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Everything posted by goddameit

  1. use OnInit + movenpc + rand
  2. add_timer(gettick()+500,autoatpots_timer.... 500 = 0.5s maybe
  3. I saw you post a lot of requests, have you tried to learn writing script? or just wait someone do it for you? - anyway, back to request, where is those [***] come from? is this from player did it when he create char or other system given it?
  4. use bindatcmd to redefine it sample : http://rathena.org/board/topic/78195-modification-in-warpgo-command/#entry176838
  5. File Name: @autopots File Submitter: goddameit File Submitted: 18 Feb 2013 File Category: Source Modifications Content Author: Goddameit Preview : http://bit.ly/XzIQJj When HP/SP lower than you set, it will auto use that item. Command : PS : Test and create on rA 17132 Click here to download this file
  6. a lot of way, see what kind of it you like
  7. Version v.3


    Preview : http://bit.ly/XzIQJj When HP/SP lower than you set, it will auto use that item. Command : PS : Test and create on rA 17132
  8. I guess you just need to add a bool define in 3 main skill function ( skill_castend_damage_id, skill_castend_nodamage_id, and skill_castend_pos2 ) and if bool = true then '' return 0; '' before run anything.
  9. (Okay... I have no idea where should I post this.) (after fu*ing 10+ hours, finally...) Special Thanks http://www.wipeoutgaming.info/ supply researching hosting to me Preview What is PayPal IPN (Instant Payment Notification) ? >> https://www.paypal.com/ipn What is PayPal IPN Converter ? This is a function will transform PayPal IPN message to what Ro server understanding so you can get paid news from PayPal and use it to do what you want (sample:send reward to donors automatically). Below is my consequent, include how to set IPN and simple converter . * 1. go to your hosting and look for this folder which is your phpmyadmin local file, I create a new folder named '' ipn '' 2. put this sample php ipn.php file into folder 3. if you put right place, you should be able to visit it and see this 4. open this php file and edit your account and password which you use for login phpmyadmin 5. login your phpmyadmin and create new database named 'ipn' 6. import this new table paypal_table.sql to this database 7. check is all okay by using sandbox >> https://developer.paypal.com/cgi-bin/devscr?cmd=_ipn-link-session send IPN 8. if IPN is okay, you should receive new date like this 9. after you sure all work well, go to and open ipn.php again change $ch = curl_init('https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr');to$ch = curl_init('https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr');10. login your paypal and ''My Account'' >> ''History'' >> ''IPN History'' click ''turn on IPN'' and type 11. now when someone do something to you, PayPal should send IPN to you and your server will make it into database. and other thing, is npc sciprt problem. - refer : https://www.paypaltech.com/SG2/ refer : http://j.mp/X2DG6R refer : https://www.paypal.com/ipn
  10. This is a researching release, maybe it will lead to something bad or you may have no idea how to use this. * Preview : [media=] [/media]* This script need new source code to support record_sell_item_to_npc.patch and new table king_item.sql * This script will record date into database when someone sell something to npc, system will record full item information to let you use (item id, refine, card....). * Script (Include '' Set king date '' and '' See date '' ) : King of Land.txt King database : king_date.sql *
  11. http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=SyJSmHZ9
  12. I don't know is that need to set, so I didn't set it.
  13. update : http://rathena.org/board/topic/78209-miner/#entry177215
  14. goddameit


  15. Preview: [media=] [/media]This is my old script and I just do a little update. Equip pickaxe and helmet, hit the stone and see did any mineral drop. * Download : Your pickaxe (item_db.txt) : http://pastebin.com/y40BYB82 Script : Minner.txt
  16. // ~~~~~ show time left in days, hours, minutes and seconds ~~~~~ function script timeleft__ { if ( ( .@left = getarg(0) ) <= 0 ) return getarg(0); .@day = .@left / 86400; .@hour = .@left % 86400 / 3600; .@min = .@left % 3600 / 60; .@sec = .@left % 60; if ( .@day ) return .@day +" day "+ .@hour +" hour"; else if ( .@hour ) return .@hour +" hour "+ .@min +" min"; else if ( .@min ) return .@min +" min "+ .@sec +" sec"; else return .@sec +" sec"; } prontera,156,179,5 script Player Promoter 947,{ mes "[Player Promoter]"; if ( getgmlevel() == 99 ) { mes "Hi Admin, do you want to distribute ^00CC00Player Promoter Cards^000000 with your name on it ?"; next; for ( .@i = 1; .@i <= .total_group; .@i++ ) .@menu$ = .@menu$ +"Distribute "+ getitemname( .group_idreq[.@i] ) +":"; .@s = select( .@menu$ ); getitem2 .group_idreq[.@s], 1,1,0,0, 254, 0, getcharid(0) % ( 1 << 16 ), getcharid(0) >> 16; close; } else if ( getgmlevel() > 1 ) { mes "Only Admin can use me"; close; } for ( .@i = 1; .@i <= .total_group; .@i++ ) .@menu$ = .@menu$ +( ( getgroupid() < .@i && countitem( .group_idreq[.@i] ) )? "upgrade to "+ .group_name$[.@i] : "" )+":"; if ( getstrlen( #pp_accupgrade$ ) ) { sscanf #pp_accupgrade$, "%d %d", .@id, .@time; mes "Your account is currently a ^00CC00"+ .group_name$[.@id] +"^000000. You still have ^0000FF"+ callfunc( "timeleft__", .@time - gettimetick(2) )+"^000000."; if ( getstrlen( .@menu$ ) == .total_group ) close; } else if ( getstrlen( .@menu$ ) == .total_group ) { mes "Make a donation and you can upgrade your account to become Super Players ^^"; close; } mes "Do you want to upgrade your account ?"; next; .@s = select( .@menu$ ); delitem .group_idreq[.@s], 1; #pp_accupgrade$ = .@s +" "+( gettimetick(2) + 2592000 ); // 1 month atcommand "@adjgroup "+ .@s; mes "[Player Promoter]"; mes "Your account has successfully upgraded to "+ .group_name$[1]; sc_start SC_EXPBOOST,1,0; close; OnPCLoginEvent: if ( getgmlevel() > 1 ) #pp_accupgrade$ = ""; if ( !getstrlen( #pp_accupgrade$ ) ) end; sscanf #pp_accupgrade$, "%d %d", .@id, .@time; .@left = .@time - gettimetick(2); if ( .@left > 0 ) { atcommand "@adjgroup "+ .@id; if ( .@left >= 2147483 ) end; addtimer .@left *1000, "player_demoter::Ondemote"; sc_start SC_EXPBOOST,1,0; end; } Ondemote: atcommand "@adjgroup 0"; message strcharinfo(0), "Your account has demoted to normal player"; #pp_accupgrade$ = ""; sc_start SC_DROPBOOST,1,0; end; OnInit: // setarray .group_<definition>, <group ID 1>, <group ID 2>, <group ID 3>; ... must follow the sequence in 1,2,3,4,5 ... setarray .group_idreq[1], 31061, 31062, 31063; setarray .group_name$[1], "Super Player", "Hyper Player", "Ultra Player"; .total_group = 3; end; }
  17. - script go_warp_atcommand -1,{ OnInit: bindatcmd "go",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnDo"; bindatcmd "warp",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnDo"; end; OnDo: if( strcharinfo(3) == "prontera" && Baselevel < 200 && !Donate ) { message strcharinfo(0),"Donate some money then you can use this command in here."; end; } atcommand "@go "+.@atcmd_parameters$[0]; end; }
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