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Everything posted by pr3p

  1. Make sure you imported all sql in the db,
  2. Make sure you added on white list for incoming and outgoing to your vps server, allow the web hosting to connect on your vps, check firewall rules.
  3. broken link of images kindly fixed thanks
  4. On diffting client make sure you uncheck read data folder first, if your using nemo patcher
  5. Are you using a custom coded flux theme? make sure all modules on the theme are compatible with the flux control panel
  6. you can check the up to date client translation by Dast and Mich What this Project contain? - itemInfo.lua with iro/kro translation. - Some lua that contain last translation found on the board or made by us. - Last accessoryid.lub / accname.lub / jobname.lub / NPCIdentity.lub decompiled. - Texture Buttons translate. - msgstringtable.txt fully translate. - Txt files translate (questid2display.txt, mapnametable.txt ect...) - And also all texture/sprite from iRo/bRo/mRo/fRo/pRo/jRo/twRo compatible with accessoryid.lub / accname.lub and the itemInfo.lua. https://github.com/ROClientSide/Translation
  7. Contact us on http://www.ro-services.com/
  8. rAmod is a paid emulator so its better to contact eAmod dev or visit the official site of eAmod
  9. Hi try InternalGuard contact me for more info ^^
  10. If you have CMS flux addons installed already you can add news and pages and etc, just login as admin and click on your account you can view now the -Pages -News Click pages and you can now manage all ( add delete rename and etc) For example if you want to add download page, click add. Note: for the (page path) this area is for the url of the download page. http://www.yourro.com/?module=pages&action=content&path=downloads
  11. That would be aweome #Akkarin goodluck to all paid services
  12. It#s based on Xantara's FluxCP, but hers hasn't been update for months - rA has had lots of new features since then so her version doesn't have the capabilities for those features. thanks for the info Sir we will be using now your FluxCP for our integration, thanks and more power
  13. Awesome map +10 thanks really awesome map good job
  14. Awesome Akkarin does your fluxcp still merger and get update from xantara's cp? we will used your fluxcp for flux integration for rA ahihihih
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