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Everything posted by hendra814

  1. i'm sorry, i'm forget to tell you about that error. please change 0.05 into 0,05
  2. Try this prt_in,43,109,4 script Prontera Banker 105,{ OnInit: set .maxLoan, 10000000; set .interestRate, 0.05; set .bankName, "Prontera Bank Inc."; set .bankLocation, "Prontera"; addtimer 7200000, strnpcinfo(0) + "::OnAdvertise"; end; OnPCLoginEvent: if (#LOANAMOUNT > 0) { dispbottom "Banker: You have an outstanding loan of " + #LOANAMOUNT + " zeny. Please remember to pay it back with interest."; addtimer 3600000, strnpcinfo(0) + "::OnRemind"; addtimer 86400000, strnpcinfo(0) + "::OnBroadcast"; } end; OnAdvertise: announce "Visit " + .bankName + " located in " + .bankLocation + " for all your banking needs!", bc_all; addtimer 7200000, strnpcinfo(0) + "::OnAdvertise"; end; OnRemind: if (#LOANAMOUNT > 0) { dispbottom "Banker: You have an outstanding loan of " + #LOANAMOUNT + " zeny. Please remember to pay it back with interest."; addtimer 3600000, strnpcinfo(0) + "::OnRemind"; } end; OnBroadcast: if (#LOANAMOUNT > 0) { announce "Player " + strcharinfo(0) + " has failed to repay their loan of " + #LOANAMOUNT + " zeny within 24 hours!", bc_all; addtimer 1800000, strnpcinfo(0) + "::OnBroadcast"; } end; OnTalk: mes "[Banker]"; mes "Hello! I am the banker from " + .bankName + ". How can I help you today?"; next; switch(select("Loan Zeny:Pay Loan:Cancel")) { case 1: if (#LOANAMOUNT > 0) { mes "[Banker]"; mes "You already have an outstanding loan of " + #LOANAMOUNT + " zeny."; close; } mes "[Banker]"; mes "How much zeny would you like to loan? The maximum amount is " + .maxLoan + " zeny."; input .loanAmount; if (.loanAmount > .maxLoan) { mes "[Banker]"; mes "I'm sorry, but the maximum loan amount is " + .maxLoan + " zeny."; close; } #LOANAMOUNT = .loanAmount; Zeny += .loanAmount; mes "[Banker]"; mes "You have successfully loaned " + .loanAmount + " zeny. Please remember to pay it back with interest."; addtimer 3600000, strnpcinfo(0) + "::OnRemind"; addtimer 86400000, strnpcinfo(0) + "::OnBroadcast"; close; case 2: if (#LOANAMOUNT == 0) { mes "[Banker]"; mes "You do not have any outstanding loans."; close; } .paybackAmount = #LOANAMOUNT * (1 + .interestRate); if (Zeny < .paybackAmount) { mes "[Banker]"; mes "You do not have enough zeny to pay back your loan. You need " + .paybackAmount + " zeny."; close; } Zeny -= .paybackAmount; #LOANAMOUNT = 0; mes "[Banker]"; mes "You have successfully paid back your loan with interest. Thank you for your business!"; close; case 3: mes "[Banker]"; mes "Goodbye!"; close; } }
  3. you can try post at ratemyserver.net or post at facebook
  4. Can you guide me how to do that? i try open custom aura files but not showing the files. Note: i want create custome hat effect like in this post https://rathena.org/board/topic/132752-guide-add-new-hateffect-aura-style/#comment-413006
  5. Don't know how to change it into player sprite
  6. I think you miss the sprite rune knight riding, try add this files into your GRF file if your client read grf file. data.rar
  7. Thanks it's working now - script atcmd_noitem -1,{ OnInit: bindatcmd("getitem",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnAtcommand"); setarray .item_restrict,7227,607; end; OnAtcommand: if (baselevel >= 99){ .@itemid = atoi(.@atcmd_parameters$[0]); if(!getgmlevel()){ if(inarray(.item_restrict,.@itemid) != -1){ message strcharinfo(0),"You cannot create this item."; end; } } if(getitemname(.@itemid) != "null"){ .@quantity = atoi( .@atcmd_parameters$[1] ); if ( .@quantity < 1 ) .@quantity = 1; getitem .@itemid,.@quantity; } } else mes "Only for character with level 99 and above"; end; } it's so powerful command, can by pass for create any item for non GM user. change into @getitem command, but using @item still can create any items
  8. please check using referal this post https://rathena.org/board/topic/132750-quest-list-npc-dialogue-in-2021-client/#comment-412710
  9. Sorry i didn't test the script, i will inform you later when i'm back home. Edit: already test the script, it's weird can't run as requested, don't know where the problem, maybe need someone to fix it. baselevel more than 99 and below 99 always show the same result.
  10. Hi, i want ask you a question, is it posible change custom aura (tga and bmp file) into str file
  11. try this - script atcmd_noitem -1,{ OnInit: bindatcmd("item",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnAtcommand"); setarray .item_restrict,7227,607; end; OnAtcommand: if (baselevel >= 99){ .@itemid = atoi(.@atcmd_parameters$[0]); if(!getgmlevel()){ if(inarray(.item_restrict,.@itemid) != -1){ message strcharinfo(0),"You cannot create this item."; end; } } if(getitemname(.@itemid) != "null"){ .@quantity = atoi( .@atcmd_parameters$[1] ); if ( .@quantity < 1 ) .@quantity = 1; getitem .@itemid,.@quantity; } } mes "Only for character with level 99 and above"; end; }
  12. check your char_athena.conf , make sure you already enable login Ip and char Ip
  13. import the files (check at the link i give) from your ragnarok folder into your sql server https://github.com/rathena/rathena/tree/master/sql-files/upgrades
  14. try import file at your flux folder\data\schemas\charmapdb\cp_commands.20160608065501.sql if you don't have it you can trry download from this link https://github.com/rathena/FluxCP
  15. try import for sql files at upgrade folder too, and for lua issue are you using Chris translation files?
  16. same issue, waiting for the answer to fix this error
  17. are you already import sql files at sql folder?
  18. Can someone create custom dragon recolor for dragon knight? already create topic here link
  19. Yes, lastest clean server with this script, hunting mission, reset npc, universal rent ,and warper at npc custom folder.
  20. Thsnks Emistry, i will try it Edit: Working as i want, thanks again @Emistry
  21. check item_db.yml ########################################################################### # # Item Settings # ########################################################################### # - Id Item ID. # AegisName Server name to reference the item in scripts and lookups, should use no spaces. # Name Name in English for displaying as output. # Type Item type. (Default: Etc) # SubType Weapon, Ammo or Card type. (Default: 0) # Buy Buying price. When not specified, becomes double the sell price. (Default: 0) # Sell Selling price. When not specified, becomes half the buy price. (Default: 0) # Weight Item weight. Each 10 is 1 weight. (Default: 0) # Attack Weapon's attack. (Default: 0) # MagicAttack Weapon's magic attack. (Default: 0) # Defense Armor's defense. (Default: 0) # Range Weapon's attack range. (Default: 0) # Slots Available slots in item. (Default: 0) # Jobs Jobs that can equip the item. (Map default is 'All: true') # Classes Upper class types that can equip the item. (Map default is 'All: true') # Gender Gender that can equip the item. (Default: Both) # Locations Equipment's placement. (Default: None) # WeaponLevel Weapon level. (Default: 1 for Weapons) # ArmorLevel Armor level. (Default: 1 for Armors) # EquipLevelMin Minimum required level to equip. (Default: 0) # EquipLevelMax Maximum level that can equip. (Default: 0) # Refineable If the item can be refined. (Default: false) # Gradable If the item can be graded. (Default: false) # View View sprite of an item. (Default: 0) # AliasName Another item's AegisName that will be sent to the client instead of this item's AegisName. (Default: null) # Flags: Item flags. (Default: null) # BuyingStore If the item is available for Buyingstores. (Default: false) # DeadBranch If the item is a Dead Branch. (Default: false) # Container If the item is part of a container. (Default: false) # UniqueId If the item is a unique stack. (Default: false) # BindOnEquip If the item is bound to the character upon equipping. (Default: false) # DropAnnounce If the item has a special announcement to self on drop. (Default: false) # NoConsume If the item is consumed on use. (Default: false) # DropEffect If the item has a special effect on the ground when dropped by a monster. (Default: None) # Delay: Item use delay. (Default: null) # Duration Duration of delay in seconds. # Status Status Change used to track delay. (Default: None) # Stack: Item stack amount. (Default: null) # Amount Maximum amount that can be stacked. # Inventory If the stack is applied to player's inventory. (Default: true) # Cart If the stack is applied to the player's cart. (Default: false) # Storage If the stack is applied to the player's storage. (Default: false) # GuildStorage If the stack is applied to the player's guild storage. (Default: false) # NoUse: Conditions when the item is unusable. (Default: null) # Override Group level to override these conditions. (Default: 100) # Sitting If the item can not be used while sitting. (Default: false) # Trade: Trade restrictions. (Default: null) # Override Group level to override these conditions. (Default: 100) # NoDrop If the item can not be dropped. (Default: false) # NoTrade If the item can not be traded. (Default: false) # TradePartner If the item can not be traded to the player's partner. (Default: false) # NoSell If the item can not be sold. (Default: false) # NoCart If the item can not be put in a cart. (Default: false) # NoStorage If the item can not be put in a storage. (Default: false) # NoGuildStorage If the item can not be put in a guild storage. (Default: false) # NoMail If the item can not be put in a mail. (Default: false) # NoAuction If the item can not be put in an auction. (Default: false) # Script Script to execute when the item is used/equipped. (Default: null) # EquipScript Script to execute when the item is equipped. (Default: null) # UnEquipScript Script to execute when the item is unequipped or when a rental item expires. (Default: null) ###########################################################################
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