  5. Version 1.0.0


    an alternative effect for MVP.str
  6. Use 2020+ hexeds (something like 100K appears)
  7. to learn a little I see the behavior of a certain skill or some existing behavior and try to make a custom, so I learn where everything goes, but the basics are necessary in the source, example: ponteitos = sd, bl ...I hope I helped you, in rathena / doc there is something about the source, but very little.
  8. 2018-06-21aRE use the one that is stable and 100% functional what you want. (use last nemo) 2018-06-21aRagexeRE.zip
  9. how do i activate this? thanks!


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Froost


      any news to my banner or 3ps? I would like to know if I have any pending issues. I am one of the most active developers

    3. Akkarin


      Pestering me won't get you to the top of my to-do list. As for being one of the most active developers, I assume you mean of your own projects as you have no public or rAthena related Github activity.

    4. Akkarin


      You've also reminded me that there are supposed to be no groups with the ability to post status updates ?

  10. use paint in black ? dll custom https://rathena.org/board/topic/118729-client-mods-paint-it-black/
  11. https://frost.ragdev.com/how-to-install-athena-web-service-api-for-hexed-2020/ who has difficulty installing hexed 2020+ web-service I made a tutorial step by step how I made it work, can help you
  12. I know it's mine, all the files I wrote. who did you buy from?
  13. enable to ignore the opening of official websites in nemo diff. Remove gravity ads etc...
  14. who did you buy this from this is mine and you didn't ask me for support in private.
  15. well, I love using the server data base editor, regardless of the current version of rathena, but now rathena uses yml, and to continue using the server data base it needs to be in txt, if I had a good knowledge I would love to update it for yml, but until then i'm going to use as i'm using I import the item_db.txt to the data base server, edit what I want and transform the txt into yml with the converter, so far so good .. but after using the yml converter i wanted to be able to use the reverse also convert the yml to txt again to be able to use the most current files. hahah I hadn’t seen @Tokei updated the data base server, our God heard my prayers haha
  16. in int skill_unit_move_sub(struct block_list* bl, va_list ap) search for: //bool dissonance; //dissonance = skill_dance_switch(unit, 0); if( group->interval != -1 && !(skill_get_unit_flag(skill_id)&UF_DUALMODE) && skill_id != BD_LULLABY ) //Lullaby is the exception, bugreport:411 { //Non-dualmode unit skills with a timer don't trigger when walking, so just return if( dissonance ) { skill_dance_switch(unit, 1); skill_unit_onleft(skill_unit_onout(unit,target,tick),target,tick); //we placed a dissonance, let's update } return 0; } insert: if( group->interval != -1 && !skill_get_unit_flag(skill_id, UF_DUALMODE) && skill_id != BD_LULLABY ) //Lullaby is the exception, bugreport:411 { //Non-dualmode unit skills with a timer don't trigger when walking, so just return if( dissonance ) skill_dance_switch(unit, 1); return 0; } or: if( group->interval != -1 && !(skill_get_unit_flag(skill_id)&UF_DUALMODE) && skill_id != BD_LULLABY ) //Lullaby is the exception, bugreport:411 { //Non-dualmode unit skills with a timer don't trigger when walking, so just return // if( dissonance ) { // skill_dance_switch(unit, 1); // skill_unit_onleft(skill_unit_onout(unit,target,tick),target,tick); //we placed a dissonance, let's update // } return 0; }
  17. the steps to add item you can find in the community, both the client side and the server side, after doing the step by step, you give an @reloaditemdb to reload your database, so you don't need to recompile or turn off the emulator .
  18. use thor patcher to update your server, on the client side
  19. replace packetversion and compile emulator src/config/packets.hpp https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/src/config/packets.hpp replace: #ifndef PACKETVER /// Do NOT edit this line! To set your client version, please do this instead: /// In Windows: Add this line in your src\custom\defines_pre.hpp file: #define PACKETVER YYYYMMDD /// In Linux: The same as above or run the following command: ./configure --enable-packetver=YYYYMMDD #define PACKETVER 20200401 #endif #define PACKETVER 20180418
  20. the client only reads 1 encrypted grf password, it can have 1000 grfs but with the same password, there is no way to have 2 different passwords.
  21. Olá a todos! por muito tempo me dediquei ao ragnarok, aprimorando-o de alguma forma e depois de vários anos ganhei experiência de todos os lados, consigo entender o cliente perfeitamente, modificar feitiço entre tantas outras coisas muito legais, no final decidi criar o meu Brinco com todas as coisas que aprendi, e hoje está em desenvolvimento, mas hoje colocarei aqui a maior vitrine de todas as coisas que terminei ou converti para RO. aqui você vai encontrar sprites, monstros, efeitos e outros .. alguns eu fiz a pedido de algum cliente outros foram feitos só para o meu jogo. Efeitos: Tags: Monstros: Hp Bar custom ? Efeitos de LevelUp: Temas de danos: Itens / Auras: Asas 3d Outros: Vou postar mais coisas legais! obrigado
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